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Nathan and Susan were walking down the hallway, nearly at the location of their fourth scheduled Pathfinder session since Susan joined the team. This time around, Susan went to Nathan’s house before travelling. Their hands were intertwined as they approached the front door.

Nathan pressed the doorbell and took a step back. His grip on Susan’s hand loosened, but Susan held on tighter as response. He looked to his side to see her smiling as her thumb caressed over the side of his hand. His eyes darted forward just to see how much her breasts were jutting forward before reaffirming them back to the front door. Shit… focus. Nathan thought to himself as the handle turned and the door opened.

“Yoo, welcome guys!” The apartment owner Todd said, now already walking back into the living room. “I’ll just continue prepping the board, you guys let yourself in, yeah?”

“Oh? Have you been… lazy this time around?” Nathan asked. He heard a distant ‘That’s classified’ coming from the living room. The two chuckled, closing the door behind them.

As is customary with the sessions, the pair took off their jackets and shoes. Nathan kneeled down, where Susan leaned her hand and her shoe on the wall. He was finished earlier, raising his body back up. However, Nathan didn’t realize he was right under Susan’s right breast, and his head collided right into it. The impact knocked Susan off-balance and she stumbled sideways, into the wall she was leaning on. Fortunately, she quickly recovered and prevented herself from falling.

“O-oh! I’m sorry Susan! Are you alright? Are t-they...” He cut off, and instead tilted his head down as a signal. Hopefully she’ll get what I’m hinting at.

“Jeez… Yeah, I’m alright.” She got out, now having both feet on the ground. “And nah, I made sure they were almost empty before I left. Back then… I didn’t do a very good job of properly managing that.”

“Aaah alright… Wait, but what about that time in the cabin?”

“Huh? I wasn’t full back then.” She replied with certainty.

“R-really… huh... Then h-how mu-...” Nathan wanted to ask further, but he knew this wasn’t really the best time to do so. “N-nevermind.” He could feel his cheeks turn red.

“Heh… I mean... I can show you sometime. Didn’t know you were that interested in it… and them.”

Yeah, you and me both… Nathan looked away and chuckled awkwardly. She took that as the queue to continuing untying her other shoe. Shortly after, the two entered the living room.

“Seriously, who’s idea was it to have the session so soon after Christmas?” Craig said, still unpacking the contents from his backpack. Todd sighed in response.

“We all agreed to it? And hell, if you’d actually keep track of your character on paper, you wouldn’t need to bring so much junk with you.”

“Shut uuuuuup.” The banter continued on, but its familiarity calmed Nathan’s mind. It didn’t take much longer for them to gather up and undergo today’s session.

After the three friends went out to buy some food to cook for dinner, Susan and Nathan started to relax on the sofa. Leaning in against each other, with Nathan’s arm wrapping around her back.

“That was a pretty fun session.” Nathan said while looking at the now abandoned table, while Susan was browsing through her phone.

“Yeah.” She started, looking over from her phone. “I finally got the chance to use my character’s hatred for undead.”

“Heh, it worked out quite nicely. Usually it’s a gamb-” He froze mid-sentence. Nathan’s eyes jumped to Susan’s phone, which he could see easily. She was browsing through a long list of images, looking at each for only a second before scrolling further down. What caught his eye however, was each image containing at least one pregnant woman, drawn or photographed.


“Hm? You like it too, so...”

“I mean… yeah. I’m only surprised you’d browse in a time like this.”

“I don’t usually- OH!” Susan paused, tapping the current image to enlarge it. She brought it up to Nathan’s face. “Hey… Since you... uhm... allow yourself now, what do you t-think about this?”

The image was a photograph of a woman taking a photo of herself in the mirror. Her bust was quite formidable, nearly reaching the size of Susan’s. But the biggest sphere was her belly underneath, looking to be carrying at least twins.

“H-holy hell, she’s… uhm… big.”

“Tehee, I knew you’d like it. This one’s particular good because like… her breasts are enveloped separately by the shirt. Normally they’d just… cover over it. But here she seems to have deliberately shoved some fabric under to create that look.” She elaborated without hesitation in her voice.

“I… huh. Yeah, you’re actually right.” Nathan took a closer look to confirm. “I would’ve expected you to like her stomach more though.”

“Uh...” Susan pulled her phone back. Her eyes darting all over the place while her cheeks slowly changed to a reddish tint.

“I… Y-yeah I do, but... it’s not…. uhm… It’s fun to imagine m-myself like that. You know? Since she’s about the same size as me, I can see and imagine what it would look like when I...”

She didn’t finish her sentence. Instead, she stared off into the distance, waiting for Nathan to say something.

“I see… That makes sense. I personally don’t think that in-depth about it. But because you uhm… actually like being it, it makes sense for you t-... I said that twice now… But yeah...”

“Yeah...” She leaned further into him, turning her head until it touched his. Nathan shuffled in his place to better accommodate Susan, and they proceeded to sit there in silence for a couple more minutes, enjoying each other's company, while the peace still lasted. Until a faint chatter became louder and louder, and the front door opened.


WE'RE BACK BOYS. It's technically only nearly been 3 months since the last entry, but I've lost steam ever since the Christmas entry. Nevertheless, the pause did me well. Some peace to work on other stuff like one-offs & Emi, and even working on an equally complex story that is Growth Academy's hyperpreg route (yeah that happened :v). And as I indicated here, SOME GOOD SHIT IS AHEAD.

We'll see if I can properly manage to balance the two projects on top of everything else. ^^;



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