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We were finally able to film yesterday. In stark contrast to the Beakman shoot, this was very long and arduous. Instead of a set full of crew and guest stars, it was just me and my beloved occasional camerawoman Emily, all by ourselves. From 8AM to 10PM we meticulously covered the hell out of this strange, strange episode, using dollies, sliders, cranes and green screens. It gets a bit dark and I hope the departure in tone will work.

Today I trimmed the nearly 2 hours of footage we captured down to about 40 minutes from which I will edit the 5-8 minute video. Then there are a ton of VFX to do, some of a complexity I've never attempted before.

Since there are just 4 days left until the scheduled post date and 6 days until the end of June, I will definitely miss the deadline :( It's finally going to happen!

I appreciate the encouraging comments from you guys re: quality over punctuality, but I still feel bad. This seems like a big deal because I haven't missed the deadline a single time since joining Patreon.

A shame to end that streak.




We still love you!


Us skeptics have faith in you.


I watch Venture brothers which is on its 6th season in 12 years, so I completely agree that quality over quantity is critical to longevity. You rock and you're worth the wait!


It takes a lot more look then we ever see to do what you do. Just keep making the awesome.


"In short, you can't let the deadline define the mission. The mission has to define the duration." We're with you all the way Captain; your work is worth it.


Wait but that doesn't mean that you won't get funding this month, right? Because after your streak you're allowed to make an exception :o quality over quantity :D


One of the things they're repeating to us creators at Vidcon is to just do it. Can you do a short video on something else by June 30? If not, it doesn't hurt my feelings. I definitely understand dealings with YouTube and the pain of missing them.


Only because we have seen a past history of success (using our brains for everything else)


Go man go! Stretch and reach = growth!


I didn't become a patron based on your regularity of posting ;)


Do not fret. Captain. We will enjoy your work regardless of when you finish it. Take a break, Netflix and chill. :D


As a subscriber of yours since nearly the beginning--the gas station ghost video--that we're getting regular videos now is a pleasant surprise I never expected. I'm sure you're disappointed in missing a deadline, but your videos are top notch. If I owned a TV station, I'd be nagging you to do a proper Captain Disillusion TV show.


I'm gonna give you a harder time than most as I always flourish the most under the smouldering heat of a deadline. Get it done!


I could not accomplish in a year what you accomplish in a month. Put another way, your videos are worth way more than the number of days it takes to make them! Beating yourself up as some kind of punishment will only wear you down and make creation harder. Just relax and enjoy the process!



Timmo Warner

I would rather you miss the deadline and still make the monthly videos than push one out just to meet an arbitrary mark! As long as they're monthly you're still hitting the deadlines are far as I'm concerned.


The most important thing is to keep the quality up: a few days of delay is no big deal. Most people won't notice anyway.


Are you channeling The Crow in this photo?