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It's nice to get this from Google while on the channel we're already nearing 200k :) in large part thanks to all of YOU!




Yeah but who's the one making the content that we love? :D


that actually owns, quite a lot


Can't wait till you make your Patreon goal and make this your full time job!


Yay! And you did it with a Chewbacca mask or cat videos....ok you had a couple cat photos, but still my hero!


I meant without not with...

Timmo Warner

I tried to hit you up on Slackwave but I don't think it went through. I'll just say it here: Congratulations!


Congratz, Captain D! I watched all the videos on your YouTube channel (twice!), they were that good. I finally signed up on Patreon to support your content - hey, it was a no-brainer! Keep up the excellent work, Cap! :D


An inspiration to us all. My life would that little more dull without your monthly weird videos. Well done!


Congrats, Captain D! I've been following you since 2010 or so, when you were a guest on SGU podcast. And I'm glad you are able to make regular videos now. I have a slight idea how much work you put into these - my background is TV audio, but I have friends who do the video parts - and you are awesome at what you do. Thanks, and here's to 300,000!