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When coming up with fun prompt ideas for the pregnancy, this one right here was one of the first that was realized. It was really fun back then, and I'm glad it holds up even now! But man Susan sure is getting massive now... 😳

Auc Vault / Drive Folder


January 29, 2018 - (5 days after #104, 32 weeks into Susan's pregnancy)

Susan sat in the checkup room waiting for the doctor to arrive. The nurse had been kind enough to help her get undressed, as well as get on top of the table. A task that over the past few weeks had become more and more difficult as the the children's growth accelerated as a result of being in her third trimester. Susan rubbed her back lightly where a muscle ache had started to form. Even light exertion was starting to get to here from time to time, and she had noticed that her breasts also have started to become far more sensitive. All things she’d need to talk about with Dr. Reese.

The door opened pulling Susan’s attention from her thoughts, her heart rate immediately spiked as she saw her mom walk in, with her hair tied up. She tried to cover her nipples with her hands but there was only so much her hands could do.


Susan’s mom looked up from the chart like her attention was being dragged away from something interesting. “Hello, Susan. Give me a moment, I still need to catch myself up on your chart.” She looked back down to the chart as she took a seat on the doctor’s stool.

“What are you doing here?” Susan asked, her eyes darting to her clothes which sat on the table behind her mom.

“Dr. Reese is attending a woman who went into labor unexpectedly early. And pulled pulled in a couple junior doctors to help.” She pulled a pen from her pocket and made a note on the chart. “I was pulled over from general practice to help with the regular checkups.”

Annika looked up from the chart. “Don’t worry, I’ll be sure to note anything out of the ordinary so that Dr. Reese will be able to review it later.” She stood from her chair and took out her stethoscope.

“Oh. I...” Susan let out before she was cut off by a cold circle being pressed to her chest.

“Breathe In.” Annika said. Susan blushed but complied. Her breasts wobbling as her chest expanded. “And out.”

They continued through the regular checks, which helped calm Susan’s nerves a bit but she could practically hear her heartbeat in her ears when Annika put the stethoscope to her enormous belly.

“Okay everything seems normal according to your chart.” She cocked her head at the chart then turned looking directly at Susan’s breast. “I am slightly concerned for what I assume is swelling across your areola, your chart says you have naturally inverted nipples, but I distinctly remember them being proud during your puberty.” She lightly grabbed Susan’s breast spreading the hole that hid her inverted nipple. Susan felt a tingle run through her breast and up her spine. “Your chart mentions a 1cm wide inversion, but this looks closer to 3 or 4cm.” As she spread apart the opening for Susan’s nipple, milk sprayed out in a long stream. “Ooops. Well that’s a good sign.”

Annika started writing what happened on the chart. Susan couldn’t help but flush red and wish that any of this wasn’t happening right now. “I... In the past week they’ve started to get a lot more sensitive.” Susan said.

Annika looked down at her chart. “It says that you’ve lactated for several years now?”

Susan blushed but nodded. “Not like this though. Normally I’d produce at most 2 liters per day, but I’m producing close to 6 liters a day now. It’s.... a lot.”

“Hmm” Annika made a couple notes on the chart. “That would sound about right for what the kids would need. I’m not as well versed in the affects of Auctus pregnancies, but I would suspect that the production and needs of mother and child would be higher than normal. And this seems to track with that. Is there anything else that has you concerned?”

Susan almost didn’t say anything, this had already been embarrassing enough but she needed to get the information to Dr. Reese. “Lately I’ve been having more trouble getting around, and have been getting tired more easily. My skin always feels tight around my belly and occasionally gives discomfort.”

Annika made some more notes on the clipboard. “This is probably related to how large you’ve gotten. Even if your body can handle the Auctus, that doesn’t mean that you can produce enough muscle mass in time to support it.” She bent over to look at Susan’s back, lightly prodding her muscles there. Then writing more on the board. “You’ll need to be more diligent with regular exercise. There are a lot of different ways to do so without having a high impact on you. Going for walks, doing water aerobics, intercourse, Pilates. There are lots of options.”

Susan went stark white.

“As for tight skin, it would be best to be liberal in the application of lotion over your belly. It will help reduce the number and intensity of stretch marks post-partum.” Annika handed a stunned Susan a small paper with her prescription, kissed her on the forehead and walked out of the room without another word.




How many weeks is she now? I keep thinking about her dream from way back where she was an enormously pregnant Queen.