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First off, hello to new patrons asfknalkdgnk Most of you are here to support me without even wanting rewards but I still want to have things for the reward tiers because I'm thankful to you all ; v;  

I am constantly trying to add more things to my page and merch etc so things can move around a bit but I'm always wanting to be able to give more away because you guys are seriously what drives me forward in wanting to do more and better!

Just to clear things up I'll be adding more tiers to those who just want specific things like postcards/posters along with their pledge. However, I also have a online site(it's noob, I can't html for the life of me LOL so it's basic) http://kurisustinah.com/Store/ in case you can't move tiers ^^

As for the comic, I'll be updating soon! Just keep in mind I'll need to wait 2 days before posting so those in the Moonlight Tier and above can get their early access~

Thank you for your support!!!




You're doing great with the postcard ! I love it ! Keep drawings 🐣


Hohohooho I want all dem merchsss~ How dare these come after you met me.