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I'll just get right down to it, this Friday I had my gallbladder removed and I'll be recovering from that for the next few weeks. I really had intended to keep that content train rolling, with the polls and all that. But alas, it'll have to be done in slower gear and delayed as well.

I haven't really been hospitalized much, nor for such an operation so I have no idea when I'll fully recover. Maybe motivation pulls me back in, or perhaps instead, I will combine it with a general break from 3D. I was already losing some steam on Sofi and Susan, so maybe this'll do me well. Who knows!

Just wanted to keep everyone up to date on how things are and probably will be for a little bit! Thank you for understanding. I'll leave a bit of context down below for those interested.

Strangely enough it started with backpain, often peaking around the night and being at its lowest in the morning, starting on Sunday night. It didn't go away no matter what position I was in, but I managed to get a bit of sleep by just staying completely still despite the pain. Thursday when it was at its absolute worst, tried the same tricks as before but the sheer pain just broke my focus every time. I'd roll on my back, lean forwards, then back at my side again. And I know I'm a bit of a wuss when it comes to pain, so it was easy to scoff it off as me being weak-willed and just complaining. But on the worst, on Thursday, I had it for 4 days so finally went to the hospital. 

Only after I got morphine did the pain finally fade away. They didn't know what it was until the morning after, had an infection somewhere. And the symptoms that came after the backpain subsided (upset stomach, sharp pain around my right rib when breathing but not when touching or pushing down) was when it finally became clear. And that same day I got the surgery to remove it. At that point I was okay with anything, so long as I didn't have to suffer the backpain again. Surgery went off without a hitch and I was able to leave the next morning. And that was yesterday.

Walking and sleeping is still a bit rough and I have to take it slow, but is so much more manageable then what I had before. Finally I can just sit or lay down without issue, no problems focusing, apart from some tiredness from it all.