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I'm having a hard time locking down the subject of the year's final episode. The web seems to be devoid of any new, interesting, hard-to-explain videos.

(I don't want to do the Chinese levitated cars thing - nothing interesting to talk about there.)

In lieu of finding a good subject video, I'm considering doing an overview of the various times I got something wrong in previous episodes. But that would necessitate watching old episodes and I really shudder to look at my own old stuff. Plus, let's face it: HOW OFTEN DO I EVEN GET THINGS WRONG? :)

Another option is to do a Quick D on the "infinite chocolate bar" trick. It's not new and has been quite well illustrated by various people, but still might be fun for me to take my own crack at it. Since it's the last episode of the year though, I would prefer not to do a Quick D but something more substantial, a "season finale" worthy video.

So the search continues...



I'd love the idea of exploring Captain D's blatant FAILURES. (Didn't Never Hide Films say the catching glasses analysis was all wrong? Was that ever substantiated, or were they just mouthing off?). It would be a refreshingly different format, worthy of a season finale.


Take something you got right, and expand on it in a way that's a good closer? Any films you can contact the creator for? Any creative agencies you could visit to do something with?


Never Hide Films doesn't exist, it was done as an ad for Rayban by Cutwater, who later confirmed the tricks were as CD said they were. <a href="http://cutwatersf.com/tagged/ray+ban" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://cutwatersf.com/tagged/ray+ban</a>


How about something Star Wars themed? Perhaps an analysis of how history was rewritten so that Greedo shot first (via visual effects)?


To err is human. I like the idea of a failure episode to show that even smart, sciency individuals can get things wrong. But to fix errors, we use more evidence and science, not less. Science is self-correcting and changeable. And that's its beauty.


To be honest, I'd just love to see the CD character get a bit more development. The reason I'm a patron is because he appeals to me as a character, more than that he's debunking things (although I do enjoy that too, it's more of a bonus). Why don't you show us what else CD does with his time?


A hot topic conspiracy theory to analyze could be Jar Jar = Sith Lord.

Dr Caesar's Palace, MD

I like this idea. I envision a 'day in the life' episode of CD doing normal things: getting up for breakfast, ran out of milk, going to the shops, fighting off people trying to show their hoax videos on the bus, maybe CD is an accountant by day... Then he comes back to the small red room and all the characters are there, Holly &amp; Mr Flare, etc, and the episode ends in a stunning Christmas musical number.


Kill off Mr flare. Let him die. I think it's for the best.


How about going offline? there are plenty of videos that pre-date the youtube era, do an old timey Capt' D.


Would the Norwegian Spiral (2009) and other similar circle/spiral sightings be of any interest?