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A man escapes from prison and is taken in by a man who promises to keep him safe and hidden.   He devises a plan to make him into a new person, by gaining tremendous amounts of weight.   They begin an extreme gaining regimen and the criminal becomes incredibly fat.   He can't turn it off.   The feeder says he should be safe now, and can get outside again.  He gains so much that he can't even fit out of the door.    Months later, he is trapped in bed... in a small cement room, locked away in secret.  The feeder wears guard outfits and is brutally intense with the gaining regimon.   

Farm and Sacrifice 

An obese man moves to a farming village and is warmly welcomed in to the community.   Men keep bringing food to him, and the village informs him that everyone looks out for one another.   As he begins to gain weight, a local man takes interest in him.  They fall in love and his weight balloons as the man cooks for him.   Two years pass, and the fat man has gotten so huge that he can barely waddle around.   The feeder brings him out to eat at the diner by moving him around in the back of a flatbed truck.   They attend a travelling fair and the village people won't stop looking at him like a piece of meat.   They go home and the feeder confesses that he wants him even fatter, that it turns him on entirely to have everyone see him like that and then push to feed him more.   The fat man cautiously agrees, nervous about his fate as someone too fat to walk.   The next summer, the man is immobilized and addicted to food.   The feeder gets help one day, cutting out the wall of his house to remove the fat one.   They bring him on a big trailer to the fair late at night.  The men of the village are there and each take turns hand feeding the fat one.   They then share him sexually, each taking turns fucking him in the ass.    There is a ceremony, and the fat one learns that he is going to be sacrificed to the crops.   He begins trying to escape but can't move.   The younger farmers protest at first, but soon know that it's the only way for the crops to be good next year, and that it's the way it's always been done.   The feeder makes the youngest farmer "pull the trigger", which funnel feeds the fat man until he can't keep up with the flow of food and dies gagging on a fatty slop.    

Groundhog's Day

A young man has an amazing day, spending the day with a feeder who stuffed him bigger than he's ever been.   He wakes up the next day to find that it's the same day repeating.  

1. guy meets man, go through 10 fast food drivethrus, ordering a burger at each one.

2. to the buffet for hours

3.  Ice cream cake on the drive home

4. Intense sex, ending in the melted ice cream cake being funneled into his mouth.

5.  Falls asleep in the feeder's bed.

He ruins the date the first few repeats, and then decides to dive into it head first after realizing any weight he gains stays with him.   It alters the way the feeder reacts to him, and his appetite gets bigger and bigger.   More burgers are ordered, more is eaten at the buffet, the ice cream cake is soon followed by a pizza, cookies, a pie... etc...

It goes like this for weeks, his weight up 75lbs.   The feeder soon starts doing things very differently - keeping him naked at home and force feeding him all day.    Intense sex.   Too fat for his clothes, so the days begin with the feeder coming to pick him up at home to find him naked and 150lbs fatter than he expected.   

Months pass, and the guy is going nuts because he doesn't know how to break the spell.   The feeder becomes controlling and aggressive, eventually just raping him as soon as he sees him.   The fat one then decides not to answer the door.   The feeder doesn't meet him for the first time in the looping.   He spends the day ordering delivery and talking online.    The feeder is disappointed and won't reply to him online.    He goes to bed, sad and lonely over his decisions, but hoping it may break the looping.   

He wakes up and the day has changed, he is 200lbs fatter than he was at the start.   People in his life are shocked.  He is fired.   He calls the feeder and he comes by and feeds him and fucks him.   He wakes up and finds the feeder bringing in breakfast, handfeeding him naked and slowly fucking his fat.    He proposes during the meal because he wants to spend the rest of his life with him.   He knew from the instant he saw him that he wanted to marry him.   The fat boy is shocked but agrees.   

A year later.   The day starts like every other day - he wakes up to the feeder fucking him, then is fed breakfast.   He gets a sponge bath in bed and the feeder cares for him, giving him more to eat before he leaves for work.   He arrives home with fast food and cleans him in bed again.   He promises that every day will be like this forever, and passionately makes kinky love to him.   The feeder confesses that he's never been so in love with someone.   

The day starts like every other day...


An incredibly famous actor is sick of the life of fame and decides to retire his career by doing something he always wanted to do - get super fat and have no one know who he is.    He finds a terrible comedy script that has the actor needing a huge fat suit and becomes executive producer on it - announcing that he will actually be gaining weight for the role - baffling the entertainment industry.   The movie will feature the story of a cop needing to infiltrate a gang of sumo wrestlers in order to stop a crime ring involving a super villain wanting to make the world into mind controlled slaves by eating tampered fast food burgers.   The actor begins a two year filming, where they shoot chronologically from the start and film each time pass after weeks of gaining each time.   In editing, the crew starts thinking that this might actually be genius, as the handsome actor begins looking very good even as a fat man.    The director is a friend and a feeder, and pushes him along.   At the one year point, Hollywood is all questions about their leading man, no one has seen him in a year, and there are only insane rumors from some people on set who say that the actor has gained 200lbs for the role.    

The actor has gained 250lbs, and wants to do better for the second year of filming.   He lives with the director in a secret spot, filled with supplies and a hand picked helper staff who are sworn to secrecy.   The actor begins gaining 40lbs a month in a very strict new diet.   He is listless on screen, and the shoots are shocking as his weight is clearly getting to the better of him.    A sneeked picture from set makes hollywood buzz as it shows their fit leading man as a 450lb obese man in a sumo outfit.   The cut of the film is brilliant, however, and they gladly begin the 2nd half of the film.   The film features multiple eating montages where his body is shown gaining weight to the extremes.    As they prepare for the 3rd act, the actor has an injury and production is delayed a year.   The director rewrites the ending where the hero loses and the villain puts him under mind control to the max, and has him getting so fat that he can't even walk.   They begin filming it and pushing his weight to extremes.  By the end of the year, he is over 700lbs and needs support while standing.    The crew is alarmed, and the actor is clearly too fat to be doing the movie.   They finish, but the director keeps filming in private for months for the secret ending.    The hero wins by eating so much that he breaks through the floor in order to crush the bad guy below him.   The movie is a mess, and isn't very good at all, but there is pandamonium going on around the world, wanting to see the biggest actor of the time ruin his career so publicly.   The premiere opens and people are horrified, but also making it the biggest comedy of all time, with people going back multiple times.  A new wave of people are into chubby chasing, and it starts a new era of obesity in the world.   The movie becomes one of the highest grossing of all time and stays in theatres for over a year because of the popularity.  The re-release it in 3D.   

The actor finds himself more famous than before.   Obsessed fans break into his home and feed him.   The actor eats his days away, rejecting offers for weight loss sponserships and accepting any offers for promoting foods or anything to do with pornos.   He switches to porn star and becomes the highest grossing porno star of all time after his movies, featuring just him in bed being fucked and fed, are massive hits.   


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