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So I couldn't quite keep up with the Sunday releases, real-life stuff came up and I ended up not being  satisfied with the scene and story. Took a while before I settled on something that I liked, which is this!

Link to angles & deprecated scene


26 February 2016 - (16 days after #49)

Nathan jumped off of the bicycle, riding it to the edge of the porch before leaving it there. He grabbed his backpack and the plastic bag containing their food before walking onto the porch and entering the house, graciously provided by Susan’s backup key.

Once inside he turned on the lights in the hallway, and he could see the living room was still dark. He took a moment to take off his jacket and shoes before calling out to her upstairs. No response. Nathan kept trying, increasing the volume each time. Finally, he could hear a faint reply. 

"Dinner's ready!" He called out, waiting for her to confirm. Once she did, he entered the kitchen through the living room, dumping his backpack near the sofa. Nathan grabbed two plates along with forks from the cabinets and brought it to the coffee table. When it's just the two of them, they often have dinner in the living room. Relaxing on the sofa, legs stretched on the table with dinner on their laps. 

Nathan unpacked the dinner from the plastic bag, two packets of disposable aluminum trays. On Susan's request, he got a certain fast food dish mainly containing doner and fries, topped with some iceberg lettuce and vegetables with garlic sauce on top of it all. It wasn't the healthiest option, but ideal when you need a tasty and complete meal. 

Nathan took a moment to sit down, finally having a moment to relax. His feet were aching from standing around all day. In hindsight, agreeing to help out with an expo for the internship was probably not the brightest of ideas. He didn't feel particularly useful. But that's in the past now, time to just relax with Susan... Shortly after, he heard her tread the final few steps. Bringing himself up standing again, he wore a big smile once Susan entered the living room. She couldn't help but grin as well, walking over to him to embrace him fully. Not her light, reserved hug they usually have in public places. Her breasts pushed hard against his chest. His developed instincts made sure he had a fair bit of oxygen in his lungs. Nathan was doubly glad he did so as Susan held on for quite long.

"Aah... I'm so happy you're here." She whispered while continuing to hug.

"Me too, had such a long day." Nathan picked up on a faint smell on her that for some reason, briefly reminded him of more... intense memories with his girlfriend. Getting way ahead of himself, he focused on the present. "S-so I brought what you asked."

"Yay! Thanks sweetie, I know I could've gotten it but..." They broke up the hug, resettling on the sofa. He readjusted his shirt, which oddly felt wet now. 

"It's totally fine, I was out and about anyway. It was nothing to make a little detour. Plus... I really don't feel like cooking today." They both reached for the dish, unpacking their package of delicious food. "Man, I'm nearly starving."

"Hehe, me too." She replied, digging her fork into the food.

"Really? Haven't eaten much today then?"

"Just a small bite, I woke up a few hours ago and didn't want to have no appetite for dinner so…"

"Aaah." He didn't realize the extent of her sleeping schedule until now. "That uh, that makes sense then." Nathan reached over for the remote, turning on the television before digging into the food as well.

Minutes passed pretty quickly as they continued to eat, while watching the never-ending drama of a soap opera. Something that has become a bit of a guilty pleasure for the two. From the corner of Nathan's eye, he noticed Susan being rather bit distracted by something. He glanced over to see her free hand near her breasts. Being seated to her right, he could only see the very end of her fingers. Hr quickly looked back to avoid suspicion. That must've been a coincidence. He told himself, yet his curiosity pushed him to have another glance. This time her hand was clearly sunk into her breast, the black sweater giving enough contrast to spot it easily. Nathan also picked up on how she was shuffling around her hips and legs, like she had an itch in a hard-to-reach place. He shook his head, clearly he was looking way too much into it.

Nathan continued to eat while trying to watch as the highly predictable conflict on the television unfolded. Yet his mind kept thinking about what he just saw. To make things worse, he started to hear the faintest moan to his left, resulting in an ever increasing tightness in his pants. He quickly finished what was left of his food, got up and put the plate on one of the counters in the kitchen. 

Nathan took a moment to recollect himself. He wasn't used to his mind playing tricks on him like this. He didn't want to get the wrong idea, then mistakenly make a move on her without her consent. For a good number of reasons.

He took a moment to pour himself a glass of water.  Bringing it to his mouth, he started chugging it intensively. It was as if his body forgot his immense thirst, and it all flooded back in an instant. He emptied it on the spot.

After a short break, he walked back to the living room through the door frame. Before he could ease his mind, telling himself that what he saw was a fluke, he saw something that threw it all in for a loop.

There was Susan, sitting on the sofa in such an angle where she couldn't see him walk in. Yet one of her hands slid under her pants and even her underwear. Even from his position he could see the light blue that was clearly above her hand.

He quickly stepped back into the kitchen, perplexed. It all made sense now, except for the fact that Susan was doing that. He didn't recall her ever being so nonchalant about it. In fact, the start is usually what she has the most problems with. With his curiosity itching, he stepped back into the living room. She had her hand back to her side again. Nathan walked to the edge of the sofa.

"Hey Suu… Is everything okay?"


"Well… like… I wasn’t sure at first but you u-uhm… really seem anxious for something.”

“Oh… I mean…” Susan looked down to her legs for a moment, before putting her empty plate on the coffee table and standing up. She walked to him, held his hands.

“Could we… y’know?” She said softly. 

If it wasn’t obvious enough, she brought one of his hands into one of her breasts. The fabric felt wet to the touch. He gulped, starting to regret drinking water just now. He nodded to his blushing girlfriend and they made their way up to the attic.

Once they entered her room, she didn’t wait a moment before launching herself to him, pinning him down to the wardrobe. Their lips met, followed by lips being intertwined in each other’s mouth. He was definitely surprised by her eagerness, but he was more than happy to comply.

While they were gasping for air between kisses, he violently tugged down the zipper of Susan’s hoodie. He had to fondle them again, he had to feel the warm flesh of sheer boobage cover his entire arm again. His relationship with Susan had quickly turned him into a boob guy. How could I not? They’re absolutely perfect as they are.

He felt Susan holding his hands, helping him tug the zipper down. Seemed she wanted to unleash her breasts as much as he did. This was turning out to be one of their most intense sessions. 

They broke apart the kissing to look down. The zipper was nearly at the bottom, the fabric shifting to reveal her pink top. In a glance he didn’t recognize the top, but it was certainly trying it’s best to contain her breasts.

Then all of a sudden, she pulled back.


She turned her back to him, her hands started rubbing her hair aggressively. Nathan took a moment to catch his breath, waiting for Susan's next move.

“I-I’m so sorry...” She muttered.

“Wait… for what? What’s wrong?”

“N-nothing! It’s just… I couldn’t just hold it out any longer… I didn’t want to push you into this… I’m asking so muchofyou...” She started to tremble.

“Ah...” He paused for a second, realizing what their time apart has done to her. Not seeing each other until the weekends was pretty normal for a couple, especially one that has only started dating for a good few months. But as time proved again and again, Susan wasn't quite the normal girl.

He walked up to Susan, embracing her with his arms. Leaning his head against her, he softly said “Sssh… It’s completely fine. I had no idea this was so hard on you… But I’m here now, let me help...”

Susan nodded, fully zipping down her hoodie and dropping it on the ground. She turned around, Nathan now realizing the extent of the effects. Her breasts were visibly bulging out of the poor top. It was being stretched thin, along with it being wet around the areolas. Despite seeing them countless times this past few months, he was still perplexed at their size.

She leaned forwards to pull her pants down, her breasts dangling seemingly forever in front of Nathan. He felt his pants getting increasingly tight, it seemed someone other than him was eager to jump in. Nathan resisted to plunge in then and there, and he let her finish. Much to his surprise, her panties were completely soaked. He looked up to her, she was flushing red. Looking away as she ‘presented’ herself to him.

“I… I… c-can’t do it by myself anymore… S-so… ca-... can I have sex with you?”




Love it! She's by far my favorite character :) Can't wait to see how bad this spurt is!