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My traffic dodging video by itself. I'll publish this following the release of the new episode on Thursday.

Approximately half the work on the episode was creating this thing. The part where the camera pans over to follow the tumbling car was actually filmed on a separate day.


Why Did Captain Disillusion Cross the Road?

To illustrate a VFX technique. http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion



Any chance at getting a tutorial on this? I like this sequence a lot!


If that's a tripod-mounted and locked camera with motion added as an effect, I'm really impressed. And on my fifth viewing I'm still not noticing anything like parallax, so I'm really impressed.


I still can't believe that this potential human harvester bike shelf can be set up on the front of this bus....


I like the bird chirping at the end. Nice touch.


The most amazing part is that... it's real... You can tell by the <insert asinine="" here="" reason="">.</insert>


Filming the last part on a separate day explains the car changing behind the bus... :)


Yep, just a still tripod shot with fake post wiggling. Except for the pan following the car - that's a real camera move, but also just a pan on tripod.


I had an opportunity to make it the correct car, but I was too lazy and also thought it would be fun to leave as a little clue for keen observers :P


Yeah, lots of busses in my area seem to have that. I guess people bike to places and take the bus as a leg in the journey...


I'm a fan of your work! I LOVED the telenovela spin you gave to the video. As a Latina woman who grew up on novelas, I lit up in laughter! I appreciate that you made sure to subscribe twice ;-) haha! You make it enjoyable to learn. I am so impressed at how you manage to add social-justice or racial-justice awareness through sharp and clever scripts, all while teaching us about technology and film as an art form. I don't think people understand how serious debunking videos really is. Certainly it's so much fun watching you debunk them! But there are so many videos online that confuse people on what's real or not real and they may make the life-and-death decisions based on it. You're inpiring others to think more critically or participate in this art form with honesty.Your work is consequential, important and meaningful. Thank you!