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Hang on ya'll, just have to add a little bit more of this. It'll be worth it, I hope! Also probably worth to mention that this wasn't part of the Early Look lineup for Nicky because I had some trouble making this one.



The light from the window had finally gotten too bright to make continued sleep feasible. With a groan Nicky peeled her eyes open. She laid in bed, just waiting, not really sure what for. Her stomach let out a muffled growl from below her two large mounds. Nicky stretched, sliding her arms along the sides of her breasts. Her hands dug deeply into the pliable flesh. The feeling of her hands on her breasts felt nice.

Nicky tossed the cover to the side, swinging her legs out and sitting up. She looked over to her phone the blue light of a message pulsing softly in the morning light. She scooted over, the bed creaking beneath her as she grabbed her phone.

ARKane: Amber tried to cheat on me.

ARKane: Li told me that she came onto him. 🐱‍👤

Her heart raced and she felt excitement run through her. The wobble of her breasts reminded her of all the things she'd never said, the things she lied about; tempering her mood. Her empty stomach turned below her breasts making her wince.

Reddie: Did you confront her?

ARKane: Yeah. She admitted it too. She said I was cool but, that she only really ever meant to get close to Li. She wants to keep dating though.

Reddie: What are you going to do?

ARKane: I don't know. I really like her. She's the first girl since Penny who I really click with. It's not like she doesn't like me, and she went for my twin brother. So that's got to say something. Right?

Nicky's ears burned. "You have to be kidding me."

Reddie: You can't just let this slide.

ARKane: What am I going to do Nicky? Break up with her? It's not that simple. The dating pool is shrinking. As are the chances of me finding someone else who I'm compatible with in so many different areas.

Nicky's eyes stung. Tears beading up. "I'm right fucking here you fucking idiot."

Reddie: I guess your mind is made up then. I can't help you.

Reddie: But don't say I didn't try.

Nicky tossed her phone across her bed. Turing over flopping back into bed, screaming onto her pillow. At least consider me an option.


Natasha paused her music, fishing her keys out of her sweat pants. She wiped some sweat from her brow, some of it dripping from her chin into her cleavage. She unlocked the back door, and was greeted by the cool air of their apartment which felt good against her skin. She checked her watch as she walked the small entryway directly into kitchen. 19.3km in just over an hour. Getting closer to my high school time. Just have to loose this extra belly fat.

Time for a drink.Natasha said walking over to the fridge and pulling out a glass bottle of milk. Natasha paused.

There was a gentle sobbing coming from the living room. She could just barely hear it over the clinking of the glasses in the refrigerator.  She shut the door and walked toward the sound. As she rounded the corner she found Nicky sitting on the couch, gently sobbing, their party tub of ice cream squished between her breasts. Her breasts filled her lap, overflowing the sides, as she dejectedly scooped ice cream out of the over-sized tub stuffed in her cleavage.

"You know you don't have to be THAT dramatic." Natasha plonked herself into the couch next to where Nicky was sitting. Nicky just stared at her.

Natasha rolled her eyes. "Okay I'll bite. Why the tub?"

Nicky just looked back at the tub and continued eating. "Is it the mystery guy?" Nicky froze. Spoon halfway to her mouth.

Natasha sighed. "Of course it is..." she muttered. "What happened?"

Nicky looked away but didn't answer. God she can be annoying when she wants to be. Natasha pressed the bottom of the glass bottle to the side of Nicky's exposed breast causing her to yelp. Her breasts jiggling in response.

Natasha couldn’t help but smile. “Like this is that much colder than your ice cream?”

"The outside is warm already...” Natasha just stared at her. ”Aargh. Fine!" Nicky rubbed her breast where the milk bottle had touched her. "His girlfriend is cheating on him."

Natasha's eyes narrowed. "And how do you know this?.. You aren't stalking her are you?"

"No! He told me."

Natasha drank some of her milk, eyeing her. "So did you make your move and get rejected then?"

"No. Not exactly. But he said he wanted to continue to patch things up with her. And.. I... I couldn't tell him."

"So in patching up things with her, he might as well have rejected you." Natasha nodded.

Nicky continued to mindlessly stab the tub of ice cream. I can't let this continue. She needs to get her mind off of this guy, she's been obsessed for years. “Why don't you just break things off with him? Now is the perfect time.”

Nicky shook her head. “I don’t want to. Even if he has a girlfriend... He’s had one before... He’s still my best friend.” Nicky stared into the slowly melting ice cream. “His friendship means everything.”

Natasha tried to put down the milk  but couldn't find a spot so she just gave up and tossed it into the tub.

"HEY! I'm eating that!"

"Get up." She got up grabbing Nicky by the arms and pulled, The tub of ice cream staying put in her cleavage as Nicky rose. "I was planning to go by myself. But you can't be left alone. So you're coming with me."


"To a party. Come on, I'll help you get dressed, you're going to love it. "Natasha looked at the half full tub of ice cream still stuck in Nicky’s cleavage. “You can leave that in the kitchen.”




All the feels ;; but she is putting this on herself by not telling him reeeeee :U *shakes fist*