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Nicky's back! It's been a good few months but I finally got over the hurdle. The hurdle being the story that I wanted to write, for a change. Usually my buddy GP did the ones for Nicky. Now he just helped me a bunch with making some sense of the mess of a draft I left for him. :P Either way, expect more Nicky coming soon!

(Also no alt angles, due to all the water effects it took like a full day to render it)


The van creaked as Alex pulled on the handbrake. He turned the ignition and pulled out the key. With a smile, he looked over at Nicky.

“So here we are.”

“Ah can’t wait to stretch my legs!” She said, pulling the door handle and pushing the door open. With her hand leaning on the dashboard Nicky steadied herself.

“You need help getting out?”

She chuckled before pushing herself off of the seat, landing gracefully on the sand. Alex looked with anticipation as Nicky’s bra worked its best to resist the heavy motion that followed, ignoring how much the van tilted, finally leveling out on the suspension after a bit.

“I… I guess not.” He got out himself, walking around to the front where Nicky was stretching her arms and legs.

“I’m honestly surprised there’s barely anyone here.”

He chuckled. “Probably because we’re pretty far from the city. Nobody would drive for half an hour just to go to an empty beach.”

She looked at him. “Except us.”

His grin widened, showing off his great smile “Except for us, yup.”

“But hey-” Nicky slowly walked towards the coast, shrugging, palms open and her feet sinking into the soft sand. “I like my peace and quiet.”

Coming to his senses Alex locked the car with a beep and hurried to catch up to her. “You know, I realized something about our first date. And the trip to here even.”


“We only ever talked about me and my job.”

Nicky glanced at him slyly, “Is that a bad thing? I thought you liked talking about yourself?”

“Oh no, not at all. I’m just not used to women being interested in the intrinsics of shoemaking, of all things.”

“Hmm… Guess I couldn’t help it. Ask whatever you want, I’m not exactly hiding anything… Except for what’s in my cleavage I guess....” Nicky chuckled.

“Okay…” Alex tried not to stare at the large amount of swaying cleavage and scrubbed his short beard. “Let’s start simple then, what do you do for a living? Or are you still studying?”

“Still studying. I guess.” Nicky’s eyes wandered to the sky. “Mostly graphic design. Nothing particularly interesting apart from some tattoos.”

“Oooh cool. You mean like the ones on your arm? Did you design them yourself?” With her flannel shirt it was difficult to see the tattoos on her right arm, but he remembered them from their first date.

Nicky shook her head. “Nah, I mostly designed a couple at a convention a while back. Though I did recently get one on my back that is of my own design. I could show it to you sometime if you’d like?” She smirked.

“Ah! Yeah…. That’d be really cool.” Alex blushed but gained a bit of confidence. “Hey I got to ask, have you ever been in a relationship before?”

Nicky’s heart dropped before filling up with bitterness. He would’ve known the answer right away if he had seen her face. Her steps continued carrying her forward. Eventually she opened her mouth to speak before she heard his voice.

“-and I don’t mean like long distance relationships, that’s pretty much over the moment it’s declared.” he snickered at that. “I pity the fools who fall into that trap.”

Nicky clenched her shaking fist, taking a moment to take a deep breath before she did something she would regret. Plus she didn’t want to be stuck walking for an hour with the beanbags attached to her chest.

Instead she nudged her body towards him, bumping her chest into his hips. Alex got launched sideways and took several steps away from her to recover from it. “Duh. Of course I have.”She laughed. Her mouth felt gross the second the words escaped her.

“H-holy shit, there is some weight behind those.” He chuckled before briefly jogging after her. “That’s my fault for asking such a dumb question. A hot chick like you would definitely have had one by now.”

Nicky didn’t respond. She would have rather sprinted away from him in the loose sand then to feed again into his condescending nature, but she was stuck out here in the middle of nowhere. She needed a drink, stat.


The pop of Nicky’s beer bottle opening was so satisfying, she’d longed for it ever since she realized it was almost a necessity to get through the rest of the day.

Their conversation after Alex’s remark had died down quickly and the two quietly walked around enjoying the distant view of the city. Eventually he picked up on her sour mood and they returned to the van, particularly the minifridge in the back. Drinks in hand they leaned against a wooden deck that wasn’t far from the van itself.

“Hm. I messed up somewhere, didn’t I?” Alex took a sip from his beer. “I’m not that clueless, I hope.”

Nicky closed her eyes for a moment, as the wind breezed past her face. “Maybe. The more I think about it though, I feel it’s just my fault.”

He turned to Nicky, her jacket flapping in the wind. It was hard not to stare. “How so?”

“Just my past, I suppose. I mean… that would explain why the first date went as it did.” She stared down her bottle, watching the beer inside slowly settling.

“You’re still thinking of someone else, aren’t you?”

Nicky eyes sprung open as she looked at him. “H-how did you...”

“It was just a feeling.” Alex took another swig from his beer. “Either way, I should’ve known. Better not to make assumptions like the ones I did. I’m sorry about that, sometimes my brain just ceases to function properly.”

“Don’t worry about it.” She smiled. “You explaining it made it so much better already.”

“Cool, that’s good to hear. So… we could head back already if you want to?”

Nicky chuckled and shook her head. “We had a really good time on the first date! Though I suppose that ended up being more of a casual chat then anything else. So… maybe we could talk some more? More as friends?”

Alex brought up his beer and dinged it against Nicky’s bottle. “Sure. I’ll drink to that.”




Stopppp, she too cute ;w;


If someone bought you a better computer would that mean faster uploads with more angles?


In 99% of the cases it would not, usually the times are pretty quick (30 to 120 minutes per angle). And I have the benefit of still being able to use the computer during it, and that is what I did for this Nicky render. I upgraded my computer about two years ago, with some of the earnings of the first Nicky pack and I'm perfectly content on keeping it for at least another year.