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Like I mentioned, here's a preview for 4Q and my upcoming title BREAK POINT!

A quick summary for BP:

In an isolated town, a mental health institute turned insane asylum was transformed into a playground. Human experiments? Or simply a cruel game to test the limits of humans and their sanity? Victims are tossed into a building, rooms within rooms with no escape and along with that there's a twist. A mental virus runs rampant. 

What happens when one reaches the break point?

^ totally didn't make that up just now

ANYWHO, I'm very excited to work on this as it's a story I've been planning for a bit. I didn't expect to work on it so soon but I hope it receives just as much love as 4Q > v<

Edit: in the 4Q preview the two girls in the top panel are patrons! I hope you know who you are :3cc




Lmao where u get photos of patrons. Also amg is this a horror 👀


Even more of a stalker than me I see u Stinah. Oooo excite. Amg u all doing thriller 🙈


ehhh who else is doing thriller O vO thought most were fantasy or romance lool


Idek lmao. I guess just Neon maybe but I’m sure other people are too - just being silent. But thriller’s gonna be fun I’m sure o:


ah yeahh neob was going to for a while because he abandoned his other one LOL yesss much excite for everyones &gt;:3c


LOL I mean he hasn’t touched his other one in over a year - busy guy - but watch someone randomly decide to do thriller. It’ll be interesting development 😂 I get to read lots of new comics *^* //taches everyone