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I'm brainstorming ideas for this month. I rarely do "themed" episodes aside from a TAM special once in a while because, you know, I want my work to be TIMELESS. But I wonder if it might be fun to try a Halloween-specific presentation and feature some ghost sighting video. Viewers often send links to poltergeist, paranormal activity-type clips so it could be about one of those. Or perhaps an overview of several such videos because frankly any single one of them seems too boring to discuss on its own...

What say you, patrons? Halloween or nah? Single video or overview? Other, better subject video suggestions?




Captain D. How about doing an anonymous hoax video, using the standard techniques/deceptions? If it feels too unsavoury you can embed with jokes/easter eggs for the discerning eye, or reveal soon after (or therein). Perhaps they can be from your nemesis Major Deception.


I think if you get most of the ghost sightings out of the way, it can be themed and timeless. Perhaps go over your own ghost short from a while ago?


Halloween's a peak time for misguided believers and the gullible, so do us a favour and promote debunking!


I think a Halloween video would be fun. Doesn't necessarily have to be a debunk video, you could consider something like, Top 5 Editing/Film Techniques Used in Horror Movies, or ghost videos or whatever.


I like Halloween themed idea And a compilation sounds good too


CD, My 2 cents is that you absolutely should do a video tied to Halloween in some way. I think creating content that is tied to predictable recurring events (e.g. holidays, celestial events, or annual cultural events) or "one-time" predicted events (e.g. "this video is proof that the end of the world will be on xx-xx-xxx!") is a great way to "pre-bunk" a cultural meme and to possible get in front of or along side of it rather than sometime after the "meme-event" had come and gone. Also, if the subject matter can be carefully chosen from recurring "event-driven" memes then perhaps that would also increase your videos cultural relevance by being viewed annually.


I think yes. You do ghost and spooky paranormal stuff all the time, and so I don't think it'll seem out of place if someone watches it in July. I'll leave the "one video or overview" to you as it'd depend on how much content you could get out of what you have. I don't think any of us could answer that.


Halloween itself is pretty timeless. (I suppose centuries from now the custom may have died or changed.) Go for it.


Maybe. A good chunk of your work is already ghost sightings, so this wouldn't be that different (although you could have a lot of fun with the Halloween theme).


I think i would enjoy a Halloween special done in your signature style.


For poltergeist activity, You already did ones on those atrocious Mellowb1rd videos and most of them are really easy to debunk. Paranormal.. impossible to find anything that's not blurry and poor quality. I would be interested in what would make a genuine video, as in what kind of things could not be faked. Or can everything you see be duplicated in some way?


A halloween-themed episode could be fun. But I wonder if you could find something that was halloween-related but wasn't a ghost video, just to be different? Levitating pumpkins? Claims of real zombies? As for single vs. overview, personally I like it when you go into great detail on a single clip, but that's just me, I guess.


Anything Halloween related would be great. It's my favorite holiday. I think you should embrace it and capitalize on it's over the top spooky nature!


Halloween would be cool, and I double that Gary said here - better to create your own fake video as you did with poltergeist (my favorite CD episode). (thank your and your marvelous team for great work, love you)


Wait... speaking of your mellowbonerd video, are you ever going to explain how you did that? (And I didn't realize it spells out as mellowbonerd until I typed it... my inner 13-year-old is still giggling.)


Halloween is timeless, in the sense that it happens every year. Perhaps you could do a sort of "tired scare-video of the year countdown" awards; it would make at least one month of year where you don't have to come up with a novel subject, and you can come up with ideas for the annual thing all year, hopefully reducing stress. (Plus, yeah, clearly I think it should cover multiple videos.)


An overview of several Halloween-themed videos would be great !