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Since ya'll already know about the weight gain bit, I don't have to go over it here again. Buuuut... if you missed the replies I made there or/and aren't too sure about it still, read the bit below. Hopefully you'll give me the benefit of the doubt. 🤞

But you'll have to trust me on this one. Not only does she not gain that much (only a small portion of what Emi ended up with), it will also make more sense story-wise. Bold letters because it'll be clear in the next few entries. Sure, it does suck that there's no thin active character in my roster anymore. But I much prefer that if it means enhancing her story and reinvigorating my motivation to finishing this 'chapter' and get to the really good stuff.

Plus, her breasts will cover most of it anyway! 😝

Had to get that off my chest, sorry about that. Now onto the story... (oh yeah also no alt angles for this one, they weren't that good) 


28th of March 2016 - (4 days after #57) 


Susan pulled out the last two bags of dog food out of the carton box and put them right on the edge of the lowest shelf. Fortunately she didn’t have to reach far, as she sat down cross-legged on the ground. 

Sure it looked weird, but it was the most comfortable option for the flexible part-time worker. What other options were there? Sitting normally? Her legs would bump against her bust, not to mention she wouldn’t have any reach on the front. As for bending over on her knees, the weight of her breasts would anchor her quite severely. Having to walk on all four for re-positioning, as going back up and down constantly agitated her back. That only left sitting cross-legged. She can easily reposition with her arms, bending over does result in her legs being enveloped with her rack but that relieved the weight somewhat off of her back.

Susan uncrossed her legs and reached over for the shelf. She put her elbow high up to use it as support, as she scrambled to get one of her feet flat on the ground. The plastic shelf cracked audibly, the products shifting about as consequence. Susan quickly let go, instead going for the vertical bar that supports the shelves at either end. Her hands had to apply more grip to it, but fortunately it didn’t budge at all when Susan pulled herself up bit by bit.

Fully risen, she took a moment to readjust her bra by tugging the low band around her chest. Making sure nobody outside of the store is glaring. Finally, she looked down on the empty cardboard box. With her foot, she shoved and pinned it next to shelves. She lifted her foot, tilting the box on its side. With it tilted to its side, Susan yanked her feet up, launching the box up. She bent over slightly for her hand to reach and she picked it up easily. Easy.

As she tore off the tape on the bottom side, Susan glanced over at the clock. Oh it’s already noon! Time to grab some lunch.

Excited for the food, she happily made her way to the back. On the way to the break room, she tossed the now-flattened cardboard box into a pile with more of them. She grabbed her wallet inside. Susan briefly knocked on the examination room before entering, checking in with Lauren.

“Hey Lauren, I’m going to go get some lunch. Just so you know- Oh! Also, should I get you anything?”

“No thank you, I’m good! See you in a bit.” With that Susan left to get herself a savory lunch. Fortunately there was a fast-food place just up ahead in the mall, and that’s exactly where she went. She joined the relatively short queue. The first few times it felt weird to her, going out in the mall in her work clothes. But Lauren kept saying it was fine, so she eventually got used to it.

Once her turn was up, she walked up to the counter. But before she could say anything, the cashier said exactly what she wanted to take. Susan chuckled, bringing out her card to pay.

With her lunch wrapped in foil in her hands, she couldn’t help but to already indulge as she made her way back to the store. The many ingredients mixed with that sauce made it an experience she ended up missing on the weekend. Going to the mall to just get the food would be a bit much though, so she opted to visit nearly every day when she was working in the pet store.

Once back inside, she made her way into the break room. It wasn’t much, a small table with a few chairs with some equipment tucked away in a corner. But it was nice and peaceful, exactly what Susan wanted when taking a break. Especially after a pretty intensive morning lugging heavy product around. She sat down on one of the chairs- but paused.

Susan’s pants felt really, really tight. She hasn’t really sat down today to notice it before, so she placed the food aside and slid her hands lower to get a better feel for it, as there’s no way in hell she would be able to see anything without a mirror. She lifted the cups of her bra a bit and slid one of her hands to her stomach. Much to her dismay, it confirmed what she was feeling. It was spilling over the edges of her black jeans. Gasping at how easily she could grab the over-spilling flesh. But she shook her head.

Surely something messed up when dad put it in the washer... She reasoned to herself, subconsciously ignoring the fact that it was also tight when she went to college last Thursday. 

She eyed her lunch in sorrow, if the off-chance that she actually was gaining weight, eating this three times in a week probably didn’t help either. Susan shook her head, quickly grabbed a hold of the food and took a bite off of it. It would be a waste to throw it away now.

Susan overheard someone rotating the door. She jumped in her seat, quickly bringing her hands away from her soft tummy, tugging down the polo shirt and onto the table. Lauren entered the room, they both smiled at each other as she took a seat.

“Gosh… that always smells so good.”

“Ah, so-sorry. I asked if I could bring you something but…”

“Oh, I couldn't, food like that always goes straight to my hips, haha.”

“Aaah… okay.” Susan responded while keeping her cool, trying not to imagine a wider Lauren. And also not to think about the pudge she felt moments ago. It started to dawn on her. Maybe I am really gainin-

“Oh right Susan! How did your visit to college go?”

“H-huh? Oh… It was fine.” 

“Mhmm, okay… But what did they say? Did you get any clarity on what to do next?”

“I…” Susan took a deep sigh. “I don’t really want to talk about it now.”

“O-oh, sure. Of course.” Lauren sounded surprised, pondering for a few seconds. “Hmm. I might have something that’ll help you.”

Susan perked up, looking at Lauren. She took that as the go-ahead sign. “My daughter… she was in a similar situation when she was in college, I think. It feels like you’re being pulled in a million different directions and you don’t know where to go, right?”

Susan nodded attentively and kept listening.

“I tried to be a good mother and suggest a few things for her to look into, but this really… just ended up hurting more than helping. She didn’t need someone to tell her what to do, but instead she needed to figure that out for herself.”

“So… I just need to think about what I want?”

“Well, yeah basically. Just to… take a step back and reflect. That might just help you get a better grasp of the situation.”

“Hmm, okay. Yeah… I think I’ll go do that once I get home. T-thanks Lauren.”

“Of course! I hope you can find your answer.”

Susan grabbed her lunch again, looking back up to her. “Hehe, me too!”




Aaa ;w; I approve of slightly plush Suu. Tis more Suu for Nathan to love~


Yeah I'm definitely not a fan of plump/chubby Susuan, but you've earned the benefit of the doubt!