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Thank you for waiting!

Here's a brand new video!

Hope you enjoy it!

I'm gonna take a nap to recover!



Playing With 'Playing With Time' | Quick D

Please consider supporting my work on: http://www.patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion A dangerously thrilling ride through the VFX techniques of the 'Playing With Time' viral video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gooWdc6kb80)



Yay! Just in time to watch during lunch :)


bravo! thank you, captain!


13minutes? Is that really a quick D ? ;) Great content though <3


Thankyou :') Hopefully you have a great sleep! loved the video


Superb ! :) Thanks

Marc Novak

Fantastic work, loved that! Was the tea and biscuits workstream conversation a hint to this video or do you just love dunking biscuits while you work? :)


This is intense 😅 Is that a Windows logo?


I love it! 😍


Awesome, just like always) Спасибо, Капитан)

Grant Inouye

Sooo good! As always, excellent. (also love to the flight of the navigator video... it's probably my favorite video!)

Richard Neilsen

The ridiculousness of having "In Memoriam" written over a slow motion simulated video of a CGI ceramic figurine being smashed with a CGI hammer made me laugh out loud.


Oh my. This is going to require multiple viewings!


Today's episode of Captain Disillusion was brought to you by The Big D.


It's rare that I'm ever familiar with a video that's being "debunked," so there's always that added enjoyment of, "oh, that's kind of cool." Then a moment later, the magic is destroyed and my childlike wonder evaporates.


The amount of work in these videos is always high, but at this pacing it's borderline crazy. Throw-away VFX shots every 7 seconds, just 'cause. It's like Dubai building ski mountains in the desert.

Daniel Kohl

I need to watch that again! ... in slow motion. Me like!


That was absolutely great :D I always love it when you put yourself into the videos you debunk. Also, I know the qualifiers for a video being a Quick D is not "be a short video" but rather the style that it's presented in... but everyone would still love you if you made short videos XD It would not be bad to use a Quick D as an excuse to actually make less content for that month (if there's even a period anymore at this point :b). Loving with my heart.

David Whitney

Not so Quick, but super densely packed. I hope the face scars heal up nicely.


Brilliant as always. I found myself repeatedly rewinding the video 5 seconds to rewatch an effect or rehear a sound effect. I loved the disappearance of the Snapchat icon at the end.


The Labyrinth parody had me on the floor. 🤣


Whats with your keyed hair at 2:50? Let me guess...you just couldn't bring yourself to crush the blacks in your expertly lit shot to blend your hair with the background - just as Ben did. Admit it! 😎😏


Man... you are something. First and foremost, you are THE youtuber, that i get most excited when seeing a new release. The amount of effort and attention to detail you put in your work is just unreal. I love your work. You are awesome. Especially for a Contenteer.




That Bowie impression… 🤣🤣🤣


Man you really are the best. Your videos are just on another level. Keep up with the good work


Why did he fight the second tiiiiiiiime! 😂I loved Marks video. God knows how long it took him or a team to put together. But your breakdown is sooooo granular. Damn it must take ages to pick it to pieces. Awesome work Captain :)


Great job!


It's worth the wait.


Incredible, as always


Amazing. This video convinced me to become a Patreon patron.


Funnily, i also got convinced by this very video, to finally support you on patreon. Keep up the good work!


Good thing you came into the future to see it so you could come back and be one of the first to watch it!


I'd love to listen to your music. Do you release them somewhere? Clearly not on your soundcloud ; ) The outro music is solid in this one!


Ha me too! Pointing out the ahem "success" of flight of the Navigator really forced my hand 🤣


Did you put your own reflection in the CaptainD table shot? What a flex.