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Your Vote, Your Minis!

  • Keep the Current Variety: I love the diverse range of weapons and poses in each set, great for RPG gamers. 404
  • Themed Sets Over 2 Months: Release themed sets over 2 consecutive months to allow for more specialized units and more poses for each weapon. 601
  • 2023-10-05
  • —2023-10-07
  • 1005 votes
{'title': 'Your Vote, Your Minis!', 'choices': [{'text': 'Keep the Current Variety: I love the diverse range of weapons and poses in each set, great for RPG gamers.', 'votes': 404}, {'text': 'Themed Sets Over 2 Months: Release themed sets over 2 consecutive months to allow for more specialized units and more poses for each weapon.', 'votes': 601}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 7, 19, 27, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 10, 5, 17, 50, 29, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 1005}


The Challenge of Modular Units

Hey, dear Artisan Guild Adventurers and Merchants,

As you know, each month, apart from over the top heroes, mounts and epic bosses, we release a set of six miniatures that are part of the faction, called the Modular Unit. These modular, each featuring 3 masculine and 3 feminine soldiers/mercenaries/troops/apprentices of the faction come with various weapon options and offer balljoint wrists, so you can glue the weapons you prefer.

The Variety Dilemma

The variety is fantastic for those who love unique figures, but it poses a challenge for Dungeon Masters and Wargamers who need multiple units with the same weapon. For example, if you need a formation of Noble Alfar archers, the current setup makes it difficult to achieve that without awkward poses or weapon combinations.

Example of Noble Alfar Knight "non-heroic" modular Unit.

Time and Craftsmanship

Each modular unit takes 1-3 days to create, the same time as our heroes. We pride ourselves on making each unit unique, with individual hairstyles and poses, so they feel alive and not like cloned bots. I have no intention on lowering the quality of the units, as they also represent an array of characters for you to pick your favorite, customize it, and transform it in your personal rpg hero or wargame general.

Modular Units Before:Back in time, thinking for example at the Requiem Brotherhood (Heavy Templars), I made all of the modular units with hammer, mauls and shield, no ranged units of sword. The result was great, because with less variety you can make a large unit of hammer & shield guards, useful to protect your RPG temple, making a set of cultists, or build your wargame army.  Modular Units Now:Since many users asked for more ranged weapons and spellcasters in the releases, the 6 modular units are now so rich in weaponry that hardly you have two of them with the same weapon. It has it advantages, however it also bring challenged when in need to make a formation of modular minis using the same weapon.

Your Opinion Matters

We're considering a solution and would love to hear your thoughts:

Proposed Solution: Themed Sets Over 2 Months

My personal idea is to release themed sets over two months. Let's talk about the Noble Alfar set for example, coming in November. The first month could focus on Noble Alfar Spearmen and Swordsmen, and the second in December could feature the same faction's Archers and Duelists.
All modular like always, so when both sets are released you'll be able to swap and mix weapons among the two, just like you do now.
This would allow for more specialized units while maintaining the high level of detail and uniqueness you've come to expect. This also mean that if the set is released over two month you'll have 4 heroes in total and 2 epic bosses of the same theme, useful if you are going to use the faction in a campaign as you'll in the future more option to pick. This would not always the best option for all sets, as some of them are enough in a month, but for some it would work well to me. It would have been great in the past, for the heavy armored Requiem Brotherhood, to have a unit of heavy archers for them for example.

Hardly units contains more than 1-2 archers, having sets focusing on a specific unit type would help having more poses of the same weapon setup, like a kneeling archer, one shooting high, one lower, one getting an arrow from quiver etc, all with different hairstiles etc.

  • Are you happy with the current variety in the 6+6 Modular Units?
  • Do you find it challenging to create encounters, warbands, or armies due to limited weapon compatibility?

Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to evolve and improve our offerings. Please take a moment to share your thoughts.

So, let's recap the question for the poll

How would you like to see the modular units in upcoming Artisan Guild sets organized for better weapon compatibility?


Georgios Tsatsamis

I would love Human Fanction regular figthers with bows and daggers most likely a renewal of Thieves Guild but with more Stealthy Armors and Better weapons. I loved the work on the Northmen i wouldnt mind somthing similiar done in Thieves Guild for example.

Mark Nold

Themed sets over two months is a genius idea! Be great for more monsters within the theme :)