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Hey everybody,

Let's do another video livestream! TOMORROW (SUNDAY) at 3PM EST.

This time, I'd like to give you a shot-by-shot commentary/discussion of the episode I just released. We can talk about:

  • The VFX :)
  • The math :(
  • Working with remote guests
  • Sound design/music
  • Various other production decisions/challenges

And I'll try to answer any questions you may have.

To take part, just click the video link above tomorrow at 3pm (US east coast time) and enjoy.

Hope to see you there!



Edit Bay Delirium - Session 3: A New Hope

Shot-by-shot breakdown & discussion of the Gyro Drop episode.


Alfie Wild

8pm for UK folks


The kid not looking to the camera look natural to me. A non native speaker who is really concentrating on listening what is said.