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Hello friends, Adventurers and Merchants!
As some of you might now, April 6th is my birthday and I love to make Dwarves for that month!
But why am I sculpting from scratch some of my earliest characters?

The original Dwarven Defender set, also called Lok-Badar Defender Set (June 2019) contains some of my earliest sculpts, some made in 2015.

Back in time I had less experience and 3d printers were not advanced as today.
The Set didn't even have a cavalry unit!


On April 2022, the Dwarven Mountaineers set a new standard of quality for Artisan Guild Dwarves. I spent tons of time sketching and researching on how to make the dwarves shine, I'm truly in love with that set!

It depicted hunters and gatherers of a clan of Dwarves living in Skutagaard, the Frozen lands in Mundus. With these top quality dwarves using spears, axes and bows in leather armors available for printing and as units for GUILDS, I started to craving some heavy armored ones.

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I wanted to make equally epic dwarves on heavy armors.
So why not remake my earliest dwarves from scratch?
It’s the perfect opportunity to reenvision the defenders of Lok-Badar by sculpting them from zero.

The trailer of April's set will be live during the next days, stay tuned!
It's time for me to get back in the forge to finish what's left for the next set :)


Andrea Tarabella




Dwarven bundle is a great idea!! Have you ever made some elves? I'm looking forward to some great elves from you!! Keep up with your amazing work!! I just started printing minis this month, because I just purchased my firt printer! Was tough to decide wich artist I'm gonna support - you won!! 🫡


Hi Henning! Thank you for your kind words! ❤️ Check out these sets: - https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-deepwood-alfar-presupported-110733 - https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-ashen-alfar-inquisitors-presupported-129541 - https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-arverian-woodkeepers-presupported-175958 - https://www.myminifactory.com/object/3d-print-sunken-kingdoms-i-presupported-187050


There'll be an Epic Boss for this set?