Quick Update on Discount Codes (Patreon)
First of all, welcome newcomers! I hope you enjoy your stay here. :D If something's unclear or something is missing, be sure to let me know.
So now that discount codes are a proper tier reward, I figured to make things clear I would also refresh the discount codes for my art packs! Without further ado, here's the new code;
As for where you can use them, it's at https://auctus177.e-junkie.com. Mind you that I do have uploaded the main angles of the 2nd pack on my Patreon. If you follow the link there, scroll down a bit and you'll find it there. So for the 2nd pack you get a pretty good overview of what to expect.
The pack itself includes size comparisons as well as a whole bunch of angles for each of the scenes. I hope that makes it clear!