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Soooo the completed ones will be part of the months package!


Text heavy. Getting things off my chest.

During the hiatus, like I mentioned, I tried practicing a new grip. aka. way to hold the pen. (apparently this had to do a lot with my injury).

My friends screamed at me saying I should've rested my hands more and I prob did way more than I was supposed to BUT I did take breaks and didn't strain it. I felt like doing a bit of work here and there actually helped tbh because I was able to figure out what I did that led me to getting the injury in the first place and finding ways to avoid it. Plus the amount I was doing was nothing compared to what I did before.

I've been getting acupuncture, reflexology and massages to help with my arm and shoulders and my treatment is soon to be done. Until then I'll continue to do more "here and there's" and hopefully by the end of it, I can go back to biweekly updates for the comic. Worst case being once a month updates.

During the time off though, I noticed more and more that I do enjoy doing illustrations. a lot. so I'd like to be able to balance out that along with FOUR QUARTERS. Sometimes I feel like I'd get heat from readers thinking that I'm not prioritizing my comic but again and again I've seen that I'm so blessed with understanding people. Art is my hobby, I'm getting nothing but self satisfaction from completing it. It's not a job and I'm simply doing it for myself. Then after continuing with 4Q did I notice that I was able to help others that were struggling as well, and that motivated me to continue it not just for myself but for those ones too. However, doing fanart and original art is also a way for me to channel my thoughts and tbh solely working on a comic is quite straining, esp with one that has dark roots such as 4Q. So doing other work is able to help relieve that and I hope people can understand that, and I know most, if not all of you, already do.

I'm thankful just for the fact that people like my work, but going as far as to support me, I'm still surprised quite frankly. Like.. what do you even get from it LOL ok rude, me, wow. But those are my honest thoughts and I'm shooketh that you guys are here xD I wish I can do more for you guys, I'll do my best to keep up the work I've been doing ^^

Your average popoto,





I love your work and am happy that 4Q introduced me to you. Even if you were to ditch 4Q and just work solely on standalone art, I'd still love to support you (: And I'm sure most (if not all) your supporters feel the same way.


This. Seriously. I'm just.. ALKHFAKHF CAN I SEND U HUGS THROUGH THE INTERNET? I'm touched, truly ; v ;


Saaaame although I’d miss your long-fuse storytelling! Storytelling thru dialogue is crazy hard man. I love it. Many comics focus on the art as the primary method, but yours is super balanced. Not that I have a problem with visuals dominating a story! 😍 Your way is appreciated a lot tho bc with your way, you can slam a few strong visuals at us to great contrasting effect, and payoffs after buildups are super good. Ok bye done fawning now ❤️ Overuse injuries suck. Take your time getting better!


I'm so glad you feel that way T^T It's hard to make the visuals the focus esp when you are tight on time too, the ones that manage to have both the plot and art just amaze me. Thanks for the comment and I'll heal up and bring out more and better content <3