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(For those that have seen these images before in an earlier post, they have not been altered or changed.)

I'm so glad this is finally seeing the light of day! This one's been ready for quite some time, a moment where I clearly got carried away by doing three poses that's not even remotely related to the original story idea...

The idea being them at a LAN party, something one of Nathan's friends used to do a lot with that group. When he started dating Susan, she inevitably took part in those activities from time to time. This is also the same friends that they played Pathfinder with (DnD would've probably been more recognizable but I was playing that myself at the time). However I decided to cut pretty much all of it out, it was a fun outline but as mentioned in the retrospective, it was just too much story to write.

It basically boiled down to them trying to relax hanging out with friends, but it proving to be very difficult. Especially with Susan's belly being a constant reminder. There was some more fluff with one of the girlfriends of the guys, connecting with Susan a bit as she tries to enjoy the hobby of her boyfriend and Susan giving some helpful advice.

Auc Vault / Drive Folder


January 12, 2018 - (1 week after #101, 29 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

"Quick, lock the door behind you." Susan whispered with urgency.

Nathan did so as she asked, turning away to firmly close the door and locking it. The commotion downstairs faded, but it was still very clear that their friends were having a good time. By the time he turned around, Susan was already in the midst of undressing. Pulling her tight top over her breasts, showing how much they were bulging out of her bra. The wet spots on the middle of the cups confirmed it.

"Already?" He narrowed his eyebrows. "Didn't you milk this morning? Why are you already full?"

"I did! And I don't know!!!" Susan pulled the top over her head and tossed it aside. She looked down upon the bulging flesh that were her breasts. "Things had been pretty consistent, up until last week. I just KNEW something was off, but I just scoffed it off as me being lazy the night before or something but..."

Susan turned her back to him. Without as much as a word he knew, they had done this countless times. He unclasped the bra while she held the cups. Gradually she lowered her breasts to their resting position on top of her belly. Seeing the dark spots on them, she sighed as she placed the bra in the sink.

The gears in Nathan’s head turned. "But… clearly they're engorged again. After what, five hours?"

"Argh... does it matter? Where should we do it?" Susan looked around, her breasts wobbling and dripping with milk as she did so. The droplets dripped down the immense lobes her chest was becoming, and left little white splotches on the tiles of the bathroom floor.

"So that means... wait- your production went up to 5 liters? Wasn't it like half that before?"

"Nathan! Just fucking milk me already." ‘Susan demanded, as kindly as she could, her breasts were tender, sore, and warm. The whole affair was becoming quite the discomfort.

"Oh, sorry." He eyed the shower covers. "What about against the wall over there? It'll get sprayed on the cover- and if you take a shower after. None will be the wiser."

"That could work... You'd have to bring me my other set of clothing then… This bra got too wet to be worn." She looks at the darker hue of the brassiere’s fabric that had wettened from her abrupt lactation.

They assumed position on the wall, Nathan against it while Susan leaned against him. As he had done dozens of times, he gradually brought his hand from the torso up to Susan's areolas. Tracing the wide birth of her breasts. He dug his fingers into each nipple, expecting to pull them out with ease. But the firm areolas squeezed each nipple tight.

"Ow! Be careful..." Susan protested.

He continued as he were, knowing she was saying that more so in jest. Nestling his fingers between, he got a firm enough grip on her nipples and started to pull them out. His now-wet fingers made the task more difficult than it should've been.

Finally he pried them free. From experience once they were out, they wouldn't pop back in for as long as her breasts were still engorged.

"Ready?" He readied himself, each finger primed to squeeze with all of their might. Susan nodded, and he squeezed as hard as he could while bringing his arms closer to him. As much as the firm mass between him allowed it. Giant sprays erupted from her nipples. Neither of them had sight on the nipples, but her breast milk was clearly visible on the covers. Droplets scattered everywhere, like a soft rainfall.

Another squeeze, some droplets turned into streams as it trickled down the bedcovers. Susan was holding back her voice, there were still people downstairs who probably would hear them. It became increasingly hard to do so as Nathan kept feeling up and squeezing her breasts.

"Swap?" She said under muttered breath.

Susan slipped her arms around Nathan's, taking over as he lowered his. Despite the weight being somewhat offset by her belly, the sheer mass of them still caused her to recoil. Her grunt was quickly followed by a soft moan.

"These things… uff… are way too heavy." She continued to massage, alternating the squeeze between them. The sprays of milk were almost rhythmic as Susan shifted her focus from enjoying it to trying to simply drain them as quickly as possible.

"They're the best though." He whispered in her ears. "Especially with those darkened areolas…"

"N-Nathan..." Susan protested again, the last thing she needed was for him to whisper erotically into her ear. "Let's focus on getting these empty... okay?"

Two arms suddenly engulfed her breasts, hands covering hers as they lifted up her unwieldy breasts higher and higher. "A-ah! N-Na-" She was unable to finish her sentence as pleasure shot through her body. Nathan pushed together her breasts while pulling her nipples as far as his fingers could. A flood wave of milk hit the other side of the room. Some on the shower cover, but also on the towel beside them.

"You mean these monsters full of milk? Just look at how much you're producing already." Nathan said playfully. One squeeze followed by her moaning proved that point. "You've still got at least two more months to go. These are going to produce so much more milk..."

Her inhibitions fully slipped away as she admitted to herself that those words were extremely enticing to her at that moment. Who cares if they heard it downstairs?

Susan let out a loud moan, looking to her side. "Milk me harder, Nathan..." She said under muffled pants.

As if he got a sudden burst of energy, he tugged one breast after the other. Nipple firmly secured between his fingers as the mass between them wobbled and quivered. Gradually losing their engorged firmness. Susan's breathing grew louder, matching the countless drops of milk hitting the cover. She realized he might've been motivated by payback for the stunt she pulled during the dinner party.

Susan chuckled under her breath. She was so small back then, her stomach could've easily been mistaken as a foodbaby. But now there was no mistaking it, she was extremely pregnant, her breasts even bigger. Her body had never felt this right, like she was truly meant for this. Meant to carry so many babies at once, to produce so much more milk. More than she could handle. But that was exactly why she found it so extremely hot.

Her eyes grew wide as her muscles tensed up before a tsunami of pleasure washed over her. She lost control and moaned way louder than she did before. Nathan's hand covered it but not before it echoed throughout the room. Her hands squeezed out the last bit of milk, before gradually coming back to her senses. Susan’s legs grew weak, but Nathan was behind her to help her sit down gradually. Both of them panting.

When she came back to her senses, Susan noticed how much she was sweating. Her legs felt wet, no doubt because of her milk. She felt his finger caress her cheek.

"How... w-what happened?"

"Turns out... you really liked getting milked." He laughed, his voice trailing off. "But… we’ll have to come up with an excuse to explain what the moaning was all about."

Susan laughed, she simply still felt too good to worry about being embarrassed. "Whoops..."



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