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Ayyyy Happy New Year. I can't believe we've been doing this for three years now. I'd ask, "where did the time go?", but we all know exactly where it went...

Now that the holidays are past, I’ll be working on getting some colored work done more regularly again.

In addition, I’m looking to do some color sequence commissions again. This time around the commissions will be reserved and paid for via the special Obsidian Tier.

Price is $200 for 3 full body poses with 3 smaller panels in between. (A bit more like my original PKMN girl sequences that some of you have probably seen from years ago.)

Here’s what to expect for the layout.

NOTE: It Is Crucial that we talk about the commission and I approve the idea before you pledge.

Also Note: characters with a lot of detail will raise the price.

I’ll only take on maybe two at a time so I can ideally finish them within the same month. 

Those interested, let me know if you have any questions. And as always thanks for being here.



I am EXTREMELY interested. I'm guessing once the Obsidian tier is active, we should send our idea to you and then you'll let us know if we should pledge or not? I also assume people will get kicked out at the end of the month if there's a lot of demand.


The timing for the idea's not super important. I just want to make sure I green light it before any funds are exchanged. The tier won't even be visible until I have the first someone approved to select it. Most likely, yeah. Since the tier's just for the commission, I might need to make sure people don't sit there when the month rolls over if we haven't already talked about another commission for the following month. This is the first go at this method, so I'll be figuring out how to streamline it as I go.