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I barely interact with any of you on here and tbh most just lurk I find LOL it's cool either way, I'm just hoping you all are happy with what I do! 

I don't often make posts outside of little updates and spamming my art on here but I do want to let you know that as my patrons I want to give you guys a little more. So if you have any suggestions for future art ideas for illustrations/prints or *cough* outfit ideas in the comic, feel free to let me know ^^

A lot of times I have wips (works in progress) that stay as wips for a looooong time before I get around to completing them and I'm sozzy if any of you were looking forward to specific ones _(:3/ (Ciso I know you liked 2b miku, I swear I'll finish her soon lmao) but yeah, Just throwing it out there that I'm always open to suggestions from you guys! You can always comment things or shoot me a message any time :3 

-- Yo gurl, Stinah



I'd love to see Nana in any of the SCANDAL (J-Rock band) outfits! And I have a weakness for Nana with a ponytail.~ Gosh, there are so many opportunities coming from this post! 💖 What about regional/national outfits? Cosplays?~ Also, if you have prints/posters for sale I want in!!! Hit us with a link! As always, love you and your art! 😘


Prints! Yes 😍 and I want one of Nana x Jun. They rock together!! I'd love to see them as kids. Oh what about a Q&A? Btw i love seeing the wip and your updates. Makes my day. I also like seeing the different art you do. I'm not very good at lurking though haha. I like to comment on everything!!!!


omg scandal!! I haven't listened to them in soooo long! I'm noting all these downs so I hope I can get to some of them soon! And as always thank you T^T <3


Nana and jun, GASPU you pushing kazu to the side ahahahahaha And yeah I thought about doing a qna but wondered if I should or not. I just might! and klahfklahf thank you Lsyliu, I am sorry I dont post on here more often ; v ; I'll try to!


They have a new single coming out October! ;) And anytime—I'll look forward to seeing what you do!!
