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Hello everyone!

I want to discuss with you collecting ideas and voting

To my great joy, I got a lot of patrons.  Thank you very much for your support! 

But this greatly complicates the collection of ideas for Polls

I get hundreds of messages with ideas that make up dozens of huge polls, which complicates the choice and spends a lot of time that I could spend on animation (And their number is constantly growing, soon I will not be able to cope with them at all)

As a result, the polls always win the most popular characters, such as Francine Smith, Lois Griffin and the characters Rick and Morty

I like to draw these characters, but why create such huge collections of ideas that take a whole year?

Isn't it better to create a small poll once a week with my ideas (which are not very different from yours, I use the same characters) and create animation over the same week?

Of course, I will create polls with other (rare) characters, from different animated series and anime (I will listen to your wishes and read comments with suggestions.)

But I need your opinion on this case, I do not want to change everything with only mine decisions

Thank you very much!



Another option is polls that keep hsitory. Like once one character or something wins, that gets reset to 0. That way even something that may not be so popular can eventually come up, if not as frequently.


Well it seems like a better alternative, and you did say you'll take suggestions and take into consideration some comments so I see no problem with the new format


Maybe every week after 2 weeks you do a small poll with limited characters and ideas and find the winner for that week


I just won’t add to the polls the same characters who were already in the voting. Of course, I will try to draw more often (without voting) of really popular characters that many ask for (such as Francine Smith)


Yes, I will definitely sometimes create a small collection of ideas (with limited comments) the main thing is that there are not too many


How do you vote? I clicked on a selection but I don't see a submit button...


may I suggest themed input? that way when you take suggestionswyou can limit characters or franchises?


Here the problem is no the repetition of ideas (with the same characters) The problem is in their number, I get too many offers :( I find it difficult to process them all and I don’t like such a large number of polls (6-7 polls) with 12 options. If nothing is changed in the future, there will be even more

Chris Acosta

I think it's a bit convenient. And maybe if we could also see your schedule as well.


Create your own polls that exclude overused things like American Dad and Family Guy.


If they win the vote they will not participate in the next 4 POLLS


As long as I get more Lois, I'm happy

Joe shmoe

Awesome! As much as I love your main stuff I’d defintiely love to see more Naruto and Dbz


Stick to you think it's better, but Family Guy, The Simpsons, American Dad and Rick and Morty is the reason why I'm here (and probably the people that vote for them). I understand that more theme variety is something good, but honestly, "Star vs. the Forces of Evil" doesn't mean anything to me, I have never seen it. Maybe a mid-ground, like Dragon ball or more iconic characters would be a good idea.


Also, I think there are other ways to add variety despite the characters, the animation with Steve and Francine where she's stucking her panties in his mouth is cooler just because of that. Maybe using those kind of kinky details besides the vanilla would help. Anyway, thank you for your work, and sharing your hard work and amazing talent!!


Thank you. Hinata and Tsunade are on the list of my favorite characters, I’m even surprised that I have so little work with them :( Although my very first drawing with Rule 34 was with Tsunade :)


I understand you, I also did not watch Star vs. the Forces of Evil and I like to draw characters whom I know more. But many people voted precisely for this idea, which suggests that this cartoon has a lot of fans.


Honestly, just create a special tier for Lois and Francine, please. I literally would pay for it. You make the best Lois animations. That's what I subbed for.


Thank you, I will try to draw Lois and Francine more often separately from voting


I agree 100%. If you had a tier just for Lois and Francine, I would also pay for it.