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Here it is, folks! *collapses*



Captain Disillusion outsources the task of debunking a new UFO video to a tape of an old TV show. Please consider supporting my videos on Patreon: patreon.com/CaptainDisillusion --- The Flex Rig by CGCookie.com



Niiiice :D loved the ending :p happy new years and thanks for a great year of videos!


Haha, one everlasting thing about the topic - even if someone clarified his video was a hoax the people will still believe in what they saw first. Yeah, can't argue with faith you know 😀 Happy new years to your team and thanks for the videos still pouring in!

Donovan "Ravenhull"

Reminds me of the story of the guy who made the fake 'time lapse of a crop circle getting made', then a few weeks later, put out his 'how I made it' video. People just accused him of making the second as the fake to 'cover up the truth' of the first... Yeah, true believers are hard to deal with.


You never disappoint. Never.


Brilliant! The best (and currently only) vid I've seen this year 👍🏼 Happy New Year CD!


Excellent! You never disappoint CD.


I'd watch that TV show. If it wasn't from an alternate world in which smart phones and VHS tape were popular at the same time, at least. Those are some really well-done credits.


I really like what you did with this video Captain D. The How's It Made inspired format and the SNL style close were great. The coffee shop was right at the edge.


How has nobody snatched you up for a TV show? This is brilliant stuff.

Drek the Bat

Gotta love when you hit the million view mark. Great job!!


LMAO nice


So many lol's! An instant classic. I loved the visual variety, set pieces and the SNL ending. ... The focus on YouTube comments reminded me of another internet-stupidity watchdog whom you may have come across: www.youtube.com/user/commentiquette


What a fantastic year D. Thank you for all the amazing work you have done! Thank you to your team as well.


Yeah, I like angry, sweary Capt. May you maintain the righteous rage in the new year.


Love it! "And this is an amateur subset of compositing called . . ." made me laugh out loud. And a parody of "How it's Made". And "whose a loser now". And an actual real-life alien! How'd you get him trained to attack you like that?