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The poll is out!!!

For all new patrons, welcome! For this poll, the one with the most votes by the 8th will win. Since there are waifus in every game/series//literally anything, my polls are also just generic since sometimes I'd draw more than just one character from the winning series. If there's a specific character you'd like from the ones listed in the poll, feel free to comment it below and if the voted series win I'll be picking from the comments ^^

PS: I've really wanted to draw both Marine and Botan from Homo- l mean Hololive so please vote for them LOL jknotrlybutI'llprobendupdrawnigthemeventuallyanyways



Herrscher of thunder Mei from Honkai would be really nice! I would love to see how you would draw her! I doubt honkai can win this poll but I hope you consider drawing some of the girls from there in the future.


Trying to influence votes I see, that's bad 😢😢😢


la lion 😳


As much as I wanna see Byleth or Rhea in your style, Marine is simply too powerful and compels me to vote for Hololive and suggest her. *sweats*