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So I ended up get all artsy with this one. It's an exposé of last month's Charlie Charlie Challenge craze in the form of... a nursery rhyme. Hope you enjoy!

(And if anyone can come up with a cooler, funnier and more enticing video title, I'm open to suggestions.)


Charlie Charlie Story Time

Captain Disillusion conducts a post mortem on the Charlie Charlie Challenge phenomenon... in rhyme scheme.



That looked like a LOT of work.. well done, though.

Timmo Warner

Very entertaining! And I would suggest "Sorry, Charlie" as a title, which may be dating myself. =o/


I spy with my big blue eyes something fun and likely to stir up a stink. Terrific job as always Alan! This is why I'm your Patron, it feels great every time I see your work. I only wish I could finance you more. Love this line "But when a trend captures, the eyes of youth culture, its quickly pursued by a gaggle of vultures, old journalists, and bloggers clinging to youth, all reported on this as if it were news."

Ben C

Beautiful and way over the top, I love it! Maybe call it "Charlie Bit My News"?


well done, somehow I missed all the fuzz about Charlie Charlie.. Hopefully there'll be something I recognize next time keke.. Gj anyway, great video!


Thanks for the suggestion! I ultimately went with "Charlie Charlie Poerty Challenge". Can't overthink these things :P


Thanks Capn'! This fad has had me very busy with all the out-of -body astral-projection to go bump a pencil every time some kid calls my name. Theres only so many of us to go around.

Bill Kerr

Ha! Rhyme until it hurts!