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Hi friends,

Been a while! I'm stuck in my edit bay fortress, chained to this extremely challenging project and I miss you guys. So let's do a livestream to catch up!

Sunday, Jan 31st, 3PM ET https://youtu.be/sVIdHKCjU94

On the agenda:

  • Detailed progress updates on the long-awaited next video
  • An exclusive showing & commentary of my very first student short film
  • Some Q&A / on-the-fly debunking

I figure since there's probably not a ton of Qs to ask me until the episode is out, I'm open to trying a bit of rapid-fire video analysis instead. Post in the comments below links to viral videos you're interested to hear my take on. Any other questions are welcome, too.

Thanks and I hope to see you soon!


Edit Bay Lite: Shareholders Meeting

Detailed updates on next video & other fun stuff!



https://www.reddit.com/r/blackmagicfuckery/comments/l8tph6/i_have_achieved_unlimited_power/ I found this just today and seemed pretty intriguing. Obviously some trickery going on but not sure if edited or with hidden tubing or something


Hi there! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HLpy3MoH9OU&ab_channel=ICE Sometimes it looks fake, sometimes it looks real... I'd like your opinion about it, Captain D.


Captain, I am really confused. I am not sure I am getting all your posts. Prior to this post, you said you were doing cool research and journalism, you had a 36 page script, and you were making the longest video ever. But then, the next product I saw was Popcorn guy, which was an awesome video, but didn't seem to fit with what you were describing, at five minutes. Also, that video never showed up in my feed here for early release. I had to wait for to watch it with the commoners! Now, I am not very smart. I am assuming one of two things, either my Patreon App has COVID or I am not following your schedule. When you get time, could you please post an update as to whether you are still editing the big one, or if you ended up cutting a lot from the popcorn guy? I know this seems like a complaint, but it isn't. I loved Popcorn guy. I am just really confused as to if I am missing other posts.

Hyperballad Eyes

You: Complains You: The previous statement wasn't a complaint Everybody Else: 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Thank you for understanding my post and not taking it as a complaint. I know the problem is on my end with the notifications, but I just wanted to follow the schedule to make sure I didn't miss anything. I will reinstall and see if that fixes things. Thanks for what you do!


Hi Captain, Have you considered releasing a trailer for your next video? It can generate buzz.


Excited about the next episode! Sounds like you're bumping the lamp.