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Well that was torturous. The greenscreen effects were not as easy to do as I hoped, but after staying up 'till 2AM for a few nights, I got them all done. Today I graded (color-corrected) the episode to give it its final, polished look.

But that's just picture. Now it's time to work on the sound. I've already set up the ProTools session and cleaned up all of the dialogue. I have to do tiny bits of ADR in a couple of spots. Then it's all about placing and adjusting tons of sound effects all over the video. Lastly, slapping together some music.

We are so close to the finish line. Only 3 days left , but I'm gonna need them all!




Wow, it's a big one this time o.o Does CD sustain you financially or do you also need to do other jobs? Because I have my own projects, but I need to put those on hold often to do a few jobs (I'm freelance) and sometimes that's really annoying :o Though I guess this is one job an in that way could take precedent over other jobs sometimes.


It doesn't sustain me financially, but it helps. I still have a job and do freelance work, but I now have the luxury of not taking some of the freelance gigs so I can work on my videos. I would gladly quit all other work and just do Captain D stuff if this Patreon campaign grew big enough. That would be a dream! :)