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(Note, this was shown earlier as part of an Early Look which you can find here for more info and a WIP for #2) 

AKA Susan wearing Jill's remake outfit cause GOOD GOD does it look great on her. 

I know it's been a good few months since the RE3 remake came out, however bear with me on this one. A kind patron here suggested Susan in Jill's outfit around that time and I kinda just... did it? It isn't something I usually do, lest others try the same thing and I have to disappoint them because A I don't have a lot of time and B my motivation is very finicky. Nevertheless, I delayed this upload until after Susan was through her growth spurt because I made these (yeah there's another one I still gotta finish) at her post-growth size. This was also done around the time I just learned Substance Painter and started using 32-bit files, hence why some dirt and blood seem just thrown on there and it looking a bit rough.

So yeah! Some non-canon fun with an outfit that shows off her curves criminally well. 

Folder with angles 




Had to chuckle at the behind the door angle... not a very sneaky Suu x3