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It's here! An actual, real, proper new video!

It's been exciting and challenging to work on a classic "debunk" again. I hope it holds up to the traditional standard.

Please enjoy and let me know what you think.

(sorry about ads already being active. I accidentally turned them on during upload and am scared to turn them back off because YouTube is a volatile creature.)


Orangutan Card Trick DEBUNK

Captain Disillusion is taken to the brink of madness by a deceptively simple viral magic trick.



Brilliant as always!


Oh happy day!


I'm not an obsessive however I am probably pretty close to one


Excellent video! Worth the wait (even though I still resent any waiting ever). I love the storytelling elements. This was such a blast to watch!


It's a small point but I love that this video used the traditional ending.

Daniel Kohl

we will never leave you!


You absolute showboi. How did _you_ do the glass effect?

Linus O. Linhof

It's not 80 pages, barely 2 actually, but here's my take on a video essay about the Socioeconomic Problematicism of Climate Identity https://medium.com/@laterrr/video-essay-script-about-the-socioeconomic-problematicism-of-climate-identity-for-captain-5bf680ab2fdc


I made it past the first two waves of VFX interest, because I am one of the elite people who really care! I mean, I even made one the videos you disalluded (baseball) and am an expert in lazyology! As usual, I love your video. Sometimes I am concerned that you are making so good (even with the exhibit details in the final shot) that they might be too hard to make them so often. Well, dang just go ahead and keep making them super dense with great writing, side jokes, amazing details, and all that stuff if you want. Yeay!