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A new hire at the office can’t stop gaining weight - his coworkers won’t allow it.


“Soft Work”

By Lardfill, April 2021

It was hiring day at the office and Kent was in the building early to get prepared to interview the short list of candidates that he had received over the last month, but he was not hopeful.   The resumes were lackluster and unimpressive, and it seemed that there were only five people who wanted a chance to work in his small company that created disposable customized burger wrappers for several small fast food franchises.   Kent leaned back in his chair and rested the resumes on his beer belly as he flipped through the resumes with a huff.  This was not going to be a fun day.   An hour later, the three other guys who worked for Kent arrived with the typical laughs and "bro" conversations that flooded into the office at nine o'clock.   

Two of his employees, Chris and Gus, were the warehouse crew who bounced back and forth between the stock room, where shipping and receiving happened, and the office, where the  doughnuts and coffee were.   They were meatheads and practically cavemen when it came to conversation and both were married with large swarms of children.   One year, Kent made the mistake of holding an office Christmas party where staff family was invited and it took a year to finally repair the office from all the damages their wild children caused.     Since then, office parties were short and staff-only, which suited the workers better anyways as it gave them a break from the chaos at home.

The only other worker was Joe, who was turning thirty but still single.  He was lean and muscular and seemed to get along well with both the warehouse guys and himself, but Kent also thought that the ultra-masculine persona and low-brow conversations that he held with the warehouse guys was maybe a bit of a show.   Kent had noticed Joe's quick glances at his big tank of a ball belly, and he seemed to enjoy the male figure a bit more than he let on.    The water cooler delivery man who dropped by the office every month to replace the water cooler jugs was a big guy with a large slab of a belly and Kent noticed that Joe's eyes were locked on the jiggling fat every time he strutted in.   One time the water delivery man entered while Joe was talking with Kent, and he completely fell apart as soon as he saw him, stammering and trying hard to focus on the conversation and not on the beefcake carrying heavy jugs of water.    Kent was a married man, but he had some strong bisexual leanings, and he recognized Joe's casual glances and awkward behavior around certain men as signs of a strong sexual desire.    

Kent didn't know if Joe would ever act of these thoughts, but it was fun to occasionally tease him with a stretch that would cause his shirt to untuck and reveal some belly, or see his face when he'd grabbed a handful of donuts from the box and wander back into his private office.    Joe was single, but he also wasn't out.   Kent wasn't even sure what sexuality Joe was - bi or gay.  He acted very straight most of the time - talking about women and sex with the other guys with ease and even discussing a girlfriend once but it didn't seem to last and his interest in finding a relationship was non existent.    Kent had a feeling that Joe was fully gay, and could picture him being a dominate top, but he knew it was going to take a bit of a push for him to open up about it.

It was almost noon when Kent heard a knock on his office door.   A handsome young man with strawberry blonde hair and a baby-smooth face was standing in his doorway with a clumsy smile on his face.   He was dressed in a baggy dress shirt and pants, looking like he had just bought his first suit without knowing what his sizes were.   He was a bit husky with wide hips, thick legs, and a big chest that looked a bit buff, but judging by the rest of his body, it was just fat.   

"Hi, sir.    I'm Bobby Stone," the young man said, stretching out his hand.

"Thanks for coming in, Bobby.  I'm Kent Canner, I own the place," Kent introduced, giving him a firm handshake.

Kent noticed a quick darting look that Bobby gave during the handshake that dropped down to his big beer belly and then back up with a bit of a blush.   They sat down and began the interview which was honestly pretty terrible.   Bobby had no skills and had barely passed high school five years ago and since then, had only worked in several fast food places in entry level positions.    Kent could tell that Bobby was a stoner, he could smell it on him and see the glassy stare in his eyes, but it suddenly clicked in his head that Bobby was the perfect bait for Joe.   A lazy dumb stoner parked next to boxes of doughnuts every day will surely amount to weight gain, and Joe would have a front row seat.   

"Where do you see yourself in five years?" Kent asked.

"Uhh, well, I'd like to have a stable job and making more than I am now," Bobby explained.  "I'd love to have an office job so I'm not running around all day.   Something slower paced than fast food."

"Well, we work with fast food companies, but we're nothing like working in an actual fast food restaurant," Kent assured.   "You gotta be careful though, with a desk job, it's easy to end up looking like me." 

Kent jokingly tapped his big belly and Bobby blushed a deep red that clashed with his hair colour, but he laughed along and shook his head.

"I got nothing against that," Bobby said, still blushing.   "Not an issue at all."

"Good man.  I don't know how Joe stays so trim sitting near those doughnuts out there.   I keep a few boxes of them out there for the staff and the warehouse guys and I all have our fill, but Joe's all about will power and control," Kent said with a chuckle. 

"We can't all eat salad," Bobby said with a little chuckle.  "You have to treat yourself once in a while."

"Or every hour or so... and again at lunch... and the after-work secret fast food that my wife doesn't know about that I get every night before dinner," Kent added, which made Bobby laugh in a husky but almost silent laugh that even Kent thought was cute.  

"I like the way you think," Bobby laughed.   

They discussed the job being offered - a cushy data-entry job that basically just involves plugging information into charts and graphs while also keeping track of archives.   Bobby admitted that he had never done anything like that before, but Kent assured him that Joe would always be there to help.   Hiring Bobby meant Joe would have more free time as he was the one compiling all this information lately, on top of his usual work load.    The job sounded easy enough and Bobby was beginning to feel like he could properly do it.   

"I think that covers everything," Kent said after explaining the position.  "Sound good?"

"Yeah, it really does," Bobby nodded.   "So when do I find out if I got the job or not?"

"Now.   You have it if you want it," Kent said, reaching his arm out to give his new employee a handshake.   

"What?  Really?  Thank you, sir," Bobby exclaimed, shaking Kent's hand immediately. "Thank you so much!  When do I start?"

"As soon as you can," Kent said with a big smile.

"I just have to finish my week at the burger place, but then I can start," Bobby said, almost shaking with excitement.

"Monday at nine," Kent said, sitting back in his chair, knowing that his belly really strained the buttons of his shirt when he leaned back.

"I'll be there, sir," Bobby said, his eyes darting down to the sphere of belly straining the buttons before another shade of red blushed over his face.  "Thank you."

"Call me Kent," he replied with a grin, folding his hands on top of his belly and rocking his chair a little.

"Yes sir, Kent, sir..." Bobby stammered as he backed out of the office and turned the corner.

When he was out of sight of his new boss, Bobby peered around the main office space to see where he'd be working.  Joe was no longer at his desk and wasn't in the office room, so Bobby wandered over to the table of coffee makers and boxes of doughnuts and stacked three doughnuts in his hand before quietly wandering out the door.  He was so concerned about getting caught sneaking doughnuts that he nearly slammed right into Joe on his way out.

"Whoa there!  Look out!" Joe said, grabbing Bobby's hips and steering him around gently to avoid a smashed mess of doughnuts.   

"Sorry!   I'm...  uh...  I'm Bobby," he introduced, realizing that he was holding the doughnuts in the hand he usually shakes with.   "I, uh, I guess I'm starting work here on Monday."

"Getting a head start on the doughnuts, I see," Joe said, putting on a stern act.  

"These? No, yeah... I..." Bobby turned dark red, blushing with deep embarrassment.

Joe laughed so hard that he hunched over and then slapped Bobby on the back.   

"Oh shit, man... I'm just kidding," Joe said, wiping a tear from his eye with another chuckle.  "Just a second man, I'll be right back."

Joe left the hallway and immediately came back with an entire box of doughnuts.

"Here man, take this," Joe said bluntly.   "I'm sick of looking at these things all day."

"No, I can't..." Bobby said, feeling incredibly embarrassed.

"Take them!  Kent brings in three boxes of them every day and there's only three people here that eat them, and they never finish the second box.   There's always a full box of them left at the end of the day,"  Joe assured.   "At least I can find these guys a good home now."

Joe pushed the box into Bobby's hands while also taking the loose doughnuts out of Bobby's palm and putting them in the full box, crushing a few of them when he pushed the lid of the box back down.   He thought this new employee was adorable, a little cub of a guy who might be influenced to put on some weight while they work together - he could barely contain his excitement as he tried to remain calm and composed.

"There!  You got tonight's dessert figured out," Joe said smugly.  "See you Monday, Bobby."

With that, Joe tucked back into the office and left Bobby to walk to his junker of a car with a confused expression on his face.   He wasn't sure what kind of first impression he had made with both Kent and Joe, and he wasn't sure if he was going to be teased for showing his gluttonous side so soon.   He went home to his tiny rundown apartment and ate the entire box of donuts in a matter of minutes after getting high.   He then ordered a pizza and spent the rest of the night getting baked and snacking like he usually did.  

On Monday, Bobby arrived at work wearing the exact same outfit that he wore for his interview and took a seat at the empty desk in front of Joe, right next to the table loaded with coffee and doughnuts.   Bobby didn't realize it, but Kent had rearranged the coffee table so that the doughnuts were now at the opposite end as usual, within arm's reach of Bobby's desk.  Joe noticed this change and thought it was odd but after only a few minutes, Bobby was already reaching over to grab a doughnut so he didn't mention anything about the change.   He just stared as Bobby took a couple doughnuts and set them on his desk, only to see them vanish within a minute as he devoured them while completely distracted by the computer screen.   Joe kept snickering as he watched Bobby repeatedly go to grab another bite from the constantly restocked stack of doughnuts only to find that he had already eaten them. 

Bobby soon found himself in a daily routine at the office.  He would arrive with a fast food breakfast, sit down at his desk and snack on doughnuts until lunch, when Joe would usually offer a drive to get some fast food or even the buffet in town.   Bobby would then return to work for the afternoon with a stuffed belly and even more doughnuts until the time he finished for the day and then would either order some delivery or cook up something himself that usually consisted of pasta, bread and a hell of a lot of butter.    His daily calorie intake was well over 10,000 calories - he'd usually eat 5000 calories before lunch, and then another 5000 calories before he went home for the day to pile more food into his gut.   All the calories combined with the complete lack of exercise that he was getting was causing weight to pile on rapidly and he did nothing to stop it.   Every day he felt a little bigger and by the end of his first month, his formally baggy dress shirt and pants were fitting properly, and in another month, it was too tight to fit anymore.

He crossed three hundred pounds after his second month, which lead him to ask Joe how he managed to stay so trim, and after Joe informed him that he doesn't eat the doughnuts and only orders salads and wraps at fast food places, Bobby waved him off, knowing that he could never stick to that routine.   Joe, in turn, found himself fixated on Bobby's weight as he continued to spread wider in his seat.    Three hundred pounds turned into three-fifty by the end of the next month, and four hundred the month after that.   He was an eating machine, and he didn't even notice when Kent started bringing in four boxes of doughnuts in the morning, with another two boxes after lunch.    Bobby just sat there working with one hand in a doughnut box, day after day, month after month.

His body was changing in a very shapely way, producing curves and soft roundness in his belly, chest, butt, and a thick coating of fat over his arms and legs.   His neck had bloated and sagged with an ample roll of flesh that jiggled when he talked.   His nipples had become very perky with the feminine shape of his chest pointing them out against his shirts, and Joe had noticed that even the warehouse guys, Gus and Chris, took an extra long look at them when Bobby waddled into work.    Joe loved seeing these proudly straight men turning their heads to stare at a fat guy's swaying breasts as he slowly lumbered into the office.    This was also when Joe was able to get a good look at Bobby's belly when he walked.   It was like a slab of jelly that kept hanging lower and lower, straining the lowest buttons while covering up his crotch.    His wide hips and dump truck of an ass filled out his pants and Joe could've sworn that he had heard popping seams and ripping fabric on several occasions as Bobby's ever-growing body tested the strength of his clothing that never survived longer than a month or two.   

Joe couldn't help but imagine Bobby being much fatter - obscenely obese to the point where most people would be scared for him, but Joe just wanted to push him bigger.   His breasts and belly would stick out and hang down lower, he'd become wider and heavier and more helpless against the constant flood of calories that were overtaking his system.   The best part, in Joe's opinion, was how Bobby's dick would get swallowed up and become useless the fatter he got.    He often fantasized about fucking someone in the hole where their cock is buried - some enormously obese blob who has no penis left and can't fuck anymore.  Joe wanted to make Bobby feel powerless against his thin body and make himself feel strong and ultra masculine against his sot flabby and feminine body.   He wanted to show Bobby what a real man could do after taking away his manhood through months of pushing fattening food and treats on him until his cock was overwhelmed and trapped deep in the lard that he helped create.

Weeks went by and so did several staff birthdays, which were usually celebrated with a small cake, at most.   This year, every birthday was celebrated with a sheet cake, pizzas and an assortment of snacks and drinks.   The warehouse guys seemed to be confused at the sudden changes, but they also were distracted by Bobby and his bottomless appetite.   Piece after piece of cake, slice after slice of pizza - he was like a pig dressed in a suit, seemingly unaware of how much of a gluttonous slob he looked like.   Every time he ate, he completely zoned out.   He would practically inhale any food placed in front of him and Joe made sure that supply of food never ended.   He'd plop another slice of cake on his plate or stack a few slices of pizza up and place them in Bobby's hand as soon as he finished the last slices.   Bobby didn't seem to even notice what was happening, but Gus spoke up after the third pizza box was emptied and a whole sheet cake was gone except for three pieces.   

"Don't get too close to his mouth, or he might suck you down too," Gus quipped and started cackling like he usually did after a joke.   Joe chuckled and shook his head while blowing out his cheeks and raising his eyebrows, hiding his feederism intents with a look of disbelief at Bobby's gluttony.   

"You want any more cake before it goes into the black hole?" Joe asked with a grin, looking at the three squares of buttercream frosted marble cake sitting on the big empty tray.   

"I'm honestly interested in seeing how much can actually fit in him," Gus said, staring at Bobby as he reached over his own moobs for a bowl of chips and dip.  "He's a greedy porker, isn't he?"

"Power to him.  It's disgusting and fascinating to watch, but power to him.   He's living his own version of the American dream," Chris spoke up, looking at Bobby take a handful of chips and scoop up half of the dip before cramming the mass of junk food into his mouth, spilling some out of the corners of his mouth in a creamy ranch mess.   "He's a true patriot."

Joe turned away while he scooped up the remaining pieces of cake onto a plate.    He didn't want to provoke Chris anymore than he had to - his conversations often became over-patriotic and a little freaky and Joe often found himself lost for words during their infrequent chats.   All Joe knew about Chris was that he had two fully stocked bomb shelters, he collected old medical equipment and circus memorabilia, and that he named his children after famous clowns while naming his dogs after American presidents.    Chris was bluntly emotionless but also highly passionate about a bizarre mixture of topics that Gus never seemed to get tired of listening to during their long days in the warehouse.    Any time Joe went into the warehouse or when the guys came up to the office for a coffee break, he'd overhear random snippets of Chris's conversations that often went to extremes.   He seemed like the kind of person who had a list of secrets as long as his list of tall tales.    

By the end of the birthday party, there was no food left and the warehouse guys had to help him walk out to Joe's car so he could be driven home.   Bobby's belly was swollen to such an extreme that he couldn't fit behind the wheel of his own car, so Joe drove him home in his car and then picked him up after the weekend to drive him to work.   When Bobby waddled out from his apartment building on that following Monday morning, it was obvious that the birthday party had done some damage to Bobby's frame.   His shirt wouldn't tuck in under his belly, letting an inch of the softest belly fat dangle wildly from under the fabric as he slowly took heavy steps to the car.   Every step caused his hefty chest to sway and undulate, causing his nipples to dance against the fabric and strain the buttons that kept them contained.   When they arrived at the office, Gus and Chris were outside having a smoke.

There was complete silence for the first minute of the slow waddle to the building from the parking lot as Gus and Chris watched with their mouths hanging open.   Unbeknownst to Bobby, two of his shirt buttons had come undone while getting out of the car and even though Joe had noticed it, he never said anything to Bobby, knowing that the guys would have something extra to stare at.    The buttons that had come undone were the second and third ones down, which created a wide gaping hole in his tight but oversized dress shirt every time his jiggly breasts swayed and knocked against each other.    Every second step gave the guys a view of Bobby's obese chest from the side, lit brightly by the morning sun, and Joe was surprised as he noticed a growing bulge in Gus's pants.

A couple more birthday parties were scattered through the following months, and each time the amount of food that they ordered increased but there were never any leftovers.    Bobby's appetite and stomach capacity had grown as quickly as he did, and the men of the office were in shock at the consistent transformation that it was causing.    Joe never stopped pushing food in front of Bobby, and he would always eat it without question.   One time during the work day, Joe heard a series of pops and the sound of a tiny object bouncing on the floor.   He looked up to see Bobby stuffing his face with doughnuts while his eyes stared at the computer screen - he hadn't even notice that he had popped four buttons off of his shirt until he went to the washroom and saw his bare chest and belly looking back at him in the mirror.  

As Autumn passed, Bobby was clearly spinning out of control with his appetite and body as his weight skyrocketed to nearly 600lbs.   His boyish good looks had swollen with lard, making his face so round and smooth that he looked comical - almost like a cartoon, with his exaggeratedly puffy cheeks pouting his mouth and squinting his eyes a bit.   His large double chin wrapped around the lower half of his face, looking like he had an inflatable flotation ring under his skin.    Joe couldn't stop staring at him, and Kent was finding it hard to not go overboard with bringing in snacks every day - he couldn't help but wonder where this would end.    They both fantasized about fattening Bobby to extremes, double his current weight, at least.   

They were soon getting ready for the annual office holiday party and already Kent knew that this year would be different than usual.   He had invited only the office staff - no family - and this was to ensure that they would have privacy as a group.    Bobby was becoming obscenely fat and Kent had noticed changes in every other employee because of it.   Joe had been so distracted by Bobby's weight gain lately, and it was more than just curiosity - he clearly was attracted to him.    He had once spied Joe secretly dry-humping the back of Bobby's office chair while they were having a conversation about spreadsheets one day.    Even Gus and Chris stopped and stared in silence every time they saw his enormous bulk waddle by, and the conversations that followed were potently graphic as they discussed the grotesque display of obesity they had just witnessed.    Kent just knew that the office was at a tipping point and that the office party was likely when truths would come out - he certainly had bought enough beer to lubricate the employee's minds and mouths.   Someone was going to say something to Bobby tonight, and he could only hope it would be supportive and positive.

Kent was setting up the spread of food for the office party when Joe arrived early with his own unreasonably large offering of food for the party.    With their feasts combined and filling every available table top in the office, they stood back and began to laugh at the absurd sight of it all.   There were two large sheet cakes, plus a black forest cake and a cheesecake, at least eight kinds of potato chips, pretzels, crackers, a small tray of vegetables and dip, four platters of meats and cheeses, four platters of sandwiches, six pizzas, and a spread of cookies, doughnuts, and desserts that filled two desks on their own.   There were also six big plastic bins filled with ice and a dozen kinds of beer as well as a small bar of wines and hard liquors.      

The two warehouse guys arrived and to Kent's relief, they hadn't brought their families as requested.  When they entered the building, they stopped dead in their tracks and stared with their mouths dropped open at all the food filling the office.    They had never seen such a huge spread of food for just a five-person party and they also were relieved that they didn't bring their families - they would've been a disaster in this situation.    

"Chris, Gus - welcome to the party," Kent said with a chuckle.   "We might have overdone it."

"Nah man, I don't think you overdid it.   You need a lot of food around for that fat porker," Gus said with a big dumb smile.  

"That boy sure can eat," Chris chimed in, shaking his head as he looked around at all the food.

"I've never seen someone put on so much weight so fast," Gus added.  "He might not fit out the door after he finishes all this, and he's definitely going to finish all this.'

Kent and Joe laughed, but there was an awkwardness in the air.   The warehouse guys began talking like they usually do - loudly and inappropriately - as the men settled in and they waited for Bobby to arrive.    They munched on pizza and gulped down beers and were deep in conversation when Bobby finally pulled into the parking lot almost an hour late.   By this time, the warehouse guys had already downed over a dozen beers together.

"Look, I don't got nothing against these fat people, but god damn are they ever getting fatter lately - like, a lot of them.   Have you noticed this shit?"  Gus was saying to Joe as Kent and Chris held another conversation on the other side of the room.

"Yeah, but that's been going on for generations," Joe replied softly, trying to get Gus to lower his voice just in case Bobby arrived during their conversation.   "Things get easier, food's more available..."

"It sure fuckin' is!  Look at this place!"  Gus laughed, slapping Joe on the back, before loudly continuing.   "I think people like you and the boss man are one of the reasons people are getting so damn fat."

"Oh yeah?" Joe said sheepishly, not sure what to say.

Gus leaned in close and whispered to Joe, but it wasn't much of a whisper.

"I know what you guys are doing and I don't want you to stop," Gus said with a serious glare which turned into a creepy grin.   "He's got better tits than my wife.   How do you guys get any work done?"

Joe didn't know what to say so he just chuckled and nodded.

"Do you think he's just going to keep getting bigger?"  Gus asked loudly, leaning into Joe.   "If he does, I don't know how I'm going to hold back.   That ass, too.. you ever seen an ass like that on a guy?"

Joe shook his head no and took a long sip of beer to try to buy himself some time.   He was panicking.   He had no idea that Gus was attracted to men.

"Gus.   I never knew this about you," Joe whispered.  "You have a wife and kids."

"Yeah, I got a wife and kids, but I can't fucking help it.   I see those big juicy tits and that fat ass and all I can think of is burying my face in them.   It's just fat people, like really, really obese people. They're not like anything else - they're not like a man, they're not like a woman.   They're their own thing and I just want to see him change more," Gus confessed, much too loudly for Joe's comfort.   

"Gus...  dude, I..." Joe was still at a loss for words.

"Just looking at him makes me want to get him pregnant," Gus added quickly with a lustful grin.   "Over and over, just keep planting my seed in him and try to grow something."

Joe just stared at Gus as he confessed this deeply personal information so openly.  He knew Gus wasn't a deep thinker, or someone who gets embarrassed.   He was a complete meathead, a drone, a stereotypical dumb jock who took what he wanted and didn't seem to care about anything, and this confession wasn't as deeply personal as it seemed to Joe.    Gus was simply stating what turned him on, and Joe decided to take a leap of faith and join him.

"It looks so soft and jiggly.  I gotta admit that I kinda want to play with it but I don't know how he'd take it,"  Joe admitted, and Gus grinned like he had finally connected with his workmate on a personal level.   

"I bet you that by the end of the night, all this food will be gone and I'll be balls deep in him," Gus said bluntly.    "He's begging for a good fuck."

"Whoa buddy...   Where's this coming from?" Joe laughed.  

"I'm telling ya, you're going to be there, packing his mouth full while I fuck," Gus said with a wink.   "You fill his fat fucking face and I'll fill his fat fucking ass."

"Well, I doubt that's going to happen.." Joe said with a chuckle, blushing as he finished his beer.

"It will.   He's just begging for it - he's not going to be able to turn down my big fat sausage..." Gus said, doing a little hip-thrusting dance that gave Joe a clear sight at the long imprint of Gus's meaty cock swinging in his pants.   "He loves big fat meat.  The second I pull this sausage out, he'll be begging for a fuck, so I'm going to stuff his pork ass with my beef."

"You're going to Turducken his ass," Joe joked, causing Gus to laugh so hard and deep that no one even heard Bobby walk into the room, but Joe noticed the heavy footsteps vibrating on the floor.

"Hey guys," Bobby said, raising a hand in a little wave that lifted his t-shirt up a little, exposing his lower belly momentarily.  "Sorry I'm late!"

"Bobby!" all the men said together with raised beers, clearly getting a little drunk already.  

"Holy.   What is all this?" Bobby said with a stupefied smile as he looked around the room and at all the food piled up everywhere.   

"It's all for you," Gus quipped and then snorted with a laugh.   Bobby blushed and laughed along.

"I guess it's enough," Bobby joked, rolling his eyes in fake disappointment.   

Kent walked over to Bobby with a cold beer, opened it, and slid it into Bobby's hand. 

"There's plenty of beer," Kent said.  "Happy holidays, Bobby.  I'm glad I hired you."

"Thank you - for everything.    You really changed my life," Bobby said with a proud smile.  

"You can say that again," Gus said with a snort as he walked by to get another beer, patting Bobby on the ass quickly, but his thick strong fingers grabbed the fat cheek deep enough to dig a bit into his ass crack and pulled a little, prying his crack open before letting go and letting his ass slosh a bit under the sweatpant fabric.

Gus had never seen Bobby in casual clothes before - he had only seen him dressed in tight dress shirts and slacks, but now he was wearing loose oversized clothes that let him jiggle and hang freely.   This extra softness and accessibility made Gus incredibly horny - Bobby's obese body could be stripped naked so quickly and Gus knew that he was close to being able to experience the true softness and sloppiness without any obstructions.    

Bobby soon found himself wandering around from desk to desk, eating everywhere he went and having beers steadily replaced in his hands by his workmates.   They seemed to be watching his beer levels and getting him to try different foods and snacks all night.   Bobby found himself unable to talk for most of the night with the constant food and beer filling his mouth at every free moment.    

Gus was pulling out all the stops to show off his muscular beefy physique to Bobby while also bringing food and getting close enough to grab a handful of fat or flick playfully at Bobby's tits.   This was a new experience for Bobby as he had never even talked to Gus before this point and now he couldn't seem to get away from Gus's grip.   He'd bounce his pec muscles or flex his arms a bit as he handed Bobby more food, greasing the fat glutton up with sex appeal and food so it'd be easier to get into his pants later.

Bobby found Gus incredibly attractive - he was a big meaty hulk of a man who had spent the last fifteen years growing a large family with his high school sweetheart, and his handsome looks had hardened while his muscular body had softened slightly over the years.    Gus was a perfect example of a stereotypical construction worker or builder with his strength and physique, but also his mind - he had never progressed further than his teenage years mentally, so there was a boyish charm to his brutal appearance and filthy mind.    He also appeared to be hung like a horse, as his snug jeans clearly had a bulge that would put most men to shame.

"You sure got fat this year, Blobby.  Bobby," Gus stammered an hour later, now severely drunk and leaning into Bobby's side with a beer in each hand that would both be empty within a few minutes.   

Bobby was half way through a sip of beer when Gus blurted this out and the surprised hiccup of laughter in his throat backfired the beer out through his nose and mouth, spraying a blast of fizz from his face followed by coughing laughter.   Gus had drunkenly mentioned his weight gain because while Bobby was raising his beer up to drink, the fabric of his t-shirt rose and exposed his entire underbelly.   He couldn't help but say something about his obvious and massive weight gain.   Bobby soon had himself wiped up but his white t-shirt was now wet from his neck down over his left chest, causing the fabric to be slightly transparent around the wet nipple.

"It's the damn doughnuts, Gus," Bobby explained with a chuckle.  "I have no will power."

"Fuck will power, buddy," Gus said, giving Bobby's wet moob a playful jiggle with a couple fingers.   "You got a better set of tits than my wife.   Seriously man, I don't know how you get any work done with these beauties right under your nose all day."

Joe had just finished having a conversation with both Kent and Chris when he stopped by the table and chairs where Bobby and Gus were chatting.   He carried over a pizza, some cold beers, and a meat platter and then told them he'd be right back and then made his way to the washroom.    He walked into a stall and closed the door behind him and quickly unbuttoned his pants and pulled out the erection he had been hiding for the last ten minutes.   

The conversation that led to his erection was between Kent and Chris, discussing the new burger wrappers that the company was producing that would be wrapping a five patty burger made with a blend of beef and pork, covered in bacon, ham, and cheese called the "Here Piggy Piggy Burger".   Kent was finding himself shocked by the size and name of the burger, but Chris was excited and very enthusiastic about it.    

"It's pure America, I fucking love it," Chris had said, having consumed more beer than a man should ever be able to, but still not appearing any different than his sober self.   "If people want to eat a big pile of fat and get enormous and full of lard like the food that they eat, then power to them.   It's pure freedom."

"So you don't think it should have a warning on the label or anything?" Kent asked.

"Should the five patty pile of lard that's called the "Here Piggy Piggy" burger have a warning on it?" Chris asked sarcastically then smiled in the slightest way, which was the most that Joe had ever seen him smile.   

"So you don't think people are getting too big or anything?   There's been a lot of backlash about this burger already and it hasn't even been released yet," Kent continued, still playing devil's advocate to keep the conversation going.   He himself had never had much of a discussion with Chris before but tonight he seemed to be completely open.    

"People can get as fat as they want.   That's their right.  They can purposely grow to be the fattest person on the planet, if that's what they want - and companies can cater to those people all they want.  It's beautiful," Chris said, his face alive with passion.    "Take a look at Blobby over there.   Bobby.   Sorry, Gus and I call him Blobby because, well... you know.   He's a pig person."  

"A pig person?" Joe repeated in shock, his mind racing.

"Don't let him hear you say that, my god, man," Kent said in a hushed tone.

"Don't worry, Gus is talking to him so there's no chance in hell he can hear us.   Dude is loud," Chris said before taking a quick swig of beer which somehow emptied a bottle in a matter of seconds.  "Look, the fact that he's gotten so fat, so quickly, and hasn't even attempted to stop it - he's a pig person.   They're everywhere."

"What are you talking about?" Joe said, laughing a bit. 

"There are these people out there, maybe one in a thousand, who just can't stop eating.   They eat and eat and eat, and they get enormous, and they don't know how to do anything else," Chris explained bluntly.   "Pig people."

Kent and Joe both looked at each other, unsure how to respond.  Both of them had erections and weren't sure how to keep talking about Bobby without furthering that situation.   

"That Blobby, he's gonna be one of those porkers you see who get too fat to fit out of their house.    You better have some kind of work-at-home plan for him because they're going to need a forklift to get him in here within the next year - mark my words," Chris said, staring at Bobby and Gus talking.   "Especially if you two keep fattening him up like you've been doing."

"What?" Kent said in shock.  Joe just froze, feeling like a deer in the headlights.

"You guys have been larding him up like a pig since day one.  It's been incredible to see him grow so fast," Chris explained.  "You, carrying in boxes of donuts every day, and you taking him out for lunch and getting enough food to feed a family.   I've seen inside your car - those meals are forcefully huge.  You must really want to see him massive."

Joe was locked in fear as Chris stared at him, having just exposed the hard truth.

"I think it's fucking spectacular.   He wants to be a fat tub of lard, and you guys want him to be one.   I love this country," Chris said, still inhaling beer.   "I hope he becomes the fattest, like the absolute fattest person on the planet."

"Would you want to see that happen to him?" Kent asked, cautiously.

"I would love to see that in person.   You see it on the weight loss shows, but you never see the ones who aren't trying to lose weight - the ones who push the limits and go as big as possible," Chris explained.   "If that pig gets too fat to move, I want to watch him eat a pile of burgers..."

"You can watch him do that tonight," Joe started to say but was cut off.

"I want to watch him eat a pile of burgers while I jerk off on him," Chris finished.

"Oh!" Joe and Kent said at the same time.

"But not until he's too fat to move.    There's something so hot about that complete lack of will power and control," Chris said, still cool and calm.   "When he's immobile, and he will be immobile, I want to make it rain cum on him every day.  All over that beautiful body."

"You got a thing for fat?" Joe asked.

"Only the fattest, the most helpless ones who can't stop.   He's on his way, but he's not fat enough for me yet," Chris said, bluntly.

"What about your wife?  She's not a big girl," Joe asked.   

"I love my wife and women in general, but when a big boy gets so fat that they get huge tits and big wide hips, my brain doesn't know the difference," Chris said, staring at Bobby.   "The bigger, the better.  The more out of control, the better."

Joe ended up jerking off four times that night as he came to realize that everyone in the office was wanting to see Bobby gain much more weight.   The thought of all of them surrounding Bobby like a pack of wolves circling a fat juicy pig was giving Joe a permanent erection that wouldn't go away.    He would jerk off in the bathroom stall but then the second he walked back out into the office to see Gus drunkenly leaning into Bobby while the butterball packed his face with pizza and beer, his erection would return.   Chris and Kent were still talking, nodding their heads as though they were planning something.   All Joe could think to do was bring Bobby more food and drinks all night - he ended up creating a pile of food on the table that was comically high, but also so erotic to see that he could barely keep himself from cumming in his pants.

Bobby sat at the table, his face smeared with pizza sauce and frosting and his belly rounded huge so it caused his shirt to ride up and expose most of his lower belly below the table.   Gus was fascinated, coaxing him on to eat more and occasionally lifting a burger or a big handful of cake up to his mouth to force him to eat more when he was trying to take a break.    He didn't stop eating, and the sloppy pile of food soon had a large dent eaten out of it.    

"Take of your shirt," Gus urged when he noticed that Bobby kept fidgeting with the fabric, trying to pull it back down as it crept up his belly.  "It's getting restrictive."

"I can't..." Bobby sighed from a mouthful of meat and cheese.   

"Yeah you can," Gus said, quickly tugging at the back of Bobby's shirt and then he threw it up and over his head and arms in one smooth movement that looked like something he had had a lot of practice at.  

As the shirt flung across the room, all eyes went to Bobby, who was now shirtless with his belly and large moobs on full display.   His nipples were larger than Joe expected, soft pink areolas that each spread several inches across.   His chest was perky in front, a big handful of soft fat hung forward from his chest and blended into the large hanging rolls of fat that curved around his sides and under his arms to meet on his back.   He looked incredibly soft and flabby all over, and didn't have one bit of body hair.

"Much better!" Gus said with a big goofy grin as he stared at Bobby's chest and then grabbed another slice of cake and pushed it into his fat blushing face and he gobbled it up without thinking.

Kent and Chris just stared at the sight, both obviously erect.   Joe just brought a box of doughnuts over and plopped them in front of Bobby and cautiously looked at Gus, unsure if Bobby was comfortable being shirtless and being hand fed in front of everyone.   Bobby did seem nervous and embarrassed at first, but Gus kept bringing food up to his mouth and he just kept eating it and focusing on the food.    

"Yeah, you can do it.   You can eat all this.   I know you can," Gus said with a grumbling tone that sounded like he was about to pounce on Bobby's bloated body.   "You look so good with all this on you."

Gus then confidently cupped Bobby's moob in his rough strong hand and gently tugged and pinched at the large soft nipple, running his finger over the bumpy outline and rolling the nipple in his fingertips.   Bobby moaned, his mouth packed with two doughnuts, as Gus worked on of his breasts with one hand and pushed food into his mouth with the other.   Bobby could feel Gus's fingers on his tongue and his nipple and the only other thing he could think about was having Gus mount his ass and ride him like a bull rider, and judging my Gus's expression, he wanted the same thing.

"You know, the bigger you get, the more I want to get inside you," Gus whispered to Bobby, who ate faster in response.   

Joe looked over at Kent and Chris, and they were busy in conversation and writing things down.   They were still erect as they talked, so Joe figured they were planning something for Bobby.   He looked back to Bobby just in time to see Gus start playing with both of Bobby's moobs, slapping and pushing them together so they pointed straight forward.    

"These need to get a lot bigger," Gus said, bouncing Bobby's tits and letting them jiggle themselves to a still position.   "Fucking hot tits.   Have you ever pumped them?"

"Pumped them?" Bobby repeated, but it was muffled by food.

"Yeah, nipple pumps... breast pump," Gus said, not at all embarrassed by his question.  "When my wife's pregnant, she pumps and it makes her nipples fucking huge and suckable.   You got those kind of nipples, big boy."

Gus licked his lips and kept fondling Bobby's chest as Joe decided to add to the conversation.

"Do you pump, Gus?" Joe asked, looking at the bulge in Gus's pants.

Gus gave a darting look to Joe and then a big wide grin crept onto his rough face.   He readjusted in his seat and then readjusted the thick, long shaft that pressed against the fabric.

"This?   No man, this is all natural," Gus said, shaking his cock through his pants.    "This here is a baby cannon.  Powerful and effective."

"That's all natural?   You don't pump?" Joe asked, dumbfounded.  

"It's a beast, just ask Chris over there," Gus said matter-of-factually, and then hollered out to Chris. "Hey Chris!  We played football in school all our lives right?"

"Yeah, since we were kids.   Why?" Chris responded, breaking from his discussion with Kent.

"You seen me in the showers all my life, right?" Gus added, still yelling twice as loud as he needed to.   "How big is my penis?"

Chris and Kent laughed and shook their heads.

"You have the biggest cock I've ever seen in my life, Gus.   It's disgusting," Chris said with a faint smile and then went back to talking with Kent.

Gus turned back to Joe with a smarmy expression and made a confident click sound out of the side of his mouth.    Joe just sat back in envy, eyes wide at the realization that Gus had a cock nearly as long as his forearm.   Bobby was red in the face, but Joe wasn't sure if he was blushing or if it was because he was almost violently cramming food in his mouth.    Bobby was turned on so much that his own undersized dick was leaking clear precum from under all the fat in his lap.    He wanted Gus to fuck him so badly that all he could do to smother the feeling was gorge on the pile of food in front of him.

"Don't slow down, Blobby," Gus encouraged.   "Eat it all and I'll give you your dessert."

Joe couldn't believe the confidence and blatant feederism on display.   He never imagined his workmates and boss were all on the same boat as he was, and Bobby was like the whale they were all hunting.   Bobby had no escape from this.   Things would progress.  Bobby would end up too fat to move if he was surrounded by them all, and the thought of that made Joe have to get up and go to the washroom again so he could jerk off for the fourth time.   

When he returned, Kent and Chris were putting on their coats and saying good night to Gus and Bobby, telling them to make sure to take home any food that doesn't get eaten, and then laughed mockingly.    

"You guys are leaving?" Joe asked.

"Yeah, we got to talking and we have an idea that's going to benefit everyone here and we just want to plan it out without so much distraction," Kent said, looking over at Gus and Bobby.   "I think you're going to love it."

"Your job is going to get a lot more interesting, Joe," Chris added.   

"Alright guys, you three have a good night!  Thanks for coming out tonight!   This is the best holiday party this office has ever had!  Have a great vacation and we'll see you all back here in January!" Kent announced and then quietly slipped outside with Chris to continue their plans.

"Now that the boss is gone, this party can really start," Gus said, throwing off his own shirt with the same ease that he threw off Bobby's.  

Gus was built like a tank.   Muscular with a bit of fat all over that made him look impressively masculine.   He was thick but not fat, and muscular without being toned.   Dozens of tattoos covered his arms, chest, and back - some were professional and some looked rough and basic.   

"Where did you get that tattoo?" Joe asked, pointing at a barcode with a serial number inked in underneath of it on his chest over his heart.

"Prison.   It's part of a special program that got me out early," Gus said like it was nothing.

"You were in prison?  When?" Joe asked, surprised but also not surprised, knowing Gus.

"I was in and out all through my twenties - getting in fights, drugs, that one time Weasel and me stole Jessie Frenkle's trailer house and dropped it over the side of the quarry," Gus reminisced.    

"That was you?!   Wasn't Mr. Frenkle still inside the trailer home when that happened?" Joe exclaimed.    

"That's why I ended up in the special program," Gus said, looking over and smiling when he saw Bobby pushing a whole slice of pizza into his mouth.   "That was the last time, though.   I'm not going back."

"Playing it safe, huh?" Joe asked.

"They changed me.   I got out of there and I didn't look back.   Now all I got my sights on is titties and booty - and I get to see both at work and at home.    Why would I give that up?"  Gus said, cupping Bobby's chest again.

They continued talking for hours as Bobby finished platter after platter, box after box, and bottle after bottle of food and drinks.   They discussed attractions, sexuality and their past times.    Gus talked about car engines and sports, and then admitted that he was bisexual but only for really fat guys with feminine bodies.   Joe talked a bit about vehicles and movies, and opened up about being gay for the last few years after realizing that he had a thing for certain guys.    Bobby didn't do much talking with his face stuffed with food, but he did manage to stop eating long enough to tell them that he was probably gay and, most shockingly, was still a virgin.   

Gus nearly fell out of his chair and then seemed to be more eager than ever to climb on top of Bobby.  His eyes lit up as he began caressing and running his hands over all the soft smooth fat in front of him.    This was basically Gus's big bisexual fantasy - finding some curvy fat boy with a smooth body who's never known any sex before.  He wanted to be the first - fuck him stupid with his giant cock and pump his load deep inside of him.   He wanted to impregnate Bobby with his seed, stretch his hole with his monstrous cock, and make him crave it so much that no other man will be enough for him.   

Joe felt an even stronger urge to fatten Bobby knowing that he was a virgin.   He had the sick thought of getting him so fat that he'd never be able to have sex by burying his cock so deep in fat that he could never use it, and get his ass so enormously fat that no penis could reach that deep.    Joe wanted to keep Bobby a virgin forever by larding him up so thick that he would have no choice but to remain a virgin and just eat all his sexual feelings away.    He didn't know why this turned him on so much, but he couldn't help but unzip his pants and start masturbating under the table while Bobby ate and Gus worked his fingers into every fold and roll.    

It was a full hour later when Bobby moaned out long and deep and leaned back in pain.   He was packed full and no more food was going to go down his throat.    He sat there, sweating all over so much that it was trickling down his face and belly, tickling his sensitive skin as it dripped down the massive curved slope of his belly.    Food was everywhere.  His face looked like someone had thrown a pie at the lower half of his face and his double chin.  His chest was an assortment of salty smears and drips.   He was a mess and looked like an actual pig.

"Did piggy get enough to fill his hole?" Gus asked, swiping a finger over his double chin and licking the frosting and sauce off his finger with his eyes locked on Bobby.   "Mmm, tastes like you could use some dessert."

"I can't..." Bobby panted, so full that his heart was racing and his lungs were gasping like he had just run a marathon.

"It's time," Gus said firmly.   "It's your time."

Joe didn't know whether to try to stop him or not, but decided not to and just watch as this beast of a man took what he wanted.   Gus stood up, swaying a bit from all the beers, and stepped in front of Bobby, taking his food-smeared hands and pulling him up out of his chair and onto his feet.   Bobby wobbled even more than Gus had, and it worked to Gus's advantage as Bobby leaned forward to try to balance himself.    With a gentle push from Gus, Bobby flopped forwards onto the remainder of the food piled on the table.   His bare chest and belly made a wet, loud, sputtering slap as Bobby's entire weight fell onto the table, sending the food under him to spray out in all directions, splattering them all in a sloppy mess.   

A loud grunt and groan came from Bobby as he found himself bent over the table top, his face resting in a pile of half eaten pies and his body smeared with greasy foods that were now crushed under his torso.    Gus just grunted as he tugged down on Bobby's underwear, revealing a giant wobbly ass that was glowing red from the hours of sitting.   Gus gave it a smack and then whistled as the blubbery cheeks shook and jiggled for nearly ten seconds more.   

"Just relax..  don't fight it," Gus cooed, unzipping his pants and dropping them to reveal the largest cock that either Bobby or Joe had ever seen.

Gus's cock had to be ten inches long, at least.   It was thick and veiny with a bulbous cherry head on top, throbbing with every heart beat.   His balls were another marvel on their own, twice the size of a typical man's testicles, they hung low but also were full and ample.  On a regular day, Gus normally looked a bit dangerous, but now with his cock exposed to reveal his weaponry, Gus appeared straight-up deadly.

"Pull that cheek and I'll pull this one," Gus ordered to Joe, who obeyed without question.

Bobby whimpered as Gus pushed the swollen head of his cock into the parted pillows of lard.   His ass cheeks were let go and they slopped back into place, swallowing up most of Gus's shaft before he even penetrated his hole.    He wiggled his cock back and forth a bit before bucking slowly forward, causing Bobby to tense up and wince.   

"I said relax, pig.   Open your hole for Daddy," Gus said through gritted teeth, then growled and continued in a deep rumbling tone.  "Let me in, little pig."

Bobby moaned deeply as Gus leaned almost all of his body weight onto Bobby, increasing the pressure at his tight asshole to a level that he couldn't fight against.   Gus sunk in a few inches quickly as Bobby relaxed for a split second, allowing Gus's weight to drive his cock head into Bobby's insides.    

"I'm in...  now just relax.   Joe, feed him dessert," Gus ordered, winking.  

"He's eaten everything already," Joe said, still in shock at what was happening.

"Feed him your cock, Joe," Gus demanded.   "He's been waiting his whole life for this, now give him what he's been waiting for."

Joe obeyed, dropping his pants and setting his well-used cock free.   It was nowhere near as big as Gus's cock, but that didn't seem to matter to Bobby, who had already dropped his mouth open and was staring at Joe's erection in anticipation.   As soon as Joe stepped close enough, Bobby inhaled his cock and sucked it into his mouth like a magnet.   Joe gasped as Bobby's hot mouth and tongue wrapped around his dick and began sucking it like a melting popsicle, moaning and sighing as he gobbled down five inches of cock with his eager mouth.  

Gus slowly pushed and pulled his weight in and out of Bobby's asshole, feeling himself slip in deeper with each thrust and then pulling out farther only to push it all back in, lubed with a smear of food that provided just enough slickness.     Bobby was snorting and grunting, his mouth packed full of cock while his asshole stretched to accommodate a cock several times larger.   He was like a pig on a spit, being tenderized as he laid there, helpless against the two men using him.

"Joe wants you fatter.   I want your tits and ass bigger.   Chris wants to see you immobile and out of control with your gluttony, and Kent wants to watch," Gus grunted, thrusting and pulling harder and harder.   "You're ours now.   There's no way out - you just have to lay there and take it.  Take it all." 

Bobby moaned and squealed, tears running from his eyes - not from sadness or fear, but from the complete lack of control and power that he was feeling.   He loved it.   It made him feel so desirable but also safe and loved - like he finally realized his purpose in life.   He gulped and slurped on Joe's cock, tasting the precum and feeling Joe's pulse against his tongue.    He could feel Gus's blood pumping too, the steady drumming of his heartbeat pulsed at the tightness of his asshole, the tight hole vibrating with every beat.   He relaxed more and felt Gus edge further and further in until he felt like he would burst.  

"I'm going to make a baby in you.   I'm going to keep trying until it happens," Gus grunted and laid his weight down fully on Bobby's back, reaching around and under to grasp at his moobs and play with his nipples.    "You'll get bigger because of my seed growing in you...  more and more until you're drowning in it."

Joe couldn't hold it any longer and began to orgasm, but since he had already cum multiple times that night, just a dribble erupted from his cock.   Bobby frantically lapped it up, sucking down every drop so hard that Joe's cock was nearly going down Bobby's throat.   

"Hold on, Pig," Gus grunted, his pace picking up so that Bobby's mouth fell open with a continuous moan.    

Joe pulled his cock from Bobby's mouth and stepped back to watch as Gus began bucking his hips wildly, grasping onto Bobby's tits and love handles and riding him so hard that Joe thought he might injure him.   With his muscles pumped and the sound of heavy soft flesh slapping against a firm lap, Gus began yelling out like an animal with a deep and guttural roar.   Bobby tensed up, his mouth gaping open and a faint squealing moan escaping as he felt Gus's cock throb and get thicker as it rammed through his hole over and over.    Finally, Gus's muscles tensed up and locked.   His neck looked like it had cables tightening under the surface.   His face and eyes got red as the force of his orgasm exploded from his body.

Bobby's squeal turned into a deep moan as he felt Gus's balls heave and his cock bulge inside of his guts before erupting a thick hot blast of cum that felt like someone had just inflated something deep inside of him.   Bobby belched as Gus dropped his weight down fully on his back, his muscles melting like soft butter on top of him.    He giggled with a big exhausted smile as he felt Gus's giant cock twitch and pulse over and over again inside of him.   

"You're mine now.  I got a baby growing in you, Piggy," Gus said, nibbling on Bobby's ear.

Joe sat back in amazement as the two laid there in front of him.    Gus had taken his virginity, but technically, Bobby was still a virgin since he hadn't actually fucked anyone with his cock, so they both got what they wanted.    He immediately began thinking of ways to speed up Bobby's growth so he'd get too fat to use his cock, taking away his chance of ever losing his true virginity.  Joe couldn't stop thinking about it.   Bobby would be too fat to fuck anyone, and he'd never get the chance if his cock was buried deep in lard that never stops growing.   He imagined Bobby at twice this weight, his dick turned inside out from all the blubber - losing his dick before ever getting the chance to use it and having to eat away his sexual frustrations.   It was beautiful.   

The next month in the office was strange as Kent and Chris remained silent about their plans for Bobby, but were obviously planning something big.    It was on the one-year anniversary of hiring Bobby when Kent called both Joe and Bobby into his office.

"Look, Bobby, it's becoming clear that you are having issues with mobility lately.  You're weight keeps going up and there doesn't appear to be any stopping that, so we've come up with an idea that I think you both will enjoy," Kent proposed.  "We think the best thing for all of us is if you begin to work from home - specifically Joe, your home."

"My home?" Joe asked.   

"Not your apartment, but a new place," Kent continued.  "There's a small bungalow just down the road that Chris and I have been fixing up for a month.   If you'll have it, we'd like to move both you and Bobby in.  Bobby can work from home, and you can help take care of him."

"You want me to move?" Joe asked.

"...and me?"  Bobby chimed in.

"Look, it looks like the easiest option," Kent continued.  "I own the house now, and I'm not charging rent.  It's yours if you two want it."

Joe and Bobby looked at each other in surprise and laughed a little, nervous but excited.

"What's the catch?" Bobby asked, making Kent straighten up and sit properly.

"Well, yes, there is a catch.  Things are going to change with your jobs, drastically," Kent informed.   "If you decide to move into the house, you will be starting a completely new set of tasks and it will be permanent, so you have to be sure before you agree."

"You're making me worried," Joe said, a bit of a smile still holding on his face.

"Don't worry, you'll like it.   Bobby, you were born for this job," Kent assured.   "Bobby, your position will change from data entry to calorie entry, and Joe will no longer be head of sales and marketing, he will be head of Weight Management and Supply and Demand."

"What?" both of them asked in unison.

"Your job will be to eat, and Joe, your job will be to supply him with food and care for him when the inevitable happens," Kent informed.  

"The inevitable?" Bobby asked.

"Your immobility," Kent said, dryly.  "You only have a few months left before then, so we thought we should get the ball rolling.  We've prepared a daily food budget and a special credit card to pay for it."

"Jesus.  You're serious?!" Joe exclaimed.

"Chris will want access when you're immobile, that's a must.   Gus will also help whenever he can," Kent said, reading from a list.   "I will drop by unexpectedly, but I just want to see what kind of progress is being made.   I'm pretty hands-off - it's all up to you guys to make this happen."

"What if I don't want to?" Bobby asked.

Kent slid a single doughnut across the desk and left it sitting in front of Bobby.

"If you don't want this to happen, don't eat the doughnut," Kent said with a serious face.  

Bobby couldn't help it.   He looked at the doughnut and the frosting and the sprinkles and before he realized what he was doing, the doughnut was in his mouth and getting chewed and swallowed.

"Good boy.   So I take it we're all set here?" Kent asked.

"Everything's perfect," Joe said with a laugh.   "Thank you.   I can't thank you enough."

"No problem, I'm happy to help," Kent said, shaking their hands.

They were leaving the meeting when Kent grabbed Joe by the shoulder and leaned in close.

"Oh, and Joe?" Kent added.  "This is very important.   You have to immobilize him before the end of the year.    He must become immobile and you must make that happen.   Don't stop fattening him, even when he can't move.    I want to see just how fat a human being can get, and it's your responsibility now to ensure that he succeeds.   If he ever attempts to refuse to gain, you force him to.    Don't let him have an option, and if he still gives you grief - call in Gus.   Gus knows how punishment works.    He knows how to use force, and judging by the security footage from the office party, Bobby responds well to force... and his cock.  Yours too."

"Sir?" Joe asked, not sure what to think.

"Do your job and I'll reward you with a big bonus.   You can retire early if you want.  All you have to do is feed that fat fucker into extremes and keep going.    All the way.   Do you understand what I mean?"  Kent said with fire in his eyes.

"Yes sir.   Feed him all the way.   Make him into the fattest," Joe confirmed.

"Good boy, now go and collect your hog.   It's moving day."

The End


Fat Nel

This is hot! Would love to see you recreate some scenes from it in a video


I was hoping we were going to move the fat blob into the bunker ;-)


That part is actually a bit of a teaser connection to another story I have planned. 🐷


Fuck this is outrageously sexy. I can't tell who's the luckiest in this story, haha. Seriously though the writing here is top notch. I really enjoyed all the distinct characters. I like how fleshed out Kent, Chris, and Gus are, even though the story is more centered around B(l)obby and Joe.


I's like to read something like this, but also from Bobby's point of view: what does he think and feel during the year of fattening as it dawns on him what's happening to his mind and body, and what the others have in mind for him.