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See! I didn't forget about this! :D

Well, the actual reason this took so long is because my good friend Happy-Clam  proposed to write something for this particular scene. He wanted to write three different versions to it, very similar to how support conversations work in Awakening. 1. Male Robin (unmarried/not married to Tharja) version; 2. Female Robin and finally 3. Male Robin who's married/S-rank to Tharja.

Now what sucks the most about this, is that the one I want to put on my dA is the only unfinished one. AKA the married version. :(

In any case, I uploaded the main render as well as the extra angles in the WIP folder. And to keep you guys from waiting, here's the Male Robin (Unmarried) version!


“Th-Tharja?” I asked the darkness of the supply tent. Closing the flap behind me, I plunged the tent back into absolute darkness as I stood awkwardly just inside the tent.

As if I could see it anyway, I looked down at the note clutched in my hand. It had been written by Tharja, the dark mage herself, beckoning me to come to her rescue in the supply tent.

Rescue, I thought, was probably the wrong word for it. Knowing Tharja, it was most definitely the wrong word for it. Especially if it was written by her in a note.

“Over here.” Tharja's voice announced in the pitch darkness of the supply tent. Her voice was low and unamused.

A match struck in the darkness and lit a candle. I recognized the bridal-style gloves of Tharja immediately. She extinguished the match with a flick of her wrist.

The flame from the candle was stronger, but not enough to illuminate the entirety of the tent. I could barely make out Tharja's dark silhouette amidst the darkness. The candle sat upon a series of books. Tomes it looked like. Perhaps Tharja was raiding the supply tent for weapons she could use in the upcoming battles.

I opened my mouth to speak, but a crash and a thud distracted me.

“...Curses...” Tharja muttered under her breath.

“Tharja?” I asked, taking a step forward.

“Wait.” She spoke in a dry, flat tone. I stopped my advance.

There was more crashing and thudding, weapons and items clinked and rattled upon their racks and cabinets where they were secured. It felt like the entire supply tent was under attack.

Tharja let out a sigh in the darkness. Conjuring some dark magic from her hand, its ethereal glow illuminating her fingers, she cast some kind of magic spell and suddenly the tent was restored to its normal illumination.

Candles throughout the supply tent ignited into life and the light flooded my eyes for a second. I raised my arms to block some of it out and was in for the shock of my life upon lowering them back down.

“That's better. I suppose...” Tharja grimaced. “I wanted to set the mood, but it was too difficult to see and I'm not quite used to... this.”

I gasped as my eyes took in Tharja, all of Tharja, like it was the first time seeing her.

Tharja huffed. The enormous swell of her breasts inflating and deflating in turn. Her unamused look slowly flicked into a grin.

“Like what you see?”

The question hung in the air like a pair of dirty socks as the dark mage gave me a looking over that made me very uncomfortable.

“Tharja! What-what happened to you?”

“I'm ripe with life right now. I don't like it.” Tharja rolled her eyes before the pupils focused back on me with a steely, piercing look. “I thought you could help.”

“Ye gods, Tharja! I can see that, but how did it happened? Never mind, don't answer that, you'll probably tell me the details.”

“Ehh heeh heh.” Tharja chuckled, a blush spreading upon her cheeks. “I was thinking about you the entire time.”

“Tharja!” I exclaimed, turning around and making sure the tent flap was pulled shut. A burning sensation spreading across my own cheeks. “How-- why-- But you're so big?!”

“Oh. That.” Tharja's eyes shifted to the side, like she was recalling a bad memory. “Well, like I said, I don't like it.” She rubbed her expansive tum absentmindedly. “So I cast a few spells trying to get rid of it.”

“...Get... rid... of... it? Tharja!” I tried to chastise her, but she just sent me back a fierce glance, like a wild animal.

“Obviously, a spell went wrong. Do you remember those liver-and-eel pies I made for you?”

“I remember a liver-and-eel pie.” I admitted.

“Well, apparently, like you, this child likes them. I've been devouring them like mad ever since.” Tharja licked her lips. Her hands rose from her belly to cup her breasts. “That's where the note comes in. I wrote you hoping you could go out and restock our supplies.”

I went wide-eyed. “Tharja! Magically induced hunger is very, very bad! You can't just sate your appetite and be done with it!”

“Who said anything about magic?” Tharja questioned. The sincerity in her voice was off-putting and quite surprising.

“You mean this isn't because of that spell that backfired?”

“What? Whoever said anything about that?”

I blushed. Oops. Looks like I had jumped to a conclusion just then.

“Whatever, never mind. Can you restock the pantry or not?” Tharja took to tapping her foot on the floor. Then a grin spread upon her lips and she turned to the side. She struck a pose that made my jaw drop.

“I'll make it worth the effort, ehh heh heh.”

“So... all the eels and livers I can get, right?”

“Mmmhmm,” Tharja purred at the thought of it. “Oh, and maybe some cocoa butter. For my skin. And some ice cream. Oh, and whipped cream. And pickles. Blood and thunder if you can bottle it.”

I blinked.

“Riiiiiight. I'll see what I can manage, stay right there.”

Tharja cast another spell with her hands and all the candles went out except the one she had manually lit earlier.

“Eh heh heh.” She chuckled. 



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