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Now that I've had a few days to recover from the latest video and not think about it every waking moment, I figure it might be fun to do a little live screening, talk about the process, make fun of the imperfections and just do a general Q&A on life, the universe and everything. We need to catch up!

If you like, throw me some advance Qs in the comments here, so I can think of cool-sounding answers. Otherwise, just ask in the livechat on YouTube.

Hope to see you there tomorrow, Thursday, Apr 16th at 2:00PM EST!

And as always, if you can't make it, the recording will be available at the same link, usually within a few hours.


Edit Bay Delirium 6: Debunkathon Critique Party

Alan & Sammy conduct a post-mortem of the latest video and answer viewer questions!



Awesome! I'd love a breakdown of your filming equipment and more info on how you shoot your videos from a practical, and less vfx, perspective.

Draken Stark

Do you have any favorite pieces of fan art or memes that you've seen based on Captain Disillusion or any of your other efforts?


Little less related, but: Do you play video games? And if so, what's been your go-to game during lockdown?

Alfie Wild

How do you juggle quality Vs quantity and ROI (time wise)? The production quality of your videos is ridiculous, IMO way higher that it 'needs' to be, as your writing, story boarding and charisma already bring so much to the table. Do you find it difficult to make the call on when for example a 'VFX' shot is good enough? What are the bottle necks in your production pipeline? What future projects exite you?


Do you think the quality of faked videos has been improving? What is a good way to spot deep fakes?


What tech has been on your wishlist? What technology always amazes you and doesn't get the attention it deserves?


what time is it right now?


Will new merch be coming soon? I know you have a tight packed schedule haha.


What's your favorite debunk till now? And is it just because of the debunking or because of the vfx you had to come up with to explain it to us?


I would really like it if you could shed light on your VFX shot management process. As a vfx artist I find this a hugely important part of the process but almost no one is talking about how they go about it. How do you organize shots, what is your file structure like, what spreadsheet software do you use to organize and plan your shots. In the last stream you had shown a shot management platform you were using but I couldn't find the name of it. I am a huge fan and I love your work. Thank you for your amazing content