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If you've read my latest tweet, then you know I've been in a bit of a rut regarding motivation and finishing tasks. Basically finishing up this semester took a number on me and I've been taking it easy for the past few days to recover.

And what better time to pad that time up a bit with the upcoming Susan renders that already have been finished! To give a bit of context, #60 has been out 1,5 weeks ago. #61 will probably end up being on Sunday. Which I'm not showing since it's not as good of an image in terms of 👀-factor. The same goes for #64, which leaves 62, 63 and 65 with that size goodness.

So yeah, expect more of her coming soon! As for #62, this entry is mostly meant as some fun between the two. As well as further develop and show how much Nathan's into her curves now that she's pretty much done growing (yeah sorry!).




*sweats* The bulge, the bulllllge <3 so much spillage... and then the bra was taken off and her lap/legs disappeared =p


Would love to see her in that old black bra now!


That might be a great image to make, to go with the side by side comparisons. :D I'll keep that in mind whenever I get around continuing that!


Haha pretty much! So far I know they would definitely cover up a good portion of her legs. She's growing to be quite a large girl now. 😝


This pose is definitely one of the most interesting and unique poses I've seen for Susan or almost any of your characters recently and I love it. I always liked when a girl with huge boobs was sitting down with them out because it emphasizes just how big they are, especially if they basically reach the lap. Would absolutely love to see a braless version of this scene since it's so unique.


Haha yup, surprised it's that unique really... but yeah it does really sell off her size! :D While I probably won't do a braless version of this, I'll most definitely have scenes where she will be sitting without a bra on, so hopefully that'll satisfy you when those come around!