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Helloooo this is an update to let you know that I'm a little behind on releasing the reward files for the month of July! I've been busy and would like to have a comic update ready for the 18th so until I am finished that I won't be able to get the files all ready OTL But there's a reason why I want the update for the 18th so there's a little heads up :3 Giveaway: I have one open for patrons only to win a t-shirt and poster! I've decided that it will run until the end of August. If you haven't joined yet click here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/patrons-only-12040308 All you gotta do is comment! Thanks for your understanding and thank you to all of you for wanting to support (ಥ д ಥ) ❤



Take your time, it always bring the best of people's work