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Here's a detailed look at the animation/effects in the Ian Hubert's Lazy Tutorials parody of the most recent episode!

There are some aspects I didn't really go into, like compositing, 'cause the video was getting a bit long, but hopefully what I did cover is interesting. Enjoy!


"Blender God" VFX Breakdown

A step-by-step behind-the-scenes look at an animated sequence from the last episode.



Wow. That sequence looks like it took even more effort than I would have thought. About what percentage of work on the video was spent on this one section? xD

Michael Aichlmayr

I love seeing how it all comes together, and the time you put into it! Really appreciate you put this together!


These videos are why I'm a patreon. They are so informative and interesting, thank you!


@4:48: what is that iphone app?


You might not be a blender god, but you are the god of putting in enormous amounts of time just to sell a single joke. And holy shit, are you one powerful god :D


This further solidifies why I became a Patreon of yours. The amount of work that went into a couple seconds of a joke is mind blowing to say the least!


Thanks for sharing!


I was looking for this app but can't seem to find it. All I can find is talkr and it does not look good at all.


The trick to make it look like you are going around the character were in fact she is just turning on herself is so convincing, I think it is probably the best part of the whole scene ;) Joking I'm really impressed bythe creativity and how it look, there are so many Easter eggs that are honestly not seen without knowing (like the Blender logos) especially while watching the full episode, same for the "white" spot on the face, it looks completely natural when you watch the episode, it is only that you've said it that I've spotted it now. Great jobs as always!


This is still my favorite YouTube moment. The first time I saw this I died laughing. I had caught on early to the lazy tutorials reference. Just sat back and smiled for the rest of the bit. 🦾🦾