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Congrats to Natalie! I have messaged you to confirm the deets > v<

Thank you all for your continuous support, and I would like to try and give more chances like this in the future. 


Again I apologize for the lack of updates orz Things have been crazy busy more so than usual. I am working on the next update however I want to let you guys know first that I'll be taking a month and a bit off for the comic and probably art as I'll be going on vacation! I'll find a way to pause the patreon so no one gets charged while I'm on my break. I'll be giving some sneak peaks soon! 

I do want to do a QnA before I leave after this next update though so if any one of you have questions/art requests (I know some have given me some in a previous post, I'll get to them for this!) feel free to let me know ahead of time here so it doesn't get flooded in the update lololol I wanna give you guys priority. 

Yep, that's all :3c



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