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Patreon Update 07/15 - Quick D and TAM

Uploaded by CaptainDisillusion on 2015-07-10.



OHHHH you might've could've seen my comment and actually made a video about it :D :D Captain D, you are truly my hero :) In fact, just to flatter you and maybe a morale boost, I'll let you in on a little secret :p I'm also a filmmaker like you, though, my work is not as popular as you... yet. In any case people sometimes ask me who my heroes are and you are in more than one way applicable. I seriously love it when you take a video and go the extra mile not only to explain or debunk it, but also most of the time to recreate the effect in (most of the time) a more convincing manner. Seriously dude, for as long as you find this thing fun and cool we'll try and support you :D Well this turned out a little more "serious" than I might've intended, just a morale boost or a comment that makes all the rotoscoping and compositing just a little better :)


I think both short-form and long-form are good. Science and imagination are siblings!

Timmo Warner

I never saw that clip of the Skeptic's Guide people beating you up! Is it on YouTube anywhere?


i'd love to go TAM. next year * sigh*


That's from footage I filmed at last year's TAM, but never ended up using. I might have a way of incorporating it into this year's... MAYBE.


See you next week at TAM! Should be a blast.


Ahhh good ol' TAM. I won't be able to be there during the days but if yer keen on hanging out with some local weirdos let me know. We'll buy you food and chit chat about random things.


Have fun on your trip!


I think both formats would be great for the channel. Also, SGU + CD = <3


Did Steve "El Chapo" Novella and his thugs beat you up?? Also, please talk me into making last minute plans to attend TAM. I haven't gone before.