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A bit of a lore dump, one I hope doesn't overwhelm but also answers a fair bit of questions! After all these years I've basically settled on the growth, how it functions, etc. It's just a matter of bringing that all together. My goal is to eventually have clear and easy accessible information (but for now there is a short blog/journal post, a dA link for the time being) detailing a lot more of it.

Auc Vault / Drive link


December 15, 2017 - (13 days after #97, 25 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

Susan carefully lowered herself onto the seat, a weekly activity that became more and more difficult as time passed. Normally she’d be excited for the class, especially after how much she enjoyed last week’s aqua class. She had carried her optimism and good humor through most of the week, cracking jokes with Lauren and the new owner, but today just was not her day. She’d woken up to cold, soaked sheets, her breasts getting in the way as she’d tried to shuffle herself out of bed.

Susan kept an eye out for Blair, the friend she made in the first class, but it was eventually clear she wasn’t going to show up this session, tanking Susan’s mood even more. She didn’t have to wait long before everyone was seated, and the teacher - one she didn’t recognize - walked in with a suitcase and started the class.

“Morning ladies.” the instructor said. “First off, I’d like to thank all of you for making the effort to coming earlier than normal for this special session. I really wanted to come and meet with you all before my flight, while I was still in town.” She turned to the board writing down a word. “Today we’ll be having a special discussion about an emerging set of related conditions most commonly referred to collectively as Auctus Factors.”

“Since the first academic journal covering the topic was published 6 years ago, we’ve had an explosive yet fairly localized phenomenon, though we suspect the first cases are much further back than that first paper.” She took a breath. “But you may be wondering, what exactly is this auctus thing anyway?” A couple of the women in the room chuckled.

“Auctus Factors are a set of fertility based genetic features that manifest themselves among the population. Typically through inherent Auctus (which occurs during puberty), Auctus proper (a second puberty of sorts) and gestational Auctus (which occurs as a result of pregnancy); The primary topic of todays discussion.” She looked around the room. “I can see that several of you have the markers for Auctus Factors. I’m especially glad that you all have been able to attend this session as this will hopefully clear up some concerns and misunderstandings about the condition. While this condition is relatively new compared to the whole of human history, we expect the percentage of Auctus-affected people will grow over time.”

“First off I would like to discuss the actual effects of Auctus on the body. While the factors are not well studied in males, we do have quite a few documented cases among women, typically under the case of gestational Auctus’, though with one or two notable cases in puberty. In the overwhelming majority of cases, Auctus Factors manifest growth in secondary sexual characteristics. Most commonly in Macromastia (extensive breast growth) , the second most common factor of growth is Steatopygia (extra fat in the thighs and buttocks), and the third most common factor is the matter for which some of you are especially keen to know about here today and that is an increase in fertility.”

She nodded to Susan, causing her to blush hard and look away. Practically able to feel the stares from the others on her.

“These three are by no means all the factors, they are the most common though, each case is different in it’s own way. For example, fertility is largely lumped together as it is a common occurrence but the manifestation varies wildly. We have seen severely prolonged pregnancies, severely accelerated pregnancies, a propensity towards multiples, and a higher chance of increasing multiples with every subsequent pregnancy. Despite the variety and intensity of these cases though, a common through-line separates Auctus Factors with more mundane medical conditions and diseases is that the body shows an inherent adaptation towards the growths such as increased strength and flexibility, and with a few rare exceptions does not usually cause major complications or health issues.”

One of the women raised her hand “What about those rare cases?”

“Yes, well, it seems that cases where complications do arise are decreasing as the collective Auctus Factors increase in strength. The younger you are, the more likely it is you’ve had it since a younger age, and the more likely your body will adapt favorably. The cases where complications arise are among those where the women affected were well into their adulthood when the factor first manifested, or where the factor itself was far more intense than the average case.” She took a breath, and a sip of water.

Susan thought back to what Michelle had looked like before her reduction. There was no doubt in her mind that her cousin had one of those abnormally intense cases, and she couldn’t help but feel like this whole thing had something to do with genetics, to one extent or another, even if she didn’t understand it. She didn’t bother to ask the Instructor though, partly being in a bad mood and partly to avoid drawing any more attention than she already was.

“Now would anyone like to discuss their experiences so far?” She asked.

A good half the women in the class turned to Susan, clearly expecting her to talk. The Instructor hesitating at the sight. Susan looked away from the class, clutching her fists slightly and blushing hard.

There was a shuffle to Susan’s right as someone stood up. “I’d like to talk for a moment. My name is Lorena.”

Susan looked over to see a Latina woman who had been around since her first class, but Susan’s eyes went wide when she realized what the last month had done to her. She was wearing the same top as that first time, but it now fit her very differently. Her belly had grown in the past few weeks as one would expect, but her breasts had tripled or even quadrupled in size. The fabric of her sweater stretched taught over her braless breasts, as evidenced by her hard nipples poking through the fabric.

“When they first told me that I had the markers for an Auctus Factor I’ll admit I didn’t really believe it. But this past month has come as massive shock to me. If they had asked me a month ago what my factor would be, I would have sworn I’d get hip or butt growth since that’s where I’ve always been larger.” She indicated to her lower half. “But this past month my breasts just haven’t stopped growing. At first I thought they were just swollen, but then I outgrew my bra. So I bought some a couple sizes over, and within a week I’d already outgrown those as well. Thank god I don’t feel any pain from lugging these things around, but I’ve never had breasts this big, and dealing with them has been a massive adjustment. Half my shirts don’t even fit me anymore, all that’s left are my sweaters, and I’m scared to buy new clothes if they’re only going to go to waste in a few weeks time.”

“Thank you for sharing that. If any of you need any help with clothing I’ll be handing out a brochure at the end of the session with a couple local stores that have started to accommodate larger sizes and who are fairly reasonably priced. One or two of them will even buy back clothes assuming they are in good condition, as you outgrow them.” She looked at Lorena “Are you dissatisfied with your changes? Corrective medical procedures are not recommended during pregnancy, but we do offer free consulting for those who feel overwhelmed by their current situation.”

Lorena shook her head, taking a deep breath. “No, I just really needed to say that out loud. It doesn’t bother me that much, heck I’ve wished for a more balanced body once or twice, but I definitely didn’t think it’d happen like this.” She took her seat with a huff.

Again the eyes were set on the biggest person in the room. Susan. Susan though did not particularly feel like sharing her own life experiences, past or present. Digging up the past she tried best to forget, her mood was foul enough already.

“Well I’ll leave you with a few suggestions before I head out. Try to buy bras without underwire as they won’t dig in as much as your breasts grow. I’ll share the brochure of shops. Try to talk about your experiences with someone who will listen to your grievances, if no one does, talk to one of the others in this room, they’re very much in the same situation as you’re in. Auctus Factors are not something scary, though they are intimidating. If they posed a major health risk we would be more aggressively working to counter it, but so far it seems to be a minor enough condition that is already popping up across the world, though most cases are still in this country.”

Susan had heard most of it before, but she was curious about that brochure. Maybe this entire session hadn’t been a waste after all.



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