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(A lot of this is a retelling of a previous post I did, but this post includes the story).

Folder with all the images in full res (unfortunately not alt angles, since that'll be a LOT of them and I haven't made them)

Aaand we resume things with describing a day or two of their Honeymoon!! I went a bit ham on this one, clocking in at around 4.7K words. In a way I wanted to compensate for how short the wedding one was. ^^;

Some big things happen in this one, so you don't want to get spoiled (besides Emi being with them, hard to not spoil when she's standing there in the image), scroll down to the story before reading this next bit. Or just read it anyways to see what you can expect from it.

Laaaast warning.

Okay, so this should clearly mark a new chapter for the two. Besides literally starting the next chapter in their lives, now they've got a baby on the way too! As much as I wrote the two of them really wanting it, I felt it wouldn't be right if it still came as a complete shock to Susan. Kinda the same vibe as when Susan was uncomfortable when Nathan noted her weight gain made her look more motherly. She wants to be, but having it happen like in the present, it feels weird for her. It'll be something she will have to get used to!

Anyway yeah. Unlike the other pregnancy progressions, I intend for this one to be more as 'another thing that is happening meanwhile'. It will just be a part of their lives as they go about do other stuff, with still the occasional focus on the preg. That's the goal anyway, I'm not that far in planning wise other than the barebones structure. I have more coming but I don't have them backlogged so it will probably take a while still.

Hell... maybe I should rename it since it is a new chapter...


July 20, 2017 - (4,5 weeks after


They sat in their usual corner of the bar, isolated enough yet with the view to the outside. Her eyes were lost in the countless of people that all went on their daily lives, wearing business suits and school uniforms. Some of them wearing masks, which still felt strange to her. She felt something rub up against her elbow.

“Your food is getting cold.” Nathan said softly. Susan’s eyes snapped back to her own reality, looking down at her own bowl of ramen. Her arms were crossed in front of it, with her bust gently conforming to the rectangular edges of the table.

Susan smiled at him before shoving her bowl closer, trying her best to use the chopsticks. She blew on the cluster of strands she lifted up, leaning in closer. She looked up to Nathan staring down at her cleavage, this was exactly why she took the seat facing the wall. Nevertheless she chuckled before bring it to her mouth. Delicious, delicious tonkotsu ramen.

“So... what are you looking forward to in Kyoto?”

Susan swallowed the noodles. “Well I mean... you were the one who planned most of it so I’m just along for the ride... Though I am pretty curious about that hotspring.”

He nodded heavily. “Oh definitely, me too. We can have our own private onsen for a few hours too, so you don’t have to worry about onlookers.”

“W-well...” She put up a forced smile. “Like everywhere else here it’s probably just going to be sheer surprise. It’s like they’ve never seen anyone like me.”

“The whole... thing does seem localized back in our place, so they probably have not. Plus larger sizes are definitely more impactful in real life then just on a screen.”

“True...” Susan rested her face on one of her hands, while poking the noodles with her chopsticks. She stared on yet again.

“Are... are you okay, Susan?” He reached over for her elbow again. “You seem a bit... absent today.”

Instead of her straightening up, she simply kept staring into the bowl. “It’s nothing to worry about.”

“Alright.” Nathan knew not to push her. He threw a glance at his watch. ” So... we should probably leave in like 15 minutes and grab our stuff.”

Susan nodded, her eyes still transfixed on the bowl. She seemed like she had something on her mind.


Susan and Nathan went back to their hotel, grabbed all of their luggage and checked out of the hotel. Fortunately the train station was only a handful of minutes walking away, and they boarded the bullet train to Kyoto.

Once on board, they spent the time to themselves. Listening to music with one earbud, browsing online on their phone and watching videos. Despite being on the other side of the world, both Nathan and Susan couldn’t resist checking in on their usual routine. Something familiar to ease their minds within the vast amount of new experiences, besides each other’s company. It made the several hours long ride seem much shorter.

After arriving in Kyoto, using a cab, they arrived to the hot-springs inn without a hitch. While they were waiting to check in, Nathan spotted plenty of foreigners. Though by the way they were looking at them, none of them were from the same region as the newly wed couple. Susan however, didn’t seem to have the capacity to care. Staring out into the distance, witnessing the slow transition of the television screen fixed on top of the reception.

A kind gentlemen helped them along their way, exchanging via a short conversation consisting of Nathan’s barely function and the worker’s fluent Japanese. Their room was a relatively large, narrow room traditionally styled with tatami mats and yellow-tinted walls. There was even a kotatsu on the left, with more western styled beds further down.

They put their luggage in the other corner. By the time Nathan stretched out his arms, Susan already sunk her face deep into one of the beds. Nathan scratched his beard. He wasn’t sure what to do about her poor mood. He knew not to keep asking her to open up, from experience it had the opposite effect. But those moments only lasted briefly, while this had been going on for hours. From the way she talked, or leaned on him when they were on the train, Susan clearly wasn’t upset with Nathan. Yet it was as if her mind was somewhere else completely.

Nathan made his way over to the other bed and sat down. He looked down on his watch, there was still enough time. A few moments of silence passed, he wanted to chose his words wisely.

“We... we could walk around for a little bit. Just leave our stuff here and enjoy the scenery together. If you want to.”

Susan rolled over in her bed, using her arms to push her body around. From where Nathan was standing, all he could see was her legs, waist and two massive mounds. “...Alright. I guess we can just explore a bit before dinner.”

“Awesome.” Nathan didn’t exactly withheld his excitement.

He got up and reached out his hands, fully aware she could stand up all by herself. Susan was increasingly getting better in that, but in this moment he figured he would give her a hand. Without a word she grabbed a hold and together, they pull and push to two standing people. Not pulling too far was something they also got used to over time, after many failed attempts on fortunately soft surfaces behind and on front.

The outskirts of Kyoto were much quieter in comparison, something the two of them much preferred. By no means were they in the true outskirts of Japan, the road was still relatively wide with a steady number of people walking around. The established inn that they were staying in wasn’t particularly small either, plenty of tourists were among the crowd. As such, there were convenience stores around every corner. Susan stopped and tugged on his short sleeve when they stopped in front of the second one they passed.

“Can I go grab a snack real quick?” She asked in a more, lighter tone than what she previously did.

“Oh sure. I’ll join you.” Nathan said, already walking to the automatic sliding doors. When he noticed a lack of Susan in the corner of his eye, he turned around.


“I-I’ll go!” She paused briefly. “I mean... It’ll just take me a minute at most. If you want something I can grab it for you as well.”

“Oh... okay.” Nathan moved back, allowing Susan to pass him. “I uhh... I’ll have whatever you’re having. Not really picky today.”

Susan tapped her pocket, feeling for her wallet. With a nod she entered the store on her own. Nathan was more than happy to wait for her, not thinking much of the sudden change of heart. Normally she would never go in a store alone, not to mention in a country which language she barely understands.

A few minutes passed until she reemerged from the store with a bag in her hand. Nathan held out his hand to carry it for her, however Susan kept walking in their path. Nathan matched up with her pace, receiving the food item she just dug out of the bag. Fried chicken.

“Thaank you.”

Nathan carefully ripped open the package from the top. Susan pulled a confused face as took out hers, leaving the bag hanging in her elbow, and ripped the package open as one was supposed to, through the middle.

“Ohhh shit, I didn’t even know!” He chuckled. Susan’s face softened and smiled slightly at his mistake.

The two enjoyed their food as they navigated through a more commercial district. There were all kinds of stores, however one particularly caught Susan’s eye. She gasped, and increased her pace towards it. She turned to Nathan as soon as she was sure.

“It’s a cat cafe!” Susan said with a big smile. “Can we go in, please?”

Nathan inspected the place, as much as he could since the actual cafe was on the second floor. He knew these kinds of cafe’s were on the pricey side, and if it was up to him he would opt for something else. But seeing Susan’s face and mood light up like that, he wouldn’t dare to decline.

The cat cafe was exactly like Nathan expected, a room full of cat buildings, cats and as suspected, a hefty price. He loved just watching Susan interact with the creatures, especially how they seemed to be attracted to her as well. In a short amount of time she managed to have a black cat approach her and have it roll on the ground as she rubbed behind its ear. A trick she must’ve learned and practiced with Lucky, Nathan thought.

Her skills seemed to have impressed some of the other cats, as one approached every time the previous cat had its fill of affection. Meanwhile Nathan would be lucky to get a graze of a tail. Susan seemed to be a moment of bliss, until she abruptly covered her mouth. She followed it up with a groan, which caused him to turn around and witness her getting up. The surprised cat scurried off into one of the fluffy houses. Without excusing herself she ran off to the bathroom.

Nathan grew rather worried, but he didn’t want to barge in after her into the women’s bathroom. So instead he carefully got up and waited near the doors for Susan’s return. His concern grew by the minute. Was this the reason she was mentally absent for the entire day? Nathan didn’t think so, Susan seemed to be taken off guard by whatever caused her to run off.

The door to the women’s bathroom opened, revealing Susan with a worried expression. She put up a forced smile as soon as she noticed him.


“Hey Susan... are you okay? Did you... uhm... throw up?” Her nod made him reach out to Susan, brushing her upper arm as comfort. “Maybe... you ate something bad? Was it the fried chicken?”

She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe... I still feel a bit... ill but I should be fine... I think.”

Susan peeked over his shoulders, looking at the wide arrange of cats and other customers, trying to catch the  attention of the felines. She frowned.

“Can we just... go back? In case that...”

“Oh yeah, of course.”

With an arm around her, they walked out of the cafe and into the streets. With fresh air filling their lungs, they decided to head straight back to the inn. As they retraced their steps, Nathan couldn’t help but to notice the missing plastic bag that Susan used to carry the goods she bought earlier. There was definitely something else besides the pieces of fried chicken, but that moment was not the time to satisfy his curiosity. Once back at the inn, the same kind gentlemen greeted him. Nathan did a courteous bow as Susan walked off without him. He smiled awkwardly and bowed again before following her back to their room.

The next hour was uneventful for the two. Susan spent most of it under the bed covers with her clothing, while Nathan watched some television on a low volume. Before he started to make arrangement for dinner, he checked in on her. As suspected she still wanted to be left alone, and Nathan gave her the space she needed.

When it was time for dinner, the same gentlemen they have seen earlier dropped by and delivered it on their kotatsu, as Nathan requested. The smell of food attracted Susan to get out of her bed and join Nathan. He started up a friendly conversation with the gentleman. They briefly talked about how their vacation and honeymoon were so far, where they were from and what their plans were for the duration of their visit here. All the while Susan was quietly enjoying the food. Fortunately the gentleman wasn’t particularly bothered by it.

Susan however, felt a wave of nausea coming up again. She pulled herself from under the heated table and got up inconspicuously. With a fast pace she entered the bathroom, pulled upon the lid of the toilet and sat down on her knees with her face aimed down. The wave was in full swing, she felt lightheaded and the room started to drift ever so slightly away from her. Yet she didn’t manage to get anything out of her system, even after sitting there for several minutes. This wasn’t the problem the first time she felt sick, very early in the morning.

With a frustrated sigh she sat back down. Susan noticed how quiet it was on the other side of the door, the gentleman must’ve left, she thought. Nevertheless she pulled herself up, making sure to be extra careful considering her dizziness. Looking at her own reflection, she pulled out a small, narrow box out of her pocket. Besides it there was a crumpled up plastic bag. The text was incomprehensible to her, yet the shape and imagery contained made it more than clear that it was a pregnancy test. Even if she could read it, her hands were too jittery to keep it steady.

Fortunately there was a small section written in English that she could follow. The anxiety she had all day, grew larger and larger the closer she was to discovering the truth. The several minutes of wait didn’t help with her nausea either. Susan rested against a wall and took a few deep, long breaths before turning the test.

There were two lines.

Susan’s heart skipped a beat. Her sweaty and jittery hand caused the test to drop to the ground, and she herself followed after. Using the wall to carefully guide her butt and legs to the heated ceramic tiles.

She thought she was supposed to be excited about it, ecstatic even. Starting a family was one of her life goals and something she always looked forward to. Especially so once Susan grew a particular interest in the process itself. However, it always felt like a thing she would experience in the future. But she was pregnant in the present and that idea frightened her.

Where would the baby grow up, in the apartment? Can they afford to even live there with a baby? Are they now stuck taking care of it until it grows up? All those questions and more swirled around Susan’s head. Each time she tried to answer them, another five came up in its place. She felt a tear drop down her cheek. With her head down she threw her arms around her and sobbed away.

It had been several minutes, longer than any person should be on the toilet for, Nathan thought. To check on her as well as calm his mind, he walked over to the bathroom door. Before he could knock, he heard faint crying behind it. Nathan quickly pulled it open to find Susan bunched up to a wall, faintly crying. Next to it a pregnancy test turned face down, but in his heart he already knew.

Nathan sat down next to her. He carefully reached out to her shoulder. “Hey...”

He caught himself before saying ‘are you okay’. He figured that was a stupid question to say at that moment, of course she wasn’t okay. Instead he moved closer and wrapped his arms around her, leaning his head against hers.

Her voice quaked. “Nat... I’m... I’m scared...”

“Sssh... It’ll be okay, sweetie.“ He gently stroked her hair as her face was still buried. ”It’s... it’s probably a bit early, but either way we will get through it, together. Okay? I’m here for you. As will your parents, my parents and all of our friends.”

Nathan felt her nod her head in his embrace. He patted her head and gave her a kiss before giving her some space by sitting next to her again. She lifted her head, her face and eyes were red. She got out a small smile.

He held her cheek and smiled back. With a chuckle he said “You won’t get rid of me that easily, silly.”


The following day, Susan and Nathan traveled to their first destination for the second week, Fushimi Inari-taisha. While neither of them were particularly a fan of crowds, its beauty and significant was hard to ignore. By the time they made it to the shrine, the sun beat down on them from overhead. The shrine itself was incredibly crowded, people shuffling along the pathway through the forest and gathering at the offering areas. The two of them were dripping in sweat, large beads forming on Susan’s breast before they ran down into her cleavage. If Susan had known prior she would’ve opted for something that covered more of her body.

Along part of the path, she looked at Nathan who was trying to take a photo of one of the carvings. She wiped her arm on her forehead, it felt wet with sweat.

“Nat, I don’t know how long I can manage still... Is there a café nearby?”

Nathan let his camera hang off his neck and pulled out his phone. “There’s one back at the entrance of the shrine but that’s about it.”

“Let’s go back then, I really need to drink something.”

Nathan held out his hand. “Before we do that though... could you take a step back?”

“Huh?” She followed his instructions, her face softening up once he reached for his camera again.

“Say ice cream~”

“Alright, perfect.” He walked over, pecking her cheek with his lips. “Let’s at least try to make it to the top before we turn back. You can take the rest of my water bottle.”

Susan nodded, giving a tired smile.

“I am very sorry sir. We are very full today, it is hot outside.” The hostess said. She looked up towards Susan, her eyes going slightly wide, then looked back down toward the seating chart. “If you not mind. We have a large table that only has a couple. You can sit with them, yes?”

Susan was waving air at her face when Nathan looked. She couldn’t really do much but nod, it felt like a sauna inside or outside anyway.

“That would be fine, thanks.” Nathan said. It wasn’t exactly a café but an izakaya.

The hostess walked off and returned a moment later waving them to follow her. As they made their way through the maze like izakaya it got progressively cooler. They stopped at one of the many private rooms, the hostess seemed cheerful as she smiled at Suu pulling back the door for them.

The booth in the room looked like it was set up to seat 6 or so, but the table was pushed forward, making room for a very busty Japanese girl who looked like she took up two seats on her own. She was even encroaching on the guy who was sitting next to her. The smell and sound of sizzling meat emanated from the room. The blue haired girl looked up toward Susan; She was holding a small plate in one hand and chopsticks in the other.

“Oh! Hi, would you like some meat? I just finished cooking some of it.” She said in full Japanese. Susan glanced over at Nathan, who got to use his knowledge of the language yet again. “Yes. Nice to meet you.”

“Ah I see.” The guy next to the girl chuckled and started to speak in clear English. “Nice to meet you two. Are you foreigners?”

He saw both of their faces light up of relief. The man leaned forward, tapping on the seat next to him. Susan slid into the booth, her much smaller but still large bust pressing into the table. Nathan joined but on the other side so they could face each other, with Susan dangerously close to the vast amounts of boob that seemed to be attached to the girl or the other way around.

That girl extended her hand. “My name’s Emi!” She said in English, her accent being rather thick but still understandable. Susan almost squealed when Emi’s breasts brushed against her leg, but composed herself to shake her hand still. They made eye contact before Susan looked at anything but her piercing green eyes.

“Mine’s Nathan, and this is Susan.” Nathan said. She nodded after the fact, the event that just transpired left her speechless. They all shook hands with one another, the guy sitting next to Emi was called Matthew.

Emi put the slab of meat she was cooking straight into her mouth. “Help yourselves, see it as an appetizer for your order!”

"Aah... well we weren’t planning on staying very long, just a quick drink. Right, Susan?”

Her heart skipped a beat as all eyes were set on her. She cleared her throat. “I... I think we can get lunch here a-as well!”

“Alright, I’ll keep an eye out for the servant so they can take your order.” Emi tapped on her chest proud fully. Susan had a hard time looking away from the wobbling that ensued.

“So! How has your vacation been in Japan?” Matthew asked.

“Oh it’s been the best. It’s so different from where we’re from, mountains don’t even exist there. But here there are plentiful, not to mention all the other beautiful landscapes and just how different the culture is. Plus all of this also function as a honeymoon.” He looked at Susan and smiled.

“Ooh congratulations!” Emi said with such excitement that Matthew raised his eyebrows. The newly wed couple bowed lightly. “Gosh... it’s about close to our first anniversary, isn’t it Matthew?”

He nodded as he drank from his teacup, still looking at Emi with narrowed eyes. Before Emi could follow up on her question, Matthew spoke up first. “Now’s the moment you ever so gently remind me of the promise we made to each other.”

He took a deep sigh, but followed up with a chuckle. “You really want to have more children? Knowing what it might do to your body again?”

“Yep!” Emi happily felt on his arm.

Nathan glanced over to see the hue on Susan’s face gradually shift to red as she realized where Emi’s monstrous breasts came from. Fortunately the two were occupied by each other for them to notice Susan.

“D-..Did... did all of that hap-.. happen because of...” She didn’t want to say the word.

“Yep again! I was pretty tiny before I had my triplets, like... H cup I think? First one came and boosted my boobs to like... wait hang on, I’ll show you...” Emi got out her phone and browsed through her photo gallery.

“Hey Em... You’re not going to show any...”

“What? Oh, of course not!” Emi showed a photo of herself during her first pregnancy. “Here’s where I wore my old school uniform about... seven months in.” She took great pride in seeing Susan’s eyes practically bulge out. The poor girl didn’t manage to get out any words, but her expression were more than enough of an confirmation for Emi to keep on showing photographs. After they went on for a bit, the two men resumed their conversation about their honeymoon and which places they’ve been so far.

Emi managed to sneak in a few lewd photographs in her showcase, the reactions of Susan’s were priceless to her. She seemed to really like them. As she was finishing up with the last set of her pregnancy photo’s, she greedily looked down Susan’s cleavage.

“So how did you get your boobs?”

“Emi! You can’t just ask that!” Matthew shoved his elbow into the nearest thing of Emi to interrupt her, which happened to be her boob.

“Alright, fiiiine.” She rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. Finally for a moment, everyone was quiet. Nobody wa expecting Susan to say anything. Nathan had seen plenty of times where she just shuts down in a conversation, not to mention about the actual topic. He’d only expect her to reply when she’s with him alone in a trusted environment.

“J-just natural growth! A-and milk.... sort of, maybe. I do-don’t know if that’s...” She went quiet as fast as she blurted out the first three words.”

Emi had a big grin on her face. “Atta’ girl. They look really good on y-.... wait milk? You’re not pregnant are you?”

Susan froze up, she couldn’t bring herself to say yes. Even though her reddening face and silence was more than of an confirmation.

Nathan cleared his throat. “Yeah. We... we found out not too long ago. It’s- it is still very early on though.”

“Oooh! That doesn’t matter, congratulations!” Emi leaned forward to embrace her, but all she could do was push one boob onto Susan’s lap and pat her on the back.

“Yeah! Congratulations you two.” Matthew said afterwards.

“Thank you..." Nathan said awkwardly, realizing this strange couple that they’ve just met were the first ones to know of the pregnancy.

“Oh there’s one! Excuuuse me!” Emi said in Japanese and waved at the figure passing by. Susan and Nathan took their order, and the four of them toasted to the upcoming child.

The four chatted vigorously as new friendships were made. Even after Matthew and Emi were done with their food, they stuck around until the newly wed couple were done as well. They left the izakaya as a group and from there they departed. Emi and Matthew went down while Susan and Nathan went back up the hill.


Once they finally reached the top, the two took several moments to take in the breath-taking view. The azure skies and ocean went as far as the eye could see, with islands scattered across. A layer of beach encapsulating each. Susan and Nathan sat down on one of the stone edges with their back to their sides.

“What a view...” Susan said, still in awe of the scenery. Nathan crawled his hand closer to intertwine his fingers with hers.

“It’s breathtaking, isn’t it?” He leaned in closer. “Just like...”

Susan’s cheek got pecked by his lips, making her smirk. He untangled the finger and caressed her arm.

“You’re feeling better?”

She nodded. “Yeah... for once today I could actually let go of all of my worries and just... enjoy, you know?”

“That’s a relief. What did you think happened? ...To finally be able to relax, I mean.”

Susan looked up the sky and smiled. “Probably the couple we met, Emi in particular. It kind of put my- I mean, our problem in perspective. And like... it really isn’t that bad. If she can manage nine children just fine, while being so...”


“Yeah, let’s just say intense. Anyway... then we can easily manage one, right?”

“Definitely, I never had a shred of doubt. I tried to tell you that, but I suppose you had to see someone in a similar position for that to really settle in.”

“True... even if I feel it’s just... way too soon.”

Nathan scooted up closer, embracing her with his arm. “How so?”

She leaned into him. Chuckling, she tried to casually wipe away the tears that were accumulating. “I... I just imagined us to just hang out together and travel for... at least like a year or two. Before actually doing it.”

“Then we just do that this year. It might not be as extravagant, but we can make the most out of it anyway. Plus, you’ve seen them right? It isn’t like having children would like pin us down for years without end. They can spend a weekend at your parents, maybe even mine if they feel like it. Maybe even Lauren!”

“Yeah... you’re probably right.” After a moment of silence, she chuckled. “Wait... Nathan, how come you said children?


“You said children, not a child. Do you think there’s more than one in-... inside of me?”

“Y-you know I was saying that with M-M-Matthew and Emi in mind! I didn’t want to think far ahead...”

“Uh-huh. And you’re not secretly hope it’ll be twins, like in your family?”

“....yeah I... I guess. How-however I was the exception, so who knows I don’t even have that gene!”

“Or what if... “ She brought her hand to his cheek, feeling the prickly stubbles of his beard. ”It skipped one to give double the effect later?”

“Aargh Susan... don’t tempt me like this... We’ll just have to wait and see...”

This time she pecked him on the cheek. “Yup... and I sure can’t wait to find out. Together.”




Colin Martin

Not to keep nitpicking the literal stupidest thing on earth, but even though you matched the wedding bands, it's still considered REEEEEEEALLY weird for an engagement ring and wedding band to not be the same color. I got my wife a white gold engagement ring, so our wedding bands had to be white too. Hopefully your schoolwork went well! This year has been an absolute nightmare at my uni. I just finished a biochemistry/molecular biology final that took five entire hours.


Darnit I was looking around for who mentioned that but I couldn't find it... I also couldn't find anything on it online either? Either way I don't want to over-pressure myself by doing the edit right now, just something I will probably fix and just stealthily update. (also jeez that sounds roough)


Looking forward to seeing more in the stories for all your characters


would kills for the angles on Emis photobomb