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As noted in Nicky's post, Emi should've won on a technicality of most votes combined. And that could've been avoided if everyone had the same number of scenes. So in an attempt to rectify that I also went ahead and finished this one too! It was pretty much the most requested WIP out of the bunch.

BUT as some patrons on Discord might know, I also toyed around with a 'fat variant', meaning an alternative where she also gained a bunch of weight. This was the precursor to Sofi, and fat Emi has helped me to polish her later sizes. They're at the end of the image list here, as well as a separate folder on the Drive.

The variant was mostly to try out different things to see if it would entice me to continue it somehow. While it didn't, some folks did quite like it so that's why I included it here.

What is important to note on both Nicky and Emi, is that this is NOT CANON. While this is something I have done and would like to build up to that point, anything can still change!

Drive Link 




You are definitely one of the top-tier preggo and BBWpreg artists. Awesome work.


Thank you Auc, for indulging in the looming shots. Absolutely love everything about these pictures for P3 Emi! :D