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Here it is! Please enjoy and let me know what you think.


Quick D: Ambiguous Cylinder

Please consider supporting my videos on Patreon: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion Captain Disillusion gives a detailed breakdown of Kokichi Sugihara's Ambiguous Cylinder illusion. AND HE DOES IT BETTER THAN ANYONE ELSE, EVER, PERIOD.



I almost feel guilty for getting such high quality videos early and only paying 2 bucks a month. almost....


So, uh, did someone share the video with non-Patreon supporters?


Nice video Mr. D. High quality as usual.






I just spit my coffee out at the Jay bit. Effing beautiful. Great stuff as ever!


I was curious about this illusion. I saw a couple videos on it but this one explains it the best. I like the the 3-D animated breakdown. Well done!


Awesome work.


Top notch content, as usual. No one debunks as well as you do.


I thought it was a well-choreographed Groucho Marx mirror type illusion! I even thought I had seen some tell tale evidence in the choreography. Oh well...


Super Cool and funny as always Mr. C.D. I loved the pokeball effect! A tutorial would be really awesome! Great work!


I like the concept you are playing off of from the last video, people being too ready to call something fake. It's pretty cool that you are actually explaining something real with this video and I think it could be interesting to include a mix of fake and real subjects. Nice work as always, El Capitan.


Loved it as always! Any plans to go back to the simple Captain Disillusion style of just you in the Red Corner anytime soon? (no interdimmensional beings trying to trick us?)


So cool! So well done! I love it! And I can't believe you did this one so quickly after the last video! Bravo!


That's for this kind of exact content that I subscribed! Thanks


Another sure fire hit! With those lucky enough to know where to find their monthly dose of oh-so-good debunking goodness at least. As always- top notch production values, a thorough explanation, that deliciously discourteous but oh so essential hint of bitterness; it was all there! Nice touch with the obligatory zeitgeist Pokéball I might add and I especially liked the inclusion of a custom, hand-drawn, money (but not time)-saving, very nicely made compass graphic! I gotta point 'em out but I do see now that it was all worth it. ;) Great job and those 3D printers don't do too badly themselves, don't they? Things are certainly progressing very quickly in that field now and while those shapes may be simple in design they did make for a great illusion / Illusion.


That parody of Chinese actor's over dramatic reactions had me in tears


Aww, well the "make anything" kid probably doesn't have to hold up his video releases to pander to the "early access" demands of patrons.


Love it, and I do appreciate your deep look into topics and all the time you obviously spend on production ^_^

Stacy Livitsanis

The sincere -- and longer-lasting -- adoration you receive from your loyal fans hopefully makes up for not having as many views as those young punks.


Could you make a tutorial explaining your workflow on how you go from making a rough cut in the editor to creating and applying the visual effects? Do you typically cut all of your video together in Avid, then export the timeline and re-import it into After Effects to do the green screen and compositing work all on the single exported sequence, or do you apply the VFX clip by clip before you edit? The effects seem to flow so seemlessly between shots, and I'm trying to wrap my head around how you are able to time certain motion graphics to your actions on screen in After Effects when playback typically isn't in real time. Do you make the individual graphical elements in After Effects, then import those into Avid and align them to the live action shots there, or just import the entire edited timeline into After Effects and apply all of the keying and motion graphics/transitions there?


I've been thinking about making this exact kind of tutorial! Wasn't sure if it's way too nerdy/specialized... I'll see what I can do. To answer your question, I use both workflows you described, depending on whether it's a regular episode or quick D. I first establish all the timing of live footage and voiceover in Avid, then export AAF to After Effects. In regular episodes, I just export individual effects shots, work on them in AE and bring the renders back to Avid. In quick D, I export the entire edit and it's completed as one giant comp in AE.


I don't usually intentionally hold them up. I like to establish a release date and try to beat it by at least a day or two for the benefit of patrons. It's a good motivator for me!


Thanks! Yeah, some high-end 3D printing tech is quite impressive. They 3D printed the faces of most of the stop-motion characters in 'Box Trolls' and it looked pretty damn good on the big screen.


Thanks. Gotta occasionally balance out cranky outrage about fakery with some curiosity about interesting illusions by talented people :)


If they had done it that way, they'd still have to make the objects magically switch from square to round when they get rotated around. That would have been doubly impressive! ;)


A tutorial like that certainly wouldn't be too nerdy/boring for aspiring vfx artists, at least in my opinion! There are so many minute details and small intricate graphical elements in your videos that would be very interesting to learn how to create! The ability to make the motion graphics just as captivating as the subject matter of the video itself is a true talent! Thank you for your willingness to share your knowledge with us!


An exhaustive investigation has revealed that it was my own fault. Apparently adding an unlisted video to a playlist (as I had done in this case) makes it quite visible in that playlist :S


There's no too nerdy/specialized. I'll watch any tutorial you make. It's like a master videosmith giving a peak into his trade. I've learned more from your videos both the tutorials and just trying to anaylze your produced content than I have from a whole cavalcade of lighting, videography and effects tutorials on the greater YouTubes. Even Blender I didn't really "get" before watching your CD logo tutorial and now I use it quite a bit. I had experience with 3DSMax from many years back but Blender is pretty radically different.


"too nerdy" ? THAT is a hoax!