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Don't think I've ever done a car scene before, or it's been a long while since I have. Makes for great narrow scenes where a massively pregnant Susan can still fit, but space is clearly running out!!

Auc Vault / Drive Folder


March 8, 2018 - (10 days after #109, 37 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

The big day had arrived. With the essential rooms of the house completed, and the apartment being practically only boxes. All that was left was to move everything over, something Susan and Nathan would’ve liked to help with but were instead sent off for a weekend vacation.

They accepted the break reluctantly, but soon realized they truly needed it. The neighboring town they visited was a stark contrast to their busy city life, immersing them in a peaceful and quiet atmosphere.

Their weekend consisted of leisurely exploring the parks and walking along the vast expanse of the nearby lake. Neither of which involved a lot of walking due to Susan’s shrinking endurance, but the change of pace was still very refreshing to the parents-to-be.

Despite the relaxation during their brief hiatus, Susan and Nathan were eagerly anticipating their return home on Sunday. They no longer had to navigate the familiar route to their apartment because their destination was their newly acquired abode, which was perfectly suited to nurture the growing family that was quickly approaching.



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