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I have an illustration and minicomic planned for after Nana has invited you to watch a movie :3c


after that I do have a few ideas and it involves a new character introduction!

If you have read FOUR QUARTERS then you will already know who she is, but Nana actually has a new roommate you see. Her name is Emi and she's a model (her job is not yet revealed in the comic!). It's not a spoiler but you get a heads up haha

For this poll, you'll pick what Nana's motivation for starting to work out again is LOL


  • Emi grabs Nana's belly → Nana's shookt
  • Emi flaunts her defined abs → Well, now Nana feels bad alright
  • Emi eating a salad while Nana's eating the wombo combo at BIG BORGAR → Guilt creeps in

For reference to how Emi looks, this is she:

Excited to see which choice wins!



Belly grab plz!!!!!!!


Abs.......😩 U keep going after the things im into


I would say "get out of my head" as a joke but no it's ok u can stay here rent-free if this is what happens


I feel like the “Nana” in this reality would grab Emi in the tummy but her real personality would just see Emi’s abs and feel like she’s not doing anything, or she needs to be looking like Emi. Her self esteem would be affected more. But maybe that’s something you haven’t addressed yet? Her wardrobe isn’t shy and she seems like she’s confident about yourself in this world, maybe she’d just go for a belly grab and I’m totally off...


I'm glad you put in all that thought! Nana is both confident yet she does have areas where she is more self conscious of. I think most girls who end up gaining some chub would be after all haha And this is a part of a series of illustrations that she did gain a bit! But I have plans to lead it into another direction :3c