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A celebrity decides to retire with a bang by gaining an extreme amount of weight.   Contains: force feeding, extreme weight gain, graphic sex, dark themes


"Supernova" by Lardfill, February 2021

"That's it.  I've had enough, babe.   I'm pulling the ripcord."

"Are you sure?   I mean, once we do this, there's no going back."

"I know and I'm ready.  I can't take any more of this.

Brady Connors was one of the biggest names in Hollywood.   He had started off as a side character on a comedy show and then signed a contract that immediately transformed his career.   He became a true movie star overnight, joining three different big name movie franchises to rabid fan praise.   He was a superhero, an action star, a comedian, and a dramatic firestorm on the big screen.   In a span of ten years, Brady went from being an unsuccessful slob to a lovable loser, and then a mega star who would soon be pressing his hand prints into cement in Hollywood.   He was enjoying the rise to fame, but his inner voice was screaming for a chance to live out his true fantasies.   

Brady wanted to be fat - he always had.   Growing up, he had intense fantasies about becoming obese and he was proud of his ability to find an acting job as a chunky and lazy slob character.   He spent those early acting years testing how much he could gain before the studios expressed concern.    In one of the final seasons of the television show, he gained 40lbs to bring his weight to 280lbs.   The studio wasn't happy about it, but the fans seemed to love his new chubbiness.    It was around this same time when Brady met his boyfriend, Mark, who loved Brady's soft belly and chubby frame.    

Mark was a feeder and encourager and Brady was a gainer, but they both had to stay silent about it.   The studio soon offered a contract to Brady that would both ensure his success while simultaneously prohibit Brady to discuss his personal life with the public or reporters.   There would be no mention of Mark or their homosexual relationship, and Brady would be put on a special diet and exercise routine to lose nearly all of his body fat and build up a solid layer of muscle.    If he wanted the fame and fortune of being a Hollywood star, Brady would have to seal his life up in a box and forget about it until the studio contract ended.   Brady signed the contract, but only under condition that his boyfriend and his sexuality would be known.    The studio didn't like it, but they agreed - Brady would be the studio's first openly gay superhero and action star, and the audiences flocked to the theaters to see him.

It was hard on Brady.   He hated his now-muscular body.   He hated the endless paparazzi and photographers.   He hated the interviews and the public image he was forced to have.   All he wanted was to become morbidly obese, but it was more than that.    Denying himself of his desires for a decade had begun to drive Brady crazy - becoming seriously fat was all he could think of.   Mark would play into the gaining fetish by funnel feeding him things like water or anything low fat so Brady wouldn't gain any weight during the back-to-back filming of his movies.   They both hated not being able to give in to their desires, and denying themselves of their fetish had caused their kinks to grow like some kind of monster in their brains, but they had been able to control it, so far.

Things changed after Brady was nominated for the highest acting award, and then won it.   The media whirlwind that surrounded him was intense, but the biggest story was what Brady was going to do next.   His 10-film contract was ending with the studio and so far, Brady hadn't committed to a new contract.   The studio wanted to sign him for another 10 films while other studios were eager to get Brady to sign their own contracts.   The possibilities were endless.   Brady could sign any of the contracts and end up becoming the biggest star in Hollywood and this tempted him greatly until one fateful interview that he gave on the day after he won the award for best supporting actor.

"Thank you for giving me the opportunity to interview you.   I'm a little nervous.  I'm such a huge fan of yours, right from the start," the chubby interviewer said.

"Oh, thank you," Brady said humbly. 

"So, Brady, you won - did you ever expect to win against all those other performances?" the interviewer asked.

"Oh my god, no.   I never even wished about it or dreamed about it.   It's for serious actors - and I'm just some guy..." Brady said, blushing.

"You're more than just some guy - you're a hero to so many people out there, including me," the interviewer gushed.

"Yeah, but...   it's all a bit of an act, isn't it?" Brady added without thinking.

"How do you mean?" the interviewer asked.

"Well, just me sitting here being presentable and talking about fame - it's an act.   This isn't me.   I'd much rather be home on the couch, eating a rotisserie chicken with my bare hands or something," Brady said with a serious look on his face.

The interviewer laughed and nodded.

"I suppose, when it boils down to it, we all are acting a bit," he agreed.

"You got that right.   I haven't stopped acting in ten years.  I act on set, I act for interviews, I act on the street...  the only time I'm not acting is when I'm home with my hubby, but even then, I guess I'm still acting a little," Brady admitted.

"What would you be doing if you weren't an actor?" the interviewer asked, honestly curious.

"I'd probably be some 600lb guy, stuck in bed, eating nachos from a bucket or something," Brady said with a deadpan delivery.

"Well, that's certainly not what I expected," the interviewer laughed nervously.

"I would love every second of it," Brady admitted, shrugging a bit with his trademark grin.

"Okay, well, what else would you be doing if you weren't an actor?" the interviewer asked, trying to steer the conversation back onto the tracks.

"Nothing.   Absolutely nothing," Brady answered simply.  

"You wouldn't do anything?" 

"I would do nothing.   Get fat and be happy, doing nothing," Brady said with a wink.

"Would you miss the fame and celebrity status?"

"No," Brady said nonchalantly. 

"Not at all?   I mean, you are currently holding the highest acting award in Hollywood," the interviewer reasoned.  

"This thing doesn't mean anything - it means some people judged myself and a bunch of others and we didn't even ask them to.  I never wanted to win this thing, and now that I have one, I kind of hate it," Brady admitted.

"You hate it? Why?"

"Because it means that studios will want me even more, but not really me - they want the fabricated studio version of me.    They wouldn't want me if I was..." Brady stopped himself from finishing his thought.

"If you were what?" the chubby interviewer asked, deeply interested.

"Oh... uh...    I don't think they'd want me if I wasn't acting anymore," Brady said, trying to finish his thought without admitting his gaining side.

"You mean if you were just being yourself, they wouldn't want you?" the interviewer asked, puzzled.

"Exactly," Brady said, defeated.

Brady got home that night, his golden award still in his hand, when he kissed Mark and told him that he was going to 'pull the ripcord'.    The two had discussed this moment many times over the last ten years and when Brady announced it, they both felt a wave of relief pass over them.   They knew that things would be difficult for a while, but it also meant that they would be exiting Hollywood and entering a new stage in their life together.    

"Pulling the ripcord" was what they called retirement for Brady.    They had talked about a day when Brady's contract was over and they would be free to live out their dreams.   Brady would get fat and Mark would push him along.     They would fatten Brady up to the sizes he fantasized about, and thanks to the decade of repressing his urges, Brady now wanted to be too fat to move.   Immobility and more.   

"It's kind of a shame that you're going to gain all this weight and we're not going to take advantage of it," Mark said, fondling Brady's nipples while they pillow talked in bed.

"What do you mean?" Brady asked, looking down at his husband.

"What if we filmed it?" Mark proposed.

"Sure, it'd be nice to have a record of the gain," Brady agreed.

"No, I mean, what if you made one last movie?" Mark asked, a bit more softly.

"What? Mark... no," Brady sighed.

"No, not a big studio movie or anything.   I'm talking about a shitty low budget movie that will be your final movie in Hollywood.   You'll get fat during filming and be a total whale by the end of the movie," Mark said with a wicked grin.

"I'd gain weight during the movie?" Brady repeated with a raised eyebrow.

"Sure, I mean, we could write some stupid comedy script where the main character gets really fat or something," Mark said, biting playfully at Brady's nipple.

"Like a bad stoner comedy?" Brady asked.

"Yeah, we get you starring as some cop who has to go undercover to take down a group of criminal sumo wrestlers or competitive eaters or something," Mark brainstormed.

"You might be on to something there," Brady laughed.

"You could gain 200lbs in a single eating montage.  Think about it... the fans, the reviewers, the studios... they'd all reject you if you secretly made some shitty comedy where you gained a huge amount of weight.    You'd be retiring with a bang," Mark continued.

"How would we ever make the movie?" Brady asked, fully interested.

"I know a whole crew of guys who could film this properly, and I know for certain that they'd love working on a project like that.   We could film it mostly at the lodge, or at the summer house, or right here - no one would ever know we were making a movie until we presented it to the studios.    They might even buy it sight unseen with your name attached to it," Mark continued, getting excited.

"I don't know," Brady said, his mind racing.

"Think about it, Brady.   You take a year or two and disappear from the limelight.   People will wonder what you've been up to, and no one will have seen you since now.   We'll make the movie, you'll get super fat and flabby in secret.   Some studio will make an offer on the movie and we'll sell it immediately to the first bidder with a solid contract where they'll be forced to release it to the public, no matter what the movie is.    It'll be your final film, they won't pass on that," Mark said, a wide smile spread over his face.

"They'll hate it, so much," Brady giggled.

"Of course they will.   They'll watch your abs and muscles turn into complete flab and then into heavy rolls of immobile flesh over the course of a couple hours.    They're going to be shocked," Mark added.

"I'll never work in L.A. again," Brady said, a big dumb smile on his face.

"or New York... hell, you won't even get a job in Vancouver.   You'll be box office poison for them," Mark said, kissing Brady's stomach, imagining it so large that it pins him down forever.

"I have to admit, that would be perfect.   I want to see how the audience turns on me.    We need to make this movie the dumbest, biggest waste of time and talent ever known.    I want to shock everyone into hating me.     I think it's a brilliant idea," Brady chuckled with excitement. 

"Then lets get started, fatty," Mark said, kissing Brady while playing with his stomach.

The two stayed up all night to write a terrible comedy script and produced a story about a buff cop who goes undercover to take down a group of competitive eater sumo wrestlers who are selling counterfeit bacon to Japan.   The plot made absolutely no sense and the jokes were so hamfisted and lame that it would guarantee an upset and angry audience by the end.   The main reason for the entire movie to exist was a nearly hour-long montage where Brady would be shown eating like a pig and being a fat slob as his weight skyrockets.    Their plan was to film this montage over the course of a year or two so they could slice it all together so Brady would literally grow in front of your eyes from a 200lb muscular hotty into an 800lb blubber pile.   It would be infamous and entirely destructive to his career.    This one movie would show the world who he truly was and he couldn't be more excited about an acting job than he was right now.

Brady prepared a budget from his own bank account and they decided to spend a million dollars on the project - most of which would be spent on food to fuel Brady's weight gain.   They quietly signed up a small personal team of friends to film the movie, and a few actor friends (as well as some non-speaking roles for some background sumo wrestlers.)

Two weeks later...

"Brady, oh my god, you look so fat already!  Look at that belly!" Mark exclaimed as he grabbed Brady's pot belly and sunk his fingers into the soft flesh.  "You look so good - the sexiest you've ever been."

Brady stuck his belly out and admired the rounded curve of his belly and how his treasure trail of hair curved down under his belly button into the beginning of an overhang.   He sucked in his stomach and let it out over and over, eventually pushing his belly out as much as possible while sucking in small breaths to hold as much air as possible in his lungs so his gut would push out further.  

"It's only been two weeks and you already have a plump belly, babe," Mark teased.   "Imagine what you're going to look like after two whole years of this new diet."

They had already filmed a large chunk of the opening scenes of their terrible comedy movie before Brady had even announced his two-year break from Hollywood.   They filmed everything for cheap with a collection of close acting friends who had no idea what the finished film would be.   Several big name stars made small cameos and the plot appeared to be a passion project about a detective who gets assigned a case dealing with counterfeit material being illegally transported from Japan.  

 The first act of the film seemed like a mildly funny comedy about a goofy handsome detective with a healthy appetite - the actors had no idea that the film would devolve into a 40 minute-long eating montage and a climactic sumo wrestling match that would fully reveal a nearly naked 800lb Brady who would proceed to fight an amateur sumo league where all the wrestlers are normal-sized men wearing inflated fake sumo suits.    Brady and Mark could hardly contain themselves over their secret ending and all they had left to do was film Brady eating for two years before quickly filming the end fight scenes.    It was going to be a film that would shock audiences and guarantee an end to Brady's acting career so he could retire fat and happy in his dream feeder relationship.    It was the role he was born to play.   

Every Tuesday and Friday, Mark would film Brady gorging like a pig from a pile of fast food and other take out foods while wearing the same outfit.   They set a bedroom aside as the pig-out room and dressed it like a tiny apartment before doing the twice-weekly feasts and then stacking the empty boxes of pizza and cases of beer every time so that in each progressive shot of the forty-minute eating montage would show an escalation of food boxes piling up.    

The food boxes weren't the only things piling up.   After six months of constant daily overeating and twice-weekly feasts, Brady's body was ballooning quickly with soft lard.   In six months, he went from abs and muscle definition at roughly 230lbs into a curvy 330lb exaggeration of the term "dad bod".   He still had muscular shoulders and a masculine physique, but now there was a big tank of a belly overhanging his crotch and a meaty chest that jiggled with every step.   His ass was beginning to spread fatter and he was finding himself saying goodbye to all of his old clothes.     Mark was finding it irresistible to finally see Brady embrace his gluttonous behavior with such passion, and he had some plans to speed up the process.   One hundred pounds in six months was good, but they had a two year schedule to meet and if Brady was going to truly shock the world, he had to be the fattest he could possibly be.    

With the intention of speeding Brady's gaining, Mark began sneaking more fat into Brady's diet.    His morning and nighttime peanut butter gainer shakes had lard blended into them, same with all the food he ate.   Food fried in lard and oils, gainer shakes with fat added, heavy cream, butter, pig fat, and pastries - Mark flooded Brady's diet with endless calories, and Brady's body responded predictably.   

Brady was becoming sluggish and less active.   He spent more time in bed and slept any time he wasn't eating.    Each month, Brady piled on over forty pounds by letting Mark take over every decision in his life.   He'd wake up to a gallon jug of gainer shake and then fall asleep again until lunch, when he was woken up with either a tray of cheesy pasta or some other homemade comfort food.   Some days it was a feast of fast food and take out and Mark would film him eat, but Brady was starting to focus less and less on the camera and the movie and more on the food.   He would get lost in the feasts, and each day of gorging had begun to blend together.   

Mark began noticing a drastic change in Brady's persona while filming him.   He had started the project by maintaining himself, keeping composed while he ate, and kept himself very aware that he was being filmed - but now, he was becoming less and less aware of the camera and more and more lost in gluttony.   Mark would film him as he plunged his face into his food, lifting gobs of food with his hands and stuffing his face like a wild animal.  

By the end of the first year, they marked the half-way point of filming the eating montage by stepping Brady onto the scale for the camera.    Mark filmed as Brady took several heavy steps onto the scale, straining to lift his bulk up three inches onto the platform of the heavy-duty scale.    Mark had to lean in under Brady's giant hanging belly to reveal the weight.

"Holy shit.   You're five hundred and thirty pounds," Mark said like he had just been slapped hard.   

"I need to sit down," Brady said between labored breaths.   

His weight had become a real issue for his mobility lately.   All he had done all year was lay in bed and eat and his muscles had weakened from the inaction, not to mention that he was now carrying three hundred pounds of pure fat on his frame.     He looked shockingly fat and in all honesty, Mark knew that they could film an ending immediately and it would have the same affect - Hollywood would disown him and he could retire into a life of extreme obesity - but Mark wanted more from Brady.  He hadn't told him, but Mark wanted Brady to be immobile for the premiere of the movie.    He would fatten Brady until he was struggling hard with mobility and then film the ending.   Once the filming was wrapped, Mark planned to continue the weight gain routine so Brady would have to be brought to the theater's red carpet premiere on a forklift and then be too fat to fit in the theater doors.   It would be a guaranteed news bomb.   

Brady spent the final year of filming his eating scenes in a mindless stupor.   Weed smoke filled the room and his appetite seemed to be endless.   Week after week, Brady's belly hung lower and his legs spread wider.  His ass filled more and more of the bed.   He lost the ability to care for himself after he crossed six hundred and fifty pounds.   Mark became Brady's entire world - delivering food to him, cleaning him, caring for him and spending time with him as his world had become increasingly smaller.   

For Mark, it was a wild fantasy come to life as one of the biggest stars on the planet became the heaviest.   He watched in fascination as his incredibly handsome partner became morbidly obese and more - he was becoming so fat that people would surely be disgusted and horrified at the sight of him.  It made Mark incredibly horny, seeing how pathetically helpless this powerful man had become, and knowing that he was responsible for it.   Without him to support Brady's darkest fantasies, Mark knew that Brady would be unhappy continuing his career while ignoring the kinks that drove his entire sex drive.  This way, they would both be happy.

Mark would often fuck Brady using whatever food was around as lube.   There was so much lard and grease in everything, that no matter what it was, it could be smeared into his ass crack and used as a greasy lubricant.   Some days it would be a runny slop of buttery whipped potatoes and gravy, some days it was a handful of cake, some days Mark would wipe the multiple dribbles of grease and fat off Brady's wobbly double chin and use that to lube up his hard cock and also lube deep in Brady's ass, probing a slick finger into his hole before pushing in as deep as he could.   Mark would bounce like he was riding a bull, the fat slapping back against him with each thrust.   It was a workout just to mount Brady's body and stay atop of his blubber long enough to cum.   Mark would pump a load in his gigantic sloppy ass while Brady continued to gorge himself from the constant pile of food in front of him.   

Day after day, Brady spent his time gulping down loads of fat-soaked foods and being catered to completely by Mark.   He would be helped to the washroom to empty himself and be showered down, but the daily routine was becoming incredibly difficult, even though all that Brady did was waddle a few dozen feet while letting Mark support a large amount of his weight before standing in a shower to get hosed down like a circus elephant.    He'd then be led back to bed to continue the perpetual feeding.  

Seven hundred pounds went by and Mark began to make plans to film the ending scenes.   They would be simple and shot entirely inside of their house.   The large living room was converted into a gymnasium for cheap, and a small group of trusted feeder friends were cast to play the sumo league.    The foam sumo suits were bought and they planned to film over the course of a weekend in just five months.   Five months meant that Mark knew he only had a short time left to really shock the world.   He strapped a funnel to Brady's face and began force feeding him gainer shakes full time, only letting him eat solid foods on the two weekly filming days.   All other food would be liquid calories - they digested faster and left him hungry again after an hour from filling.  

With this new feeding routine, Brady's gains exploded.   In the first month, he gained 80lbs, leaving him at nearly 800lbs.   His mobility was extremely burdened as he could only stand for about ten seconds before his leg and back muscles began to give up.   He sweated constantly, soaking any clothes that they had managed to find to cover his mammoth proportions.   His body was losing any defining shape that would indicate his sex - he had heavy sagging breasts, a belly that hung further than his knees, thighs so fat that he could barely stand, and an ass so alarmingly wide and round that he looked like he had two beach balls stuffed into his pants.    He was shockingly fat, so much so that even Mark was beginning to be shocked at the extreme obesity that he was creating.   

A month before filming the final scene, Mark was delighted to find a new wave of stretchmarks growing on Brady's already over-stretched body.   His palm-sized nipples had rings to red stretch marks forming as the few remaining spots of unstretched skin began to pull apart and allow more fat to build up inside of his maxed out frame.    Mark knew he had to make sure that these new stretchmarks needed to really be noticeable for the final scenes, so for the final month, he fed a tube down Brady's throat and began a month-long tube feeding session.   Mark would dump pounds of fat into Brady daily and he'd have no option but to let it soak into his frame.        

The days passed and Mark taught Brady his lines for the final scene, but Brady was having a very tough time remembering any lines or plot.  He couldn't seem to absorb much of what was happening in his life.  He felt sickly full and incredibly tired all the time.   His belly was bloated like he needed to belch, but any time he tried to let gas out with a burp, he could feel a greasy sludge sputter deep in his throat.  He didn't have any gas to expel - that pressure was from the 24 hour feeding tube keeping his stomach over-filled with a thickly fattening mixture that tasted like a deep fryer or a lightly creamy grease.   Whatever it was, it made him so listless and weak that all he could do was try to keep his eyes from rolling back as he listened to Mark.   He drifted off to sleep at any occasion during the final month and by the end, he felt like his arms were almost too heavy to lift.

He felt enormous.   Massive.  Gigantic.   Brady looked at himself in the mirror and felt his cock throb at the sight.   Mark grinned ear to ear as he aimed the mirror at his porky husband.   Brady had only had his feeding tube removed for a day and the side effects were intense.   After a month of having his stomach stuffed and kept at the maximum, it had stretched so his capacity was practically endless.  He was ravenous all the time.   He couldn't stop eating as their feeder friends began arriving to film for the weekend.

Brady couldn't walk.  He couldn't stand up on his own.   With the help of four friends, they slowly walked the stinking fleshy pile of lard to the scale and managed to balance him on his own for five seconds while the scale calculated.

"1,209lbs" Mark said in a proud shock.

The friends murmured in excitement but then Brady slumped from the weight and they all grasped onto him to steady him.   With the men grabbing him, Brady strained his core muscles but all it managed to do was push out a long rumbling fart that filled the room with a stench that had them laughing as they slowly helped Brady back to the bed.   

"You're the fattest fucking pig I've ever laid eyes on, babe," Mark said, kissing his sweat-dripped face and tasting his salty skin.   "The world is going to have a fucking heart attack when they see what you've become."

"More...  so hungry...." Brady blurted out as his stomach growled angrily from deep inside his layers of fat.   

"Of course, piggy!" Mark exclaimed, setting up the camera for a final feast to end the montage of gluttony.   

Brady didn't disappoint for the last feast - it was the messiest sloppiest feast yet.   He laid face-down in a pile of slop - a goopy mess of foods all mushed together.   He spread his fat arms out to his sides as best he could and then grabbed it all together and opened his mouth as he plowed it all in.    It was disgusting to watch, but Mark couldn't help but jerk off with the other feeders off camera, shooting their cum into the slop as they watched the human pig devour it all.    They couldn't believe who they were looking at - award winning Hollywood superstar Brady Connors.   He was a superhero just two year ago, a serious actor and a box office powerhouse, but now he was a grotesque monstrosity and one of the fattest people on the planet.   No one knew of what had become of him, except for the feeders hovering over him as he pushed the fatty mess into his greedy face.   

They spent the weekend trying to film an ending that involved sumo wrestling, but it was mostly just staging the camera in such a way that it appeared that Brady was standing on his own power.   The stunts were cleverly filmed to create the illusion that Brady was sumo wrestling, but it was also painfully clear that Brady was not able to move much.   He was just too massive to take a believable step, let alone a fight sequence.   It was hilariously pathetic to see someone who once wore tights and a cape on screen turn into such a helpless and weak blubber blob.    Every movement sent heavy fat swaying and slapping against itself.   It was obscene - every shot was filled with fat that never stopped moving.   He was covered in angry red stretchmarks and his once tanned and toned skin was now pale and stressed.  Pimples and skin discolorations were scattered over his body as he reached the limits of how fat his body would allow to get, but it all looked glorious on camera according to Mark.

To Mark, it was watching a fantasy come to life.  Brady looked like a true dream, struggling to breathe because he was so massively obese.   He could barely move or stand.   He couldn't reach his own belly as the fat filled his chest and spread his arms out to the sides comically.   He looked like a balloon that was about to bust and his skimpy sumo outfit was barely visible as his belly and love handles hung over it completely.    Only along the top of his ass was the outfit truly visible as a line of fabric emerged horizontally from under his love handles, with another line of fabric attached at the top of his mammoth ass crack that sank down out of sight in between the massive globes of his ass cheeks.

He was a sight to behold and the camera soaked it all in.


The premier of "Big Sumo" was huge.   The red carpet was packed with news media, rabid fans of Brady, and a who's who of Hollywood celebrities.   Everyone was there to see Brady Connors and were ecstatic after waiting two entire years without getting a glimpse of him.   There were rumors that "Big Sumo" was going to be a massive flop since there were very little news about the film, with a very vague movie trailer and cryptic advertising surrounding the movie.  No test audiences saw the movie and there weren't any screenings for movie critics so there were rumors that the film was a mess.    No one had any idea that Brady had gained 900lbs - the only shot in the movie trailer that showed any kind of fat was a silhouette shot that appeared to be a special effects fat suit.   There were other shots in the trailer of normal-sized men in fake foam sumo suits, so no one imagined that one of the biggest stars in Hollywood would now be one of the biggest people on the planet.

It was an hour into the red carpet when a large moving van pulled up.   A dozen men in suits exited the back of the van and proceeded to wheel out and lower something large.   At first, there was an excited chatter in the crowd as curiosity had heads turning to see the van.      When the loading platform got to the red carpet, it was lowered with a heavy thud, unknowingly shattering Brady's old hand prints in the cement underneath.   There were a few shocked gasps as the crowd could finally start to understand what they were looking at.   It had almost looked like they were lowered some large oddly-colored aquatic mammal like a seal or walrus.    It jiggled and shifted with every move as though it was filled with blubber.    They had no idea that this was the movie star that they had been waiting for.

Someone screamed.

A group of teenage girls shrieked and then let out groans of disgust.   

One of the entertainment reporters finally realized what he was looking at and made a disgusted sound before saying, "Oh fuck no.   What the fuck is this??" live on camera.

It was clear that this was no fat suit.   Brady appeared to be completely naked, but there was no possible way to see his privates with all the rolls of heavy lard spreading in all directions.    It was obvious that this wasn't a fat suit because of skin discoloration in his legs, the pimples and stretchmarks, and the cellulite.  This was no special effect or makeup - this was an obscene display of how obese a person could become.   

The men from the van began to slowly pull Brady on a large cargo platform on wheels down the red carpet.   They were in two groups of six, each pulling a heavy duty rope like some perverse tug-of-war game with twelve men pulling against the weight of Brady's girth.   People were oddly silent for the most part.   There were whispers and shocked laughter echoing from the audience on either side of the red carpet.    Some people simply left, walking away from a disgusting stunt they did not want to see while others couldn't seem to look away.   This was the most disastrous train wreck of a celebrity career that anyone had ever seen.

One reporter called out, "Is this some kind of joke, Brady?!"

Another shouted, "Why would you do this??"

A celebrity friend and former co-star of Brady's walked up to get a good look, then shook his head and walked away, disgusted, without saying a word.   That was when Brady knew that the plan worked - Hollywood was rejecting him completely.    He could retire as the fat load of lard that he had always wanted to be.    

When the men had finally towed Brady to the movie theater doors to go see the premiere, there was a commotion as Brady's body and the platform that he was on was wider than the double doors.    It was then that they began pulling on his arms and pushing from behind until they managed to get Brady standing upright on his straining legs.    The crowd gasped and there were lots of snorts of laughter as they all finally got to see that Brady was not actually naked, but in fact was wearing a sumo outfit, exposing a wrap of fabric across the top of his giant ass, with another wrap of fabric wedged into his ass crack.     

The men helped Brady through the doorways by pushing his belly and love handles through while also supporting nearly all of his weight.    Brady quickly began to pour sweat and breathe heavily from the effort, his hefty tits squeezing through the door frame and slapping against his sweat soaked belly.    They helped him take several tiny baby steps before helping lower him into a special heavy duty wheelchair.    His body poured over the wheelchair like a melting cone of ice cream as the metal frame and wheels groaned from the extreme weight.    One of the men gave him a bucket of popcorn to work on while the cameras could still see him from the red carpet outside.    Flashes of cameras captured Brady stuffing big clumsy handfuls of popcorn into his fat face, his body comically over-spilling the wheelchair, his weight forcing four men to aggressively push at the wheelchair to get it moving.

As the giant fat blob watched his career-destroying movie unfold to the audience, the world outside was throbbing over the news that Brady Connors was over 1200lbs of pure fat now.   As the audience of Hollywood elite, media, and super fans watched the ninety minute display of extreme gluttony and weight gain, there was a growing silence taking hold of the theater.   It was shocking and sloppy, a cheaply made venture into obesity that tested the audience's gag reflexes as well as their dignity.   Viewing such a downfall was like watching a weird snuff film that showed a handsome and powerful actor begin a forty minute montage of overeating that progressively destroyed the actor with lard from one shot to the next.   It was oddly hypnotic and fascinating.

Brady was surprised to find people laughing along with the finale as his character's massively fattening montage ends with the realization that the sumo league he was trying to become a part of was actually a fake sumo suit league and that he didn't need to gain weight at all.   The movie ends with a ten minute "fight" that was purely created through editing.  Brady could barely move so most of the stunts were cleverly shot so that the people he was fighting were doing most of the work.   Brady just stood there, sometimes swinging his arms or legs, or just having the guys run into him and bounce off of him like hitting a wall made of jelly.

The film ended in silence from the audience.   The credits began to roll and there was a confused chatter that began to rise in the room.  A few random viewers began to slowly clap, unsure over whether to reward the disastrous movie with applause, but they quickly stopped and the theater began to empty like a church who's sermon ran late.   People wanted to get out before they were forced to talk to Brady.   Brady was very pleased, hugging Mark tight.

"We did it!  It's all over now!" Brady happily rumbled, his heavy breathing breaking the words apart.

"I've never seen you look better on that screen.   I'm so proud of you, baby," Mark cooed.

"Thank you for helping me," Brady added.  "You're my rock."

They kissed and then the men in suits began to wheel Brady back out to the moving van to take him back home.   The theater was mostly empty now, with just a few shocked audience wallflowers hanging around as their minds tried to process the enormously fat actor.

"I can't wait to get home to celebrate," Mark said with a bounce in his step as they made their way out into the theater lobby.

It was then that Brady and Mark were caught off guard by a sudden blast of flickering light that didn't stop.   There was the roar of voices but they couldn't see past the camera flashes.   The men kept pushing Brady's wheelchair until they got to the doors where they once again had to stand Brady up to walk him through the door frame.    Brady couldn't see as the camera flashes continued.  He was out of breath and struggling to shift his weight from one foot to the other as the dozen men crowded around him to support his weight.  A couple heavy steps and then the men were lowering Brady down onto the wheeled platform that had been brought back onto the red carpet.  They decided to lay Brady face down so that the world could see his giant ass this time.

While lowering Brady's tremendous weight, one of the men slipped and was pulled down with the weight.   He tried to brace himself on Brady's ass, but a slight slip caused the man's hand to punch into Brady's deep ass while everyone watched.   His hand was stopped by the strap of fabric that made up Brady's sumo outfit, a damp stretch of fabric buried in his ass crack that acted like a handlebar to grab onto so his fist wouldn't plunge into Brady's stretched asshole.    The crowd reacted with gasps and shouts but then, as the man lay trapped with his arm elbow-deep in Brady's wobbling ass, the crowd began to laugh.    The laughed and shouted insults and jokes.   Someone threw a cupcake, which splattered on Brady's shoulders, sending another wave of laughter through the crowd.   The man was helped up off of Brady's ass, his arm pulling out of the ass crack with an audible pop of suction.   The crowd went wild in equal amounts of disgust and joy.

They slowly made their way to the moving van and began to raise Brady up on the loading platform.    As the mechanical components of the lift groaned and whined under the pressure or raising that much weight, Brady's new view of the crowd was revealed.   There were thousands there to see him, and many of them were cheering him on.   There was plenty of disgust and shock, but there were many excited and happy people staring at him.   Thousands of phones were recording the event and hundreds of professional camera flashes swarmed around the vehicle as the world watched the planet's fattest actor get pushed into the van like a whale in transport.   As the cargo door lowered, Brady could see a group of very fat guys in the crowd that were cheering him on with their shirts off.


"Big Sumo" remains at the top of the box office for four weeks running, sending the movie earnings to $213 million dollars domestically.    The movie hadn't even opened internationally yet, but there was wild chatter online that made it clear that this lousy comedy film might end up as the top grossing movie of the year.  Entertainment media couldn't believe what Brady had done, but this fervent curiosity drove audiences to the theaters to witness the complete destruction of Brady Connors.     Some fans had gone to see it over ten times in the first week alone.   The audiences were split on being disgusted and finding it hilarious, and the conversations it created were driving a new wave of obesity and fat pride in America.   

Brady continued to gain, unsure what to expect now that the world had both rejected him and embraced him.    He was the top news story, the top topic discussed online, and the top of many rumor mills.   Brady was more a celebrity now than ever and it was bothering him.   He wanted to retire, but now there was a growing crowd of fans demanding to see more of him.    That's when Mark came up with a brilliant idea that was sure to go too far and cause the industry to reject him fully - they would release a gainer porno to the world and then surely that would be enough to send him into early retirement.  Brady agreed.

A week later, Mark invited two buff men into the house and then set up several cameras in the bedroom around Brady, ensuring that every angle was covered.    Mark knew both men as feeders and chose them specifically for their kinky sides.   One of them was very well hung, having a giant cock that hung nearly to his knee - Mark knew it would take a long shaft to reach Brady's hole.     The other man was fitted with a special strap-on dildo that Mark had made for the porno.     The strap-on didn't have a dildo fitted to it, but instead Mark had secured Brady's award statuette to it, giving the porno star a shining cock made out of a golden eight inch tall statue of a man.   Mark knew that this would cross the line of decency and finally get Brady his retirement.

The porno was an hour long and featured Brady face-deep in a trough full of food, angrily eating at a furious rate that made him look like a wild animal - a pig without restraint.    The two men enter the room and begin to tease Brady, toying with him with their cocks, feeding him food and serving him spoonfuls of greasy slop with their hand cocks. 

"Here, piggy, piggy... we got something for you..."

"Look at this hog, he looks like he's going to bust open if he gets any fatter..."

"He doesn't look like he can stop.   Can you stop eating, you fat fuck?"

"He can't stop.   Fuck... look at his tits!   They spread out further than he can reach!   That one's just hanging in his trough, sinking into all that nasty food."

"Disgusting.    I can't believe this thing was the biggest name in Hollywood once."

"He's still the biggest thing in Hollywood."

"He deserves a reward for all this blubber he's gained."

"He looks hungry for my cock."

"Let's give him a reward."

 The men took turns sitting in the trough of food right in front of Brady's face so he could suck their cocks like candy.   Brady slurped and slobbered over their cocks and plunged his face into their spread firm asses to lick up frosting after then men got up off the pile of food and flipped over so Brady had nothing but ass to eat.    Soon after, one of them began fucking Brady's deep ass while the other reappeared wearing a strap-on award statuette, swinging it back and forth so it heavily slapped against his thighs.   

"I got an award for your fat ass," the man teased.   "You think you deserve the honor?"

"Disgusting pig," the other man added with a grin, pulling out of Brady's hole by pushing up from his massive bulk, causing Brady's face to plunge deep into the food. 

Brady yelped, sputtering greasy food out of his mouth as the cold golden statuette slipped deep into his ass crack and punched into his hole in one slow but forceful push.    The man was much more aggressive than the last, grabbing Brady's neck fat and riding him hard like he was an oversized bucking horse.   Brady squealed and snorted as his face was rammed into the food pile with every hard slap of muscles pushing the statuette into his hole over and over.    Fat sloshed and rippled, swaying half a ton of lard like a overfilled waterbed being rocked and shoved.    Brady felt like he was suspended in his own lard, his limbs helpless against the brutal fucking so he just laid there and let each thrust force his face into the mess of food, giving him a chance to suck up greasy mouthfuls of food.    

The men eventually used their combined strengths to roll Brady over in a desperate and helpless quest to find his penis.    They pulled back his belly and plied his thigh fat apart as far as they could so his massive pubic roll of fat could spread freely.      They each held back fat with one arm while their other arms tried to dig and spread the pubic blubber apart to find the remainder of Brady's cock in a deep hole, but they couldn't find it.    They each fucked the hole and came in it, filling the hole with white milky cum.    Brady was on his back, moaning in pleasure with his food smeared tits pushed up over his chins and lips.    He licked at his massive nipples, cleaning the food off of them as the men jiggled and wobbled his pubic roll, getting their hot cum to work its way down deep into the hole and lube up his cock head.   

The men pushed and played with the big roll of lard like it was a giant breast, rubbing their fingers around the hole and kneading at the flesh until Brady tensed up and came, gushing a thick rope of cum.   The men watched as the hole filled with their cum started to overflow with the addition of Brady's load.    They let his thighs and belly flop down and bury the pubic roll, trapping the cum in his cock hole before the men once again rolled him over and began fucking him in the ass again.    One man fisted him very deep before the other man ended the porno by shoving fistfuls of shortening into Brady's asshole, filling him with three gallons of the creamy white fat before pushing in a foot-long dildo and then pushing Brady into an upright seated position so the dildo and lard were trapped, just like the cum in his fat pad hole.    He sat there with his belly spreading out further than his feet.   His arms spread to the sides, completely useless.   He sat there with a huge grin, moaning and squirming as much as he could against the flab that immobilized him.

"Morrrrre..." Brady moaned in ecstasy as the porno ends, rubbing his greasy nipples and squirming as the dildo rattled his fat clogged asshole.

The video became the top selling porno, ever.  

Mark began getting offers from studios to have Brady appear in movies or television programs.   Entertainment news had him as the top story daily.   Everyone was talking about Brady Connors, and there was a growing group of fans who were devoting themselves to the same wreckless gaining routine.     More and more morbidly obese people were becoming famous as the months progressed, and it wasn't long before some of Brady's most devoted fans were breaking onto his property for a chance to try to force feed their hero.  

It was a year after the premiere when Mark returned home from a movie studio, finalizing a deal for Brady to appear in three comedy films, when he noticed that the patio doors had been pried open.   The floor was scraped as though something heavy had been dragged over the marble tile.     Mark's heart dropped as he ran into Brady's bedroom to find the wall partially destroyed and Brady missing.   The bed had been dragged out of the room and into the living room where it appeared from the tire tracks outside that someone had hoisted the bed and Brady into some kind of heavy vehicle.    

The security camera footage revealed an unmarked van and a group of eight men in all-black outfits and black ski masks enter the house where one man begins to funnel feed him from jugs while the other men use sledgehammers to widen the doorway before attaching chains to the bed and dragging it and Brady out to the van.    Within ten minutes, they're gone, just leaving behind a note that read:

"He's our pig now.   We're going to show the world just how fat he deserves to be."

The news media went ballistic.

The world's fattest man and most famous actor had been kidnapped, and no one knew what happened to him.   A year of police investigations and a very public manhunt produced nothing.    Brady Connors had become a legend and the world seemed addicted to the story, which (of course) was then turned into a movie just two years after he had gone missing.     Mark had worked with the studio to produce a film based on Brady's life and career, focusing on the gaining years and his decision to become the obese blob that he had always dreamed of being.     A former acting friend of Brady had scored the leading role and they used advanced fat suit technology to produce a realistic version of what Brady looked like at his fattest.

At the biopic film's premiere, the biggest story in Hollywood history came to life again - not on the big screen inside the theater however, but from the red carpet event at its premiere.    A flatbed truck with a tarped cargo stopped suddenly in front of the red carpet.   Two men in masks quickly sprinted out of the truck and unhooked several clasps before hopping back in the truck and starting the hydraulics to tilt and lower the platform down onto the street before driving off.   The tarp was attached to the truck so when the truck drove off, it dramatically revealed the cargo load underneath.

There was a collection of gasps and then absolute chaos as the crowd of people swarmed the street.   Hundreds gathered, people were screaming and also laughing.   Frantic cries of surprise and excitement flooded the street as news cameras made their way to the center of the commotion.    The camera lights lit up the scene to reveal Brady Connors.  He was still alive and now was naked and on display again for everyone to see.

Brady was inhumanly obese.   He looked triple the size he was when he was kidnapped.   No one had ever seen someone so fat in the history of the world.   His kidnappers had tattooed the word pig onto his forehead like it wasn't already obvious that he was one.    His face was so fat and sunken into his gigantic body that it looked flabby and wrinkled shut.    He couldn't open his eyes from all the fat.    His nose looked like it had been broken and reset to have wide upturned nostrils like a pig.    His double chin was larger than his entire head.   His chest was incredible, hanging onto the road surface and pooling out on either side of him, each one bigger than a regular sized person.    His belly was like a stack of mattresses underneath of him, expanded out so large that his limbs looked comically small laying to the sides.    His ass was mammoth, and a few of his fans were already spreading his cheeks and fisting him like it was completely acceptable to do, and no one stopped them.   

The cameras watched as the wild crowd began shoving food in Brady's puckered mouth.   Erections were pulled out and slid into his mouth, guys were fucking his rolls, and a bunch had began lifting up his tits and sucking at his nipples.   The crowd began losing clothes and people began piling onto Brady's blob of a body, humping and grinding into him to experience what they had seen in his porno.   The police arrived but just stood in shook at the sight of Brady's enormous body, and they continued to do nothing as the crowd took their batons and began pushing all the hard rods into Brady's asshole at once.

Mark arrived to see his husband, now so much bigger than he ever thought possible, have a sheet cake pushed into his face so deep that he would surely drown in it.   There was a pile of mashed slop under his face that was leftover from the food that the crowd had been cramming into his mouth.   People had lined up, bringing bags and armloads of food to feed Brady.   The crowd had become too aggressive to get closer, so Mark just watched in equal parts of horror and amazement as dozens of naked men surrounded and then piled on top of Brady, shoving their cocks into the mess of cake where Brady's face was.   It was gruesome but no one could look away.  They could only watch as society took what they wanted.   The news media had swarmed the street and shot the fattening orgy for hours, ensuring that the entire world saw what was happening.  The biopic premiere was cancelled and later released with a sexual final scene added that reflected this perverted development.

In the end, Brady didn't survive the frenzied orgy but it seemed like he didn't have much of a chance of surviving regardless.     The men who did this were exposed, but arrests were never made because of their own video proof that Brady had begged them to fatten him more.    They even showed footage that had Brady planning the final event.   They wanted to ensure that a proud wave of obesity spread across the world and let Brady be the catalyst of this change.

The plan worked as obesity rates skyrocketed soon after and a new wave of extreme weight gain and on-purpose obesity spread across the planet.   It was like society had just been waiting for an excuse to get fatter, and there was no better excuse than a famous actor ballooning into a gluttonous sex pig.   The most widely used clip in promoting this lifestyle was filmed by the kidnappers just a day before his 3000lb blob of a body was exposed to the public.  The video was only ten seconds long but it featured Brady on a scale that displayed his 3009lb weight and then the camera zooms in to Brady's fat-swollen, food-smeared face as he sputtered a taunting brag to the viewers:

"I will always be the fattest.   No one will ever beat me."

The words worked on the audience, causing millions of weight gain challenges where people fully embraced the extreme weight gains and forced themselves to get fatter for the tiny chance of being able to get fatter than Brady.   So far, no one has beat him, but that just makes them try harder to be the fattest lardhogs possible - and they'll have that chance on the new reality show that Mark is producing titled "The Ultimate Gainer" which features twenty people trying to gain the most weight each week.  There's buzz around the cast as rumors have started circulating about the massive amounts of weight people are gaining to win a lifetime of free meals at all "Gainer Burger" fast food restaurants - a new chain of low-priced fast food that had recently sprung up during the recent obesity boom.      

 The world had suddenly became a different place because of Brady- society couldn't forget what it had seen happen to him, and that image wormed its way into nearly everybody's sexual tastes, kinks, lives, dreams and business.  Society had no idea that they even wanted to become hopelessly obese until someone shoved it in their face and showed them just how extreme it could get.   Suddenly 500lbs didn't seem so big, 800lbs didn't seem much bigger either - and this was just the start of the obesity movement that had gripped the world and would never let go.   



This is so fucking hot. You’re the best by far