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As a final #lategate post visible to all pledge levels, here's a behind-the-scenes featurette about the production of the video from June. Effort exerted, lessons learned, achievements unlocked. Enjoy!


Behind the Scenes: The Undebunkable

A look at the production of "The Undebunkable" video, including a breakdown of the episode's most complex effects shot.



I'm late discovering you and your brilliance, and really enjoying going back through all of this and learning as I travel backwards in time. I had realised that there was a lot of work in the CD vs Zeitgeist episode, but had no idea just how much. You have done a really good job, I hope you know how impressive your work is.


Cue someone posting 'But 9-11 was an inside job.' In 5... 4... 3... Seriously though, amazing job.


Loved that episode


I loved the episode, it was nutty but fun.


As a beneficiary of #lategate and seeing all that goes into an episode has raised appreciation levels tenfold. That said, quality over quantity. Let mr flare make the next ep ;) and don't stress.




This was the episode that was my first introduction to your content. It didn't take me long to decide to be a Patron. Your stuff is so well produced that you forget you're watching it on YouTube and not a cable channel. Also, debunking is an important part of what the internet needs.


Oh my gosh! It's so complex! And I thought my setup was a pain :P


Thanks for the all that hard work, Cap!


I'm even more impressed now, and that is saying a lot.


Was the shot of the Zeitgeist towering over CD a reference to BTTF2?


I've been following you for awhile now, I can easily say that while most people commend you for the VFX work, which is undeniably impressive, I'd like to mention how important these videos are to the skeptic and science community.


So how likely is it that you'd release that model of your set so we can make all the fanfics we want ;-)?


You are insane, and I am so glad that I get to effortlessly enjoy the fruits of your madness.


My favorite episode.