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Since many of you patiently watched my stream working on the sound design for this episode, here's the complete mix without my pesky voice getting in the way!

The video is doing unexpectedly well, which I guess wouldn't have happened without putting in tons of time into all the details, which, in turn, would not have been possible without your generous support.

So once again, thank you all!


CD / Color - Music & Sound FX Track



It's one of those episodes that are worth watching many times, not only to catch all the valuable info but also to catch all those tiny details in the visuals. Great episode!


it's fascinating to me how without the voice track, it underscores how much effort goes into the ancillary pieces -- sound effects, visuals, etc.. Thank you CD for all this. Makes me appreciate your videos as well as others that much more.


the mostly lone censor bleeps got a good laugh out of me

João Gouveia

Your attention to detail is outstanding. This version gave me even more respect for your work. Fantastic job. You are excellent at what you do! It's a pleasure to watch your videos, thank you for your time and effort.


This is incredible! It's amazing how subliminal so many of these sounds are until the voice is turned off. Everything seems so intuitive that it really sells a lot of the effects. Love it!


It *should* be doing well! It has the production quality of a movie!


OMG, I thought this was another CD episode about sound and was SO confused. I got 30 seconds in, too...


It was amazing, and thankyou captain for sharing... I am a fresh graduate working as an editor in a production house, going through hell everyday this gives me some hope 😄 also I loved the live stream please do more SFX live streams ✨😄


Is it just me, or is your hair slightly gray?


It's doing well because it smart and funny and excellently put together.


You said in your livestream that it might not be super interesting because the work happens at a glacial pace. But I think that seeing all these tiny details and how much thought is put into everything is exactly why it‘s so interesting to watch. And it‘s incredible to see how all this comes together in the final product.


A lot of novice filmmakers don't think about sound design and I think it shows way more than visual design—two people sitting at a high-table with the sounds of a coffee shop goes farther than an actual coffee shop with bad sound. My partner and I made a movie for the "Straight-8" contest a couple years ago ( https://vimeo.com/443096438 ) ... the gist is to shoot a roll of (non-sound) Super-8 film and deliver it unexposed along with a soundtrack file and the organizers develop, digitize, and add your soundtrack (synced to the first exposed frame). I did all the sound work on the first segment and spent about 2 hours walking through the snow to find a quiet spot to get the "outdoor sound" (who knew so many cars, people, and planes would be around on a Sunday morning?—I ended up burying the microphone in snow), and then probably another hour walking around to get the footstep sound. So believe me when I say that I just barely understand the nuances and huge amount of work that goes into sound!


I appreciate that the "long", "medium", and "short" cones get ascending pitches. Nice touch.

Doeke Zanstra

Much better. Why didn’t you post this version in the first place!


I tremendously impressed. I loved the videos but seeing the effort put in on just sound was amazing.

Ian Hubert

DANG! I was watching the visuals so close I didn't even think about the audio- this is awesome.


What an interesting contest. But I don't understand: if you don't develop the film, how do sync all those sounds throughout??


I ended up having to transpose those tones to be in the same key as the music, once I added it, so it didn't feel too dissonant :)


Could do with some subtitles so I know what sound effects I'm listening to?


Just WOW, I could still hear the voice though. Maybe I've just watched it too much!


You should have captions of the script.