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Cutting straight to the point, the main changes entail the addition of a new tier and an edit to the Platinum tier.

So here’s the run down of how the tiers will look.

Crystal Tier $1

  • General access to patreon feed.

Silver Tier $3

  • General access to patreon feed.
  • Access to WIPs
  • Vote in general polls

Platinum Tier $7

  • General access to patreon feed.
  • Access to WIPs
  • Vote in general polls
  • Suggest sketch ideas
  • Vote in polls selecting sketches to be colored.

Diamond Tier $20

  • Everything else
  • Pick an old sketch to be added to the color polls

So Platinum Tier is increasing by $2, and I’m buffing it with access to voting in the Select-A-Sketch (to be colored) polls. I’m enjoying the polls a lot and it feels like an efficient way to actually get me coloring things more often. The sketches in the polls will mostly always be grouped by theme- So TF with TF, Growth with Growth, etc.

Really want to be clear in that Diamond Tier is mostly just a new tier for super supporters. Only pick it if you’re just that generous.

Further down the line I’m considering adding something like an Obsidian Tier. This one would likely act as a commission tier and would only be available for 1-2 people at a time for one commission. The price of it would depend on what type of commission(s) I’m offering at that time. I’ll probably use it to put colored sequences back on the table sometimes since it’s been a while. Starting this tier would probably still be a month or two away so don’t think about it too hard yet (or do if you think you’d want something).

I think that’s about it.

I’m aware that this may cause some of you to rethink your pledges a bit. Regardless of what you decide, I want to thank everyone for any and all support, while I mostly just do my thing.

Peace, Peace.



all sounds good! always down to support!